Concrete Mix Design for M50 grade

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Concrete mix Design for M50 Grade concrete with fly ash is as follows;

OPC Cement 53 Grade – 450 Kg

Fly ash – 110 Kg

Water Cement ratio (w/c) – 0.26

Free Water – 145 liters

20mm Metal / Aggregates – 452 Kg

10mm Metal / Aggregates – 412 Kg

Crush Sand – 1006 Kg

Admixture Dosage – 0.9 %

Admixture – 5.04 Kg

Density of Concrete – 2580 Kg/cum

The complete mix design file is attached herewith.

You can modify the mix design by changing the specific gravities of materials which will make it relevant as per the material available at your place.
Changing the specific gravity will change the weight of material in mix design which is automatically calculated.
Do not use this mixes directly without doing prior trials of it, the data provided is for educational and better understanding of mixes.
After doing trial, if any issue observed, you can do adjustment by adjusting the % of each size of aggregate to achieve the required properties of fresh concrete.
Do ensure total of all aggregate percentage in mix should some to 100%

In general, for direct placement concrete
Ration of fine aggregates to coarse aggregates kept between 35:75 to 40:60
In case of pump concrete the fine content is kept above 45%
You can adjust the percentages of fines and coarse by looking at the concrete produced during trial.

Admixtures plays an important role in properties of fresh concrete specially in workability and retention.
Do select admixture correctly to ensure no failure during actual use of concrete.

All can reply to this thread with there mix design of same grade, this will help other to understand designing in more better way and can do a cost optimization.


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Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Concrete mix Design for M50 Grade concrete with PPC Cement is as follows;

PPC Cement 53 Grade – 540 Kg

Water Cement ratio (w/c) – 0.30

Free Water – 162 liters

20mm Metal / Aggregates – 494 Kg

10mm Metal / Aggregates – 434 Kg

Crush Sand – 929 Kg

Admixture Dosage – 1.2 %

Admixture – 6.48 Kg

Density of Concrete – 2565 Kg/cum

The complete mix design file is attached herewith.


  • M50 PPC.xlsx
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Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Sir, how many number of cubes will casted for trial mix..
It depends on the strength requirement for the concrete, if you are checking for early strength like say 24 hours, 48 hours or 3 days etc. for later strength like 14 days or 21 days etc.

The minimum cube to be casted is up to you and depending on the requirement. Unless it is design for the late strength gain like 42 days, 56 days, 90 days etc. 28 days strength is ultimate for all mix designs.

To make some relation between strength gain and to analyze it, 7 Days testing is done and also 3 days test has relation with 28 days.

To access the relation between various ages and the strength parameter you required at site at certain ages - this will make impact on number of cubes to be casted during trial.

When doing trials, we should cast minimum 9 cubes to check its 3 days, 7 days and 28 days relation. casting more cubes will be always beneficial to make relationship study of strength gain in particular grade of concrete which was design using available materials at your location.
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Sir, but in IS : 456 mentioned that 30 specimen should be taken for trial mix
(Number of test results of sample,s'-The total
number of test strength of samples required to
constitute an acceptable record far calculation
of standard deviation shall be not less than 30.
Attempts should be made to obtain the 30
, samples, asearlyas possible, whena mixis used
for the first time.)

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Sir, but in IS : 456 mentioned that 30 specimen should be taken for trial mix
(Number of test results of sample,s'-The total
number of test strength of samples required to
constitute an acceptable record far calculation
of standard deviation shall be not less than 30.
Attempts should be made to obtain the 30
, samples, asearlyas possible, whena mixis used
for the first time.)
This for calculation of standard deviation and not for doing a trial.

In order to calculate the degree of quality control on concrete produce (Standard deviation) you need to have at least 30 results with you of same concrete.

In absence of previous data for mix design of concrete (degree of quality control) to set the upper and lower control limits for production of concrete standard deviation is assumed along with assumptions of probability of acceptable failure limits which normally 1.65 denotes 1 set failure acceptable in 20 or 5% chance of failure.

Once the mix design is done and took sufficient number of trials to get confidence in mix ( Say 7 Trials) the mix is then finalized to be used for production.
Once the production starts we should gather the results of 30 samples (28 days test results) and we should calculate for standard deviation to ensure the quality control on production is good and assume value are safe.

If the degree of quality control (standard deviation) shows very bad control - either control need to improve or mix design need to revise to ensure its failure probability is not more than 5%.
Very bad mix design becz crushed dust fine partials ie. 75mic wet passing is more than 15% , than how to control heat of hydration and shrinkage crack.
Plz re chack..

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Very bad mix design becz crushed dust fine partials ie. 75mic wet passing is more than 15% , than how to control heat of hydration and shrinkage crack.
Plz re chack..
Would like to know, where you find 75 micron passing percentage.

Also wish you should learn mix designing, read IS 383, 456, 10262 etc. to understand it.

And most important, stop watching Youtube (its only suggestion).
I am not watch youtube, I think you not read is code 383 & 2386 part 1 . You see 383 table no-2 and, and also you do test 2368 part 1 page no-8 before comments.

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
This is just for your information @Jana1984
Table 2.png

I asked you about your reply stating very bad mix design having 75 Micron passing above 15% - where did you found this in attached mix design copies.

Did you have any idea about particles finer than 75 micron - its effect on properties of concrete. do you ever heard about term mechanical packing or high dense concrete formulation.

If you have any query about any subject, you should create new thread for discussion on it.

here, you are making obligation on data which is shared by me, your obligations are also base less, still i asked you about it that, where you did found that in this article.

When we does not know something and following some guidelines, it does not mean other did not gone beyond it by doing experiments. when we follow some guidelines, we should also understand what is written in it and what does that mean - hope this table had now clarified your doubt.

My question to you is till unanswered - so could you please help me in understanding what wrong thing you have seen which made you to think of its a bad design.

I am not a youtuber not a blogger who does blogging for fun. this is a serious platform for discussion on subject, so unless you know something about what you are claiming, you should ask for clarification instead of blaming.

Hope you understood the table now.

Whatever written above is not to threat you or to make you down, so keep calm and answer my question.

Thank you.
This is just for your information @Jana1984
View attachment 3342

I asked you about your reply stating very bad mix design having 75 Micron passing above 15% - where did you found this in attached mix design copies.

Did you have any idea about particles finer than 75 micron - its effect on properties of concrete. do you ever heard about term mechanical packing or high dense concrete formulation.

If you have any query about any subject, you should create new thread for discussion on it.

here, you are making obligation on data which is shared by me, your obligations are also base less, still i asked you about it that, where you did found that in this article.

When we does not know something and following some guidelines, it does not mean other did not gone beyond it by doing experiments. when we follow some guidelines, we should also understand what is written in it and what does that mean - hope this table had now clarified your doubt.

My question to you is till unanswered - so could you please help me in understanding what wrong thing you have seen which made you to think of its a bad design.

I am not a youtuber not a blogger who does blogging for fun. this is a serious platform for discussion on subject, so unless you know something about what you are claiming, you should ask for clarification instead of blaming.

Hope you understood the table now.

Whatever written above is not to threat you or to make you down, so keep calm and answer my question.

Thank you.
I am done mix design with crushed dust but crushed dust fail in 75micron passing.
You implement your design but you can not control shrinkage crack.

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Suggest you to create separate thread by clicking on new thread. Then do post your mix, gradation report and combine gradation report along with trial results.

Will try to suggest on it.

Will also write article on particles finer than 75 micron and its effect though i am not expertise in it but did some research in past.
Concrete mix Design for M50 Grade concrete with PPC Cement is as follows;

PPC Cement 53 Grade – 540 Kg

Water Cement ratio (w/c) – 0.30

Free Water – 162 liters

20mm Metal / Aggregates – 494 Kg

10mm Metal / Aggregates – 434 Kg

Crush Sand – 929 Kg

Admixture Dosage – 1.2 %

Admixture – 6.48 Kg

Density of Concrete – 2565 Kg/cum

The complete mix design file is attached herewith.
How PPC cement has Grade?