What is AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete)?

Full Form of AAC is Autoclaved Aerated Concrete as per data Obtained from Online. In India production of AAC block started in 1972. AAC Blocks is a unique and excellent type of building materials due to its superb heat, fire and sound resistance General People Understand about AAC From 2013 before that AAC was invented in the mid-1920s by the Swedish architect and inventor Johan Axel Eriksson. After Long Period AAC Takes Pickup, Now AAC is Very Popular Construction Product in India. Also AAC is one of the major achievements of the 20th century in the field of construction. It is a lightweight, precast building material that simultaneously provides structure, insulation, and fire and mold resistance. AAC block is lightweight and offers ultimate workability, flexibility and durability. In Last Few Year’s Brickvision Equipment Achieve Goal for Successfully Setup AAC Plant in Over All India, i.e. AAC Block Plant in Delhi, AAC Block Plant Manufacturer in Hyderabad.


Main Raw Materials include Flyash, water, quicklime Powder, OPC cement, aluminum powder or Aluminum Past and gypsum also Manny types of Aggregate and Bounding Additive we can use in AAC. The block hardness is being achieved by cement strength as well as Curing Systems and instant curing mechanism by autoclaving. Gypsum acts as a long term strength gainer. The chemical reaction due to the aluminum paste provides AAC its distinct porous structure, lightness, and insulation properties, completely different compared to other lightweight concrete materials. The finished product is a 4 times lighter Block compared to Other Concrete Bricks, while providing the similar strengths.

The Density stays around 600 kg/m3 to 700 kg/m3, because using these blocks in structural buildings, the builder saves around 30 to 35 % of structural steel, and concrete, as these blocks reduce the dead load on the building significantly.

AAC is a long proven material. AAC block is used in a wide range of commercial, industrial and residential application and has been in use in EUROPE over 90 years, playing significant role in UK, Middle East, America and Australia construction industry now a days in Maharashtra, Telangana, Andra Pradesh, Gujarat, and MP Is Using Large Amount Of AAC Blocks in There Construction. This unit is proposed to manufacture AAC Blocks by consuming the Fly-Ash or Any Silica Present Aggregate as one of the prime raw material. Fly-Ash, a major raw material with 70% proportion in AAC Blocks, an indispensable by-product of Thermal Power Plants, is an environmental threat across the globe. Power plants are facing an ever increasing challenge of disposal of this polluting agent.
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