What Is Cover in Concrete?

The space amid the surface of fixed reinforcement and the outside of concrete of an RCC member is the concrete cover.

Mostly, it describes as “ clear cover” or “minimum concrete cover” in general speaking on construction sit
How to Define Cover
In simple words, Cover is defined as the small space remain between the outside of the concrete surface to the reinforcement inserted inside of that concrete structure.

Mostly, the thickness of the reinforcement cover is indicated in the structural drawing, or it shall be obtained from a relevant code of practice of minimum concrete cover for reinforcement.

Here all pieces of information about the specifications for reinforcement cover for different structural members in different conditions.
In RCC structures, the reinforcement is enclosed by the adequate concrete cover to protect the bars from atmospheric conditions, making reinforcement corrode. Different ways are available to measure concrete cover, and other terminologies like Clear cover, Nominal Cover, and the effective cover is used to define this.
concrete caisson foundation
Concrete caisson foundations, also known as concrete pier foundations, are prefabricated hollow substructures designed to be constructed on or near the surface of the ground, sunk to the desired depth and then filled with concrete, thus ultimately becoming an integral part of the permanent structure.
Concrete cover, in reinforced concrete, is the least distance between the surface of embedded reinforcement and the outer surface of the concrete. The concrete cover depth can be measured with a cover meter.

Concrete Cover ( Cover or Clear cover or Nominal cover) for reinforcement is must be required to Protect the Reinforcement rebar bar against corrosion and also to protect against fire

The thickness of the concrete cover is indicated in the structural drawing, or it shall be obtained from a relevant code of practice of minimum concrete cover for reinforcement.
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In RCC structures, the reinforcement is enclosed by the adequate concrete cover to protect the bars from atmospheric conditions, making reinforcement corrode. Different ways are available to measure concrete cover, and other terminologies like Clear cover, Nominal Cover, and the effective cover is used to define this.