Recent content by Er.Rahul Dave

  1. Er.Rahul Dave

    Excavation in different Type of soil

    With the help of latest "good for construction" drawings, demarcation of the excavation area to be done. Soil investigation report to be studies and available on site. TBM to be established at permanent structure or wall or Pillar to be made at the location ,were it can’t be damaged by any...
  2. Er.Rahul Dave

    Which Project had best Quality Construction, do vote on it.

    Hi Er's, We cant avoid giving NCR's. NCR will be at all the site's having utmost care and stringent for the quality of raw material to final delivery (Handing over). The site where 1000 NCR are given,probably there is need to teach the site team,the real meaning of NCR. So,in order to have...