civil engineer

  1. shubhamce2014

    Brick Work in Civil Construction

    The walls of a building are generally constructed by bricks and the method of joining bricks in different fashions is called brick work. Please find attached document regarding above subject. Hope you will like it. TheErShubham
  2. rameshchandrapatel

    E-Book Publications by Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune

    Dear fellow civil engineers, I am attaching E-Book Publications by Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune for your reference. The language used in the book is lucid and simple. Thank You.
  3. Pankaj Sharma

    Basic Requirement of A Successful Civil Engineer

    CIVIL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS: Civil engineers design major construction projects, such as Buildings, roads, airports, tunnels, dams and bridges. They also supervise project construction and maintenance. They must possess a very broad skill set, from cost accounting to geology. Many civil...