Site Engineer should check this in Reinforcement Steel work (In English and Hindi)

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Site Engineer should check this in Reinforcement Steel work
Engineers who are working at construction project and actually look after the construction activities going at project, should check the following points during Reinforcement steel works.

Before starting reinforcement work formwork should be cleaned and oiled. Once reinforcement work started do not allow anyone to carry shuttering oil in that area.

Reinforcement steel should be free from oil, mud etc.

Before fixing the reinforcement, it should be checked for required lap length.

Lapping of column should not be allowed in beam column junctions.

Sharp joggle should not be done, in unavoidable condition it can be joggle by 1” in 2’.

Cover block should be checked for its correct size before fixing.

Lapping of the bars should be done in staggered way, not more than 50% bars should be lap at same level.

Reduction of column reinforcement and size should be done in beam area as per structural details.

In beam column junctions, after fixing of beam reinforcement, column stirrups should be fixed as per spacing in place.

Ring hooks should be bent at 135o.

Binding wire ends should be bent inside column.

In case of external face beams, the reinforcement on the external face should pass from the inside of the column reinforcement.

Steel chairs, used in slab reinforcement, should be tied such that each leg is resting on 2 bars of the slab reinforcement, so that they don’t topple over, while concreting.

If oiled spilled over reinforcement bar, it should be clean with detergent before concreting.

Reinforcement should not be left below the casted floor it should be immediately shifted to the working floor.

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
स्टील बार बांधने के पूर्व शटरिंग पूरी तरह साफ करके उसपे ऑइल लगा हुआ होना चाहिए, स्टील बार बांधने के बाद शटर पे ऑइल मत लगाने दे।

स्टील बार के ऊपर किसी भी प्रकार की ऑइल या मिट्टी नहीं लगी होनी चाइए।

स्टील बार लगानेसे पहेले उसकी लॅप लेंग्थ सही है या नहीं ये जांच करले।

स्टील बार का लॅप कभीभी कॉलम और बीम के जंक्शन मे नहीं करना चाहिए।

जगह पे बार को जोगल मत करे, अगर करना ही पड़े तो उसे २ फूट मे एक इंच से ज्यादा न करे।

कवर ब्लॉक लगानेसे पहिले उसका साइज जांच ले।

पचास प्रतिशतसे ज्यादा बार एक लेवल पे लॅप मत कीजिये।

कॉलम के बार अगर कम हो रहे है या कॉलमकी लंबाई कम हो रही हो तो उसे कॉलम और बीम के जंक्शन मे करना चाहिए।

बिम और कॉलम के जंक्शन की जगह बीम बांधने के बाद, कॉलम की रिंग जंक्शनमे बांधले।

रिंग लगानेके बाद उसके हूक को १३५o डिग्रीमे मोड़े।

बांधि हुई बायण्डींग वायर के छेडे अंदर की तरफ मोड़े।

जब बिल्डिंगके बाहर के बाजूके बिम बांधेंगे तब बिमका बाहरवाला बार कॉलमके बाहरवाले बारके अंदर से बांधे।

स्लैब मे घोड़ी (चेयर) बांधते वक़्त, उसका हर पैर स्लैब के २ बॉटम बार के ऊपर बांधे।

अगर स्टील बार के ऊपर ऑइल लगा हो तो उसे निरमा पाउडर लगा के साफ कीजिये।

स्लैब कास्ट होने के बाद उसके नीचे पड़ा हुआ पूरा स्टील स्लैब के ऊपर ले जाइये, कोईभी नया स्टील नीचे पड़ा हुआ स्टील को ऊपर लिए बिना मत काटिए।

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Column beam junction is place where maximum forces act and its more prone to cracking and hence its a main part of structure where mistake can ruin the structure.

Adding a lapping to column in that junction is simply asking for trouble. It weakens the joint.
Site Engineer should check this in Reinforcement Steel work
Engineers who are working at construction project and actually look after the construction activities going at project, should check the following points during Reinforcement steel works.

Before starting reinforcement work formwork should be cleaned and oiled. Once reinforcement work started do not allow anyone to carry shuttering oil in that area.

Reinforcement steel should be free from oil, mud etc.

Before fixing the reinforcement, it should be checked for required lap length.

Lapping of column should not be allowed in beam column junctions.

Sharp joggle should not be done, in unavoidable condition it can be joggle by 1” in 2’.

Cover block should be checked for its correct size before fixing.

Lapping of the bars should be done in staggered way, not more than 50% bars should be lap at same level.

Reduction of column reinforcement and size should be done in beam area as per structural details.

In beam column junctions, after fixing of beam reinforcement, column stirrups should be fixed as per spacing in place.

Ring hooks should be bent at 135o.

Binding wire ends should be bent inside column.

In case of external face beams, the reinforcement on the external face should pass from the inside of the column reinforcement.

Steel chairs, used in slab reinforcement, should be tied such that each leg is resting on 2 bars of the slab reinforcement, so that they don’t topple over, while concreting.

If oiled spilled over reinforcement bar, it should be clean with detergent before concreting.

Reinforcement should not be left below the casted floor it should be immediately shifted to the working floor.
how many number tests for sample taken per ton for each size after contractor supply the materials as American code pls.

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member