Recent content by rajkaran

  1. rajkaran

    WhatsApp Group for Civil Engineering Professionals working in Quality Department

    Plz add me my contact no XXXXXXXXXX i have 4 years site engineer experience in High rise building
  2. rajkaran

    WhatsApp Group for Civil Engineering Professionals working in Quality Department

    hi I am RAJKARAN please add my WhatsApp number XXXXXXXXXX
  3. rajkaran

    Is a ledge wall necessary for a wall hung WC?

    No, ledge wall is not necessary for wall hung WC. if in toilet back side column is exist then drain pipe & flush pipe line cancel then put up the ledge wall
  4. rajkaran

    Columns size 14''x9'' So how mony required steel

    Any building design top to bottom and column design depend upon on load like column beam slab ( DD LL WN ) and also depends on types of building like residential, commercial and conditions (gm,garden etc.) And location So don't suggest wrong if u clear then u suggest because half knowledge is...