Detailed List of Civil Engineering IS Codes
1 IS 269:2013 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 33 grade (fifth revision)
2 IS 383:1970 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second revision)
3 IS 455:1989 Specification for Portland slag cement (fourth revision)
4 IS 456:2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision)
5 IS 457:1957 Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for dams and other massive structures
6 IS 516:1959 Method of test for strength of concrete
7 IS 650:1991 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement (second revision)
8 IS 1199:1959 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
9 IS 1343:2012 Code of practice for prestressed concrete (second revision)
10 IS 1344:1981 Specification for calcined clay pozzolana (second revision)
11 IS 1489(Part 1):1991 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Flyash based (third revision)
12 IS 1489(Part 2):1991 Specification for Portland-pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based (third revision)
13 IS 1727:1967 Methods of test for pozzolanic materials (first revision)
14 IS 2386(Part 1):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 1 Particle size and shape
15 IS 2386(Part 2):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 2 Estimation of deleterious materials and organic
16 IS 2386(Part 3):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 3 Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking
17 IS 2386(Part 4):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 4 Mechanical properties
18 IS 2386(Part 5):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 5 Soundness
19 IS 2386(Part 6):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 6 Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates
20 IS 2386(Part 7):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 7 Alkali aggregate reactivity
21 IS 2386(Part 8):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 8 Petrographic examination
22 IS 2430:1986 Methods for sampling of aggregates for concrete (first revision)
23 IS 2502:1963 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement
24 IS 2645:2003 Specification for integral waterproofing compounds for cement mortar and concrete - (second revision)
25 IS 2770(Part 1):1967 Methods of testing bond in reinforced concrete: Part 1 Pull-out test
26 IS 3085:1965 Method of test for permeability of cement mortar and concrete
27 IS 3370(Part 1):2009 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids: Part 1 General requirements (first revision)
28 IS 3370(Part 2):2009 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids: Part 2 Reinforced concrete structures (first revision)
29 IS 3370(Part 3):1967 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 3 Prestressed concrete structures
30 IS 3370(Part 4):1967 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 4 Design tables
31 IS 3466:1988 Specification for masonry cement (second revision)
32 IS 3535:1986 Methods of sampling hydraulic cement (first revision)
33 IS 3558:1983 Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete (first revision)
34 IS 3812(Part 1):2013 Specification for pulverized fuel ash: Part 1 For use as pozzolana in cement, cement mortar and concrete (third revision)
35 IS 3812(Part 2):2013 Specification for pulverized fuel ash: Part 2 For use as admixture in cement mortar and concrete (third revision)
36 IS 4031(Part 1):1996 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 1 Determination of fineness by dry sieving (second revision)
37 IS 4031(Part 2):1999 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 2 Determination of fineness by specific surface by Blaine air permeability method (second revision)
38 IS 4031(Part 3):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 3 Determination of soundness (first revision)
39 IS 4031(Part 4):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 4 Determination of consistency of standard cement paste (first revision)
40 IS 4031(Part 5):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 5 Determination of initial and final setting times (first revision)
41 IS 4031(Part 6):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 6 Determination of compressive strength of hydraulic cement (other than masonry cement) (first revision)
42 IS 4031(Part 7):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 7 Determination of compressive strength of masonry cement (first revision)
43 IS 4031(Part 8):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 8 Determination of transverse and compressive strength of plastic mortar using prism (first revision)
44 IS 4031(Part 9):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 9 Determination of heat of hydration (first revision)
45 IS 4031(Part 10):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 10 Determination of drying shrinkage (first revision)
46 IS 4031(Part 11):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 11 Determination of density (first revision)
47 IS 4031(Part 12):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 12 Determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar (first revision)
48 IS 4031(Part 13):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 13 Measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement (first revision)
49 IS 4031(Part 14):1989 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 14 Determination of false set
50 IS 4031(Part 15):1991 Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement: Part 15 Determination of fineness by wet sieving
51 IS 4032:1985 Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement (first revision)
52 IS 4305:1967 Glossary of terms relating to pozzolana
53 IS 4634:1991 Methods for testing performance of batch-type concrete mixers (first revision)
54 IS 4845:1968 Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic cement
55 IS 4926:2003 Code of practice for ready mixed concrete (second revision)
56 IS 5512:1983 Specification for flow table for use in tests of hydraulic cements and pozzolanic materials (first revision)
57 IS 5513:1996 Specification for vicat apparatus (second revision)
58 IS 5514:1996 Specification for apparatus used in Le-Chatelier Test (first revision)
59 IS 5515:1983 Specification for compaction factor apparatus (first revision)
60 IS 5516:1996 Specification for variable flow type air-permeability apparatus (Blaine type) (first revision)
61 IS 5525:1969 Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works
62 IS 5536:1969 Specification for constant flow type air-permeability apparatus (Lea and Nurse type)
63 IS 5816:1999 Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete (first revision)
64 IS 6452:1989 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use (first revision)
65 IS 6461(Part 1):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 1 Concrete aggregates
66 IS 6461(Part 2):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 2 Materials (other than cement and aggregate)
67 IS 6461(Part 3):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 3 Concrete reinforcement
68 IS 6461(Part 4):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 4 Types of concrete
69 IS 6461(Part 5):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 5 Formwork for concrete
70 IS 6461(Part 6):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 6 Equipment, tools and plant
71 IS 6461(Part 7):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 7 Mixing, laying, compaction, curing and other construction aspects
72 IS 6461(Part 8):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 8 Properties of concrete
73 IS 6461(Part 9):1972 Glossary of terms relating of cement concrete: Part 9 Structural aspects
74 IS 6461(Part 10):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 10 Tests and testing apparatus
75 IS 6461(Part 11):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 11 Prestressed concrete
76 IS 6461(Part 12):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 12 Miscellaneous
77 IS 6491:1972 Method of sampling fly ash
78 IS 6909:1990 Specification for supersulphated cement
79 IS 6925:1973 Methods of test for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admixtures
80 IS 7246:1974 Recommendations for use of table vibrators for consolidating concrete
81 IS 7320:1974 Specification for concrete slump test apparatus
82 IS 7325:1974 Specification for apparatus for determining constituents of fresh concrete
83 IS 7861(Part 1):1975 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 1 Recommended practice for hot weather concreting
84 IS 7861(Part 2):1981 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 2 Recommended practice for cold weather concreting
85 IS 8041:1990 Specification for rapid hardening Portland cement (second revision)
86 IS 8042:1989 Specification for white Portland cement (second revision)
87 IS 8043:1991 Specification for hydrophobic Portland cement (second revision)
88 IS 8112:2013 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 43 grade (second revision) 1
89 IS 8125:1976 Dimensions and materials of cement rotary kilns, components and auxiliaries (dry process with suspension preheater)
90 IS 8142:1976 Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance
91 IS 8229:1986 Specification for oil-well cement (first revision)
92 IS 8425:1977 Code of practice for determination of specific surface area of powders by air permeability methods
93 IS 9012:1978 Recommended practice for shotcreting
94 IS 9013:1978 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens
95 IS 9103:1999 Specification for admixtures for concrete (first revision)
96 IS 9142:1979 Specification for artificial light weight aggregates for concrete masonry units
97 IS 9284:1979 Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
98 IS 9376:1979 Specification for apparatus for measuring aggregate crushing value and ten percent fines value
99 IS 9377:1979 Specification for apparatus for aggregate impact value
100 IS 9399:1979 Specification for apparatus for flexural testing of concrete
101 IS 9459:1980 Specification for apparatus for use in measurement of length change of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete
102 IS 9799:1981 Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete
103 IS 10070:1982 Specification for machine for abrasion testing of coarse aggregates
104 IS 10078:1982 Specification for jolting apparatus for testing cement
105 IS 10079:1982 Specification for cylindrical metal measures for use in tests of aggregates and concrete
106 IS 10080:1982 Specification for vibration machine for casting standard cement mortar cubes
107 IS 10086:1982 Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete
108 IS 10262:2009 Guidelines for concrete mix proportioning (first revision)
109 IS 10510:1983 Specification for vee-bee consistometer
110 IS 10850:1984 Specification for apparatus for measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement
111 IS 10890:1984 Specification for planetary mixer used in tests of cement and pozzolana
112 IS 11262:1985 Specification for calorimeter for determination of heat of hydration of hydraulic cement
113 IS 11263:1985 Specification for cylinder measures for determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar
114 IS 11578:1986 Method for determination of specific surface area of powder and porous particle using low temperature gas absorption
115 IS 11993:1987 Code of practice for use of screed board concrete vibrators
116 IS 12089:1987 Specification for granulated slag for manufacture of Portland slag cement
117 IS 12119:1987 General requirements for pan mixers for concrete
118 IS 12269:2013 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 53 grade (first revision) 1
119 IS 12303:1987 Criteria for design of RCC hinges
120 IS 12330:1988 Specification for sulphate resisting Portland cement
121 IS 12423:1988 Method for colorimetric analysis of hydraulic cement
122 IS 12600:1989 Specification for low heat Portland cement
123 IS 12803:1989 Methods of analysis of hydraulic cement by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
124 IS 12813:1989 Method of analysis of hydraulic cement by atomic absorption spectrophotometer
125 IS 12870:1989 Methods of sampling calcined clay pozzolana
126 IS 13311(Part 1):1992 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 1 Ultrasonic pulse velocity
127 IS 13311(Part 2):1992 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 2 Rebound hammer
128 IS 14345:1996 Specification for autoclave apparatus
129 IS 14687:1999 Guidelines for falsework for concrete structures
130 IS 14858:2000 Requirements for compression testing machine used for testing of concrete and mortar
131 IS 14959(Part 1):2001 Method of test for determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete: Part 1 Fresh mortar
132 IS 14959(Part 2):2001 Method of test for determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete: Part 2 Hardened mortar and concrete
133 IS 15388:2003 Specification for silica fume
134 SP 23(S&T): 1982 Handbook on concrete mixes (Based on Indian Standards)
135 SP 34(S&T): 1987 Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing
1 IS 651:2007 Glazed stoneware pipe and fittings - Specification(sixth revision)
2 IS 771(Part 1):1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 1 General requirements (second revision)
3 IS 771(Part 2):1985 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 2 Specific requirements of kitchen and laboratory sinks (third revision)
4 IS 771(Part 3/Sec Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances : Part 3 1):1979 Specific requirements of urinals, Section 1 Slab urinals (second revision)
5 IS 771(Part 3/Sec Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 3 2):1985 Specific requirements of urinals: Section 2 Stall urinals (third revision)
6 IS 771(Part 4):1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 4 Specific requirements of postmortem slabs (second revision)
7 IS 771(Part 5):1979 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances: Part 5 Specific requirements of shower trays (second revision)
8 IS 771(Part 6):1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 6 Specific requirements of bed-pan sinks (second revision)
9 IS 771(Part 7):1981 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 7 Specific requirements of slop sinks (second revision)
10 IS 772:1973 Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances (second revision)
11 IS 774:2004 Specification for flushing cistern for water closets and urinals (other than plastic cistern) (fifth revision)
12 IS 778:1984 Specification for copper alloy gate, globe and check valves for water works purposes (fourth revision)
13 IS 779:1994 Specification for water meters (domestic type) (sixth revision)
14 IS 781:1984 Specification for cast copper alloy screw down bib taps and stop valves for water services (third revision)
15 IS 782:1978 Specification for caulking lead (third revision)
16 IS 1701:1960 Specification for mixing valves for ablutionary and domestic purposes
17 IS 1703:2000 Water fittings - copper alloy float valves (horizontal plunger type) - Specification (fourth revision)
18 IS 1711:1984 Specification for self-closing taps for water supply purposes (second revision)
19 IS 1726:1991 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames (third revision)
20 IS 1795:1982 Specification for pillar taps for water supply purposes (second revision)
21 IS 2326:1987 Specification for automatic flushing cisterns for urinals (other Oct 2013 than plastic cisterns) (second revision)
22 IS 2373:1981 Specification for water meters (bulk type) (third revision)
23 IS 2548(Part 1):1996 Specification for plastic seats and covers for water-closets: Part 1 Thermoset seats and covers (fifth revision)
24 IS 2548(Part 2):1996 Specification for plastic seats and covers for water-closets: Part 2 Thermo plastic seats and covers (fifth revision)
25 IS 2556(Part 1):1994 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 1 General requirements (third revision)
26 IS 2556(Part 2):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 2 Specific requirements of wash-down water-closets (fifth revision)
27 IS 2556(Part 3):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 3 Specific requirements of squatting pans (fifth revision)
28 IS 2556(Part 4):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 4 Specific requirements of wash basins (fourth revision)
29 IS 2556(Part 5):1994 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 5 Specific requirements of laboratory sinks (third revision)
30 IS 2556(Part 6):1995 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 6 Specific requirements of urinals and partition plates (fourth revision)
31 IS 2556(Part 7):1995 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 7 Specific requirements of accessories for sanitary appliances (third revision)
32 IS 2556(Part 8):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 8 Specific requirements of pedestal close coupled wash-down and syphonic water closets (fifth rivision)
33 IS 2556(Part 9):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 9 Specific requirements of pedestal type bidets (fifth revision)
34 IS 2556(Part 14):1995 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 14 Specific requirements of integrated squatting pans (first revision)
35 IS 2556(Part 15):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 15 Specific requirements of universal water closets (second revision)
36 IS 2556(Part 16):2002 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 16 Specific requirements for wash down wall mounted
water closets
37 IS 2556(Part 17):2001 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 17 Specific requirements for wall mounted bidets
38 IS 2685:1971 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sluice valves (first revision)
39 IS 2692:1989 Specification for ferrules for water services (second Revision)
40 IS 2963:2013 Copper alloy waste fittings and waste plug for wash basin and sinks- Specification (second revision) (amalgamating IS 3311)
41 IS 3004:1979 Specification for plug cocks for water supply purposes (first revision)
42 IS 3006:1979 Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware pipes and fittings (first revision)
43 IS 3042:1965 Specification for single faced sluice gates (200 to 1200 mm)
44 IS 3950:1979 Specification for surface boxes for sluice valves (first revision)
45 IS 4038:1986 Specification for foot valves for water works purposes (second revision)
46 IS 4346:1982 Specification for washers for use with fittings for water services (first revision)
47 IS 5219:2013 Cast copper alloys traps - Specification (first revision)
48 IS 5312(Part 1):2004 Specification for swing check type reflux (non-return) valves: Part 1 Single door pattern (second revision)
49 IS 5312(Part 2):2013 Swing check type reflux (non-return) valves for water works purposes-Specification: Part 2 Multi door pattern (first revision)
50 IS 5455:1969 Specification for cast-iron steps for manholes
51 IS 5961:1970 Specification for cast iron gratings for drainage purposes
52 IS 6411:1985 Specification for gel-coated glass fibre reinforced polyester resin bath tubs (first revision)
53 IS 6784:1996 Method for performance testing of water meters (domestic type) (second revision)
54 IS 7231:1994 Specification for plastic flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals (second revision)
55 IS 8931:1993 Specification for copper alloy fancy single taps, combination tap assembly and stop valves for water services (first revision)
56 IS 9140:1996 Method of sampling of vitreous and fire clay sanitary appliances (second revision)
57 IS 9338:2013 Cast iron/S.G. Iron/Cast Steel screw-down stop valves for water works purposes - Specification (second revision)
58 IS 9739:1981 Specification for pressure reducing valves for domestic water supply systems
59 IS 9758:1981 Specification for flush valves and fittings for water closets and urinals Oct 2012 2
60 IS 9762:1994 Specification for polyethylene floats (spherical) for float valves (first revision)
61 IS 9763:2000 Plastic bib taps, pillar taps, angle valves and stop valves for hot and cold water services - Specification (second revision)
62 IS 11246:1992 Specification for glass fibre reinforced polyester resins (GRP) squatting pans (first revision)
63 IS 12234:1988 Specification for plastic equilibrium float valve for cold water services Oct 2013
64 IS 12701:1996 Specification for rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (first revision)
65 IS 13049:1991 Specification for diaphragm type (plastic body) float operated valves for cold water services
66 IS 13114:1991 Specification for forged brass gate, globe and check valves for water works purposes
67 IS 13349:1992 Specification for single faced cast iron thimble mounted sluice gates Oct 2012 1
68 IS 13983:1994 Specification for stainless steel sinks for domestic purposes
69 IS 14399(Part 1):1996 Hot press moulded thermosetting glass fibre reinforced polyester resin (GRP) sectional water storage tanks: Part 1 Specification for panels
70 IS 14399(Part 2):1996 Hot press moulded thermosetting glass fibre reinforced (GRP) sectional water storage tanks: Part 2 Guidelines for assembly, installation and testing
71 IS 14845:2000 Resilient seated cast iron air relief valves for water works purposes - Specification
72 IS 14846:2000 Sluice valves for water works purposes (50-1200 mm) - Specification
1 IS 712:1984 Specification for building limes (third revision)
2 IS 1624:1986 Method of field testing of building lime (second revision)
3 IS 1635:1992 Code of practice for field slaking of building lime and preparation of putty (second revision)
4 IS 1849(Part 1/Sec Guide for design and installation of vertical mixed-feed lime):1990 kiln: Part 1 Limestone Section 1 Masonry type shaft (second revision)
5 IS 1849(Part 1/Sec Guide for design and installation of vertical mixed feed type 2):1991 lime kiln: Part 1 For limestone Section 2 RCC type shaft
6 IS 1861(Part 1):1990 Guide for manufacture of lime in vertical mixed-feed type kiln: Part 1 From lime-stone (second revision)
7 IS 2095(Part 1):2011 Specification for gypsum plaster boards: Part 1 Plain gypsum plaster boards (third revision)
8 IS 2095(Part 2):2001 Specification for gypsum plaster boards: Part 2 Coated/ laminated gypsum plaster boards (second revision)
9 IS 2095(Part 3):1996 Specification for gypsum plaster boards Part 3 Reinforced gypsum plaster boards (second revision)
10 IS 2469:1976 Glossary of terms relating to gypsum (first revision)
11 IS 2541:1991 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete (second revision)
12 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 1):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 1 Normal consistency of gypsum plaster (first revision)
13 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 2):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 2 Normal consistency of gypsum concrete (first revision)
14 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 3):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 3 Setting time of plaster and concrete (first revision)
15 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 4):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 4 Transverse strength of gypsum plaster (first revision)
16 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 5):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 5 Compressive strength and dry set density of gypsum plaster (first revision)
17 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 6):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 6 Soundness of gypsum plaster (first revision)
18 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 7):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 7 Mechanical resistance of gypsum plaster by dropping ball test (first revision)
19 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 8):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 8 Freedom from coarse particles (first revision)
20 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 9):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 9 Expansion of plaster (first revision)
21 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 10):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 10 Sand in set plaster (first revision)
22 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 11):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 11 Wood fibre content in wood fibre gypsum plaster (first revision)
23 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 12):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 12 Dry bulk density (first revision)
24 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 1 Measurement of dimensions (first revision)
25 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 2 Determination of mass (first revision)
26 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 3):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 3 Determination of mass and thickness of paper surfacing (first revision)
27 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 4):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 4 Transverse strength (first revision)
28 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 5):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 5 Compressive strength (first revision)
29 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 6):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 6 Water absorption (first revision)
30 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 7):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 7 Moisture content (first revision)
31 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 8):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 8 Nail retention of precast reinforced gypsum slabs (first revision)
32 IS 2547(Part 1):1976 Specification for gypsum building plaster: Part 1 Excluding premixed lightweight plaster (first revision)
33 IS 2547(Part 2):1976 Specification for gypsum building plaster: Part 2 Premixed lightweight plaster (first revision)
34 IS 2686:1977 Specification for cinder as fine aggregates for use in lime concrete (first revision)
35 IS 2849:1983 Specification for non-load bearing gypsum partition blocks (solid and hollow types) (first revision)
36 IS 3068:1986 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregates for use in lime concrete (second revision)
37 IS 3115:1992 Specification for lime based blocks (second revision)
38 IS 3182:1986 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) fine aggregates for use in lime mortar (second revision)
39 IS 4098:1983 Specification for lime-pozzolana mixture (first revision)
40 IS 4139:1989 Specification for calcium silicate bricks (second revision)
41 IS 5817:1992 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime-pozzolana mixture concrete in buildings and roads (first revision)
42 IS 6508:1988 Glossary of terms relating to building lime (first revision)
43 IS 6932(Part 1):1973 Method of test for building limes Part 1 Determination of insoluble residue, loss on ignition, insoluble matter, silicone dioxide, ferric and aluminium oxide, calcium oxide and magnesium
44 IS 6932(Part 2):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 2 Determination of carbon dioxide content
45 IS 6932(Part 3):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 3 Determination of residue on slaking of quicklime
46 IS 6932(Part 4):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 4 Determination of fineness of hydrated lime
47 IS 6932(Part 5):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 5 Determination of unhydrated oxide
48 IS 6932(Part 6):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 6 Determination of volume yield of quicklime
49 IS 6932(Part 7):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 7 Determination of compressive and transverse strength
50 IS 6932(Part 8):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 8 Determination of workability
51 IS 6932(Part 9):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 9 Determination of soundness
52 IS 6932(Part 10):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 10 Determination of popping and pitting of hydrated lime
53 IS 6932(Part 11):1984 Method of test for building limes: Part 11 Determination of setting time of hydrated lime
54 IS 8272:1984 Specification for gypsum plaster for use in the manufacture of fibrous plaster boards (first revision)
55 IS 9498:1980 Specification for inorganic aggregates for use in gypsum plaster
56 IS 10049:1981 Code of practice for manufacture of lime based blocks
57 IS 10359:1982 Code of practice for manufacture and use of lime-pozzolana concrete blocks for paving
58 IS 10360:1982 Specification for lime-pozzolana concrete blocks for paving
59 IS 10772:1983 Specification for quick setting lime pozzolana mixture
60 IS 12654:1989 Code of practice for use of low grade gypsum in building industry
61 IS 12679:1989 Specification for By-product gypsum for use in plaster, blocks and boards
62 IS 12894:2002 Specification for pulverized fuel ash lime bricks (first revision)
63 IS 13001:1991 Guidelines for manufacture of gypsum plaster in mechanized pan system
64 IS 14401:1996 Guidelines for handling and storage of building limes
65 IS 14860:2000 Guidelines on fuel saving in vertical mixed-feed lime shaft kilns
66 IS 15648:2006 Specification for pulverized fuel ash for lime pozzolana mixture applications
1 IS 653:1992 Specification for linoleum sheets and tiles (third revision)
2 IS 657:1982 Specification for materials for use in the manufacture of magnesium oxychloride flooring compositions (second revision)
3 IS 658:1982 Code of practice for magnesium oxychloride composition floors (second revision)
4 IS 809:1992 Specification for rubber flooring materials for general purposes (first revision)
5 IS 1195:2002 Bitumen-mastic for flooring - Specification (third revision)
6 IS 1196:1978 Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring (second revision)
7 IS 1197:1970 Code of practice for laying of rubber floors (first revision)
8 IS 1198:1982 Code of practice for laying, fixing and maintenance of linoleum floors (first revision)
9 IS 1237:2012 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles (second revision)
10 IS 1443:1972 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles (first revision)
11 IS 1542:1992 Specification for sand for plaster (second revision)
12 IS 1630:1984 Specification for mason's tools for plaster work and pointing work (first revision)
13 IS 1661:1972 Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster finishes (first revision)
14 IS 2114:1984 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish (first revision)
15 IS 2394:1984 Code of practice for application of lime plaster finish (first revision)
16 IS 2402:1963 Code of practice for external rendered finishes
17 IS 2571:1970 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring (first revision)
18 IS 3461:1980 Specification for PVC asbestos floor tiles (first revision)
19 IS 3462:1986 Specification for unbacked flexible PVC flooring (second revision)
20 IS 3464:1986 Methods of test for plastic flooring and wall tiles (second revision)
21 IS 4441:1980 Code of practice for use of silicate type chemical resistant mortars (first revision)
22 IS 4442:1980 Code of practice for use of sulphur type chemical resistant mortars (first revision)
23 IS 4443:1980 Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars (first revision)
24 IS 4456(Part 1I):1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part 1 Silicate type and resin type
25 IS 4456(Part 2):1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part 2 Sulphur type
26 IS 4457:2007 Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tile - Specification (second revision)
27 IS 4631:1986 Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings (first revision)
28 IS 4832(Part 1):1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 1 Silicate type
29 IS 4832(Part 2):1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 2 Resin type
30 IS 4832(Part 3):1968 Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 3 Sulphur type
31 IS 4860:1968 Specification for acid-resistant bricks
32 IS 4971:2007 Recommendations for selection of industrial floor finishes (first revision)
33 IS 5317:2002 Specification for pitch-mastic for bridge decking and roads (second revision)
34 IS 5318:1969 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile
35 IS 5491:1969 Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete floor topping
36 IS 5766:1970 Code of practice for laying burnt clay brick flooring
37 IS 6278:1971 Code of practice for white-washing and colour washing
38 IS 7956:1975 Recommendations for selection of dairy floor finishes
39 IS 8374:1977 Specification for bitumen mastic, anti-static and electrically conducting grade
40 IS 9162:1979 Methods of tests for epoxy resins, hardeners and epoxy resin compositions for floor topping
41 IS 9197:1979 Specification for epoxy resin, hardners and epoxy resin compositions for floor topping
42 IS 9510:1980 Specification for bitumen mastic, acid-resisting grade
43 IS 9704:1980 Methods of tests for linoleum sheets and tiles
44 IS 10132:1982 Method of test for materials for use in the preparation of magnesium oxychloride flooring compositions
45 IS 10403:1983 Glossary of terms relating to building finishes
46 IS 12583:1988 Specification for corrugated bitumen roofing sheets
47 IS 12866:1989 Specification for plastic translucent sheets made from thermo- setting polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced)
48 IS 13026:1991 Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring for industries handling LPG and other light hydrocarbon products
49 IS 13074:1991 Code of practice for laying of bitumen mastic flooring for industries handling LPG and other light hydrocarbon products
50 IS 13630(Part 1):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 1 Determination of dimensions and surface quality (first revision)
51 IS 13630(Part 2):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 2 Determination of water absorption and bulk density (first revision)
52 IS 13630(Part 3):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 3 Determination of moisture expansion using boiling water (first revision)
53 IS 13630(Part 4):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 4 Determination of linear thermal expansion (first revision)
54 IS 13630(Part 5):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 5 Determination of resistance to thermal shock (first revision)
55 IS 13630(Part 6):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 6 Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength (first revision)
56 IS 13630(Part 7):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 7 Determination of chemical resistance unglazed tiles (first revision)
57 IS 13630(Part 8):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 8 Determination of chemical resistance glazed tiles (first revision)
58 IS 13630(Part 9):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 9 Determination of crazomg resistance - glazed tiles (first revision)
59 IS 13630(Part 10):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 10 Determination of frost resistance (first revision)
60 IS 13630(Part 11):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 11 Determination of resistance of surface abrasion - Glazed tiles (first revision)
61 IS 13630(Part 12):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 12 Determination of resistance to deep abrasion - Unglazed tiles (first revision)
62 IS 13630(Part 13):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 13 Determination of scratch hardness of surface according to MOHS (first revision)
63 IS 13630(Part 14):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 14 Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution
64 IS 13630(Part 15):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 15 Ceramic tiles sampling and basis for acceptance {Superseding IS 13711:1993)
65 IS 13712:2006 Ceramic tiles - Definitions, classifications, characteristics and marking (first revision)
66 IS 13801:2013 Chequered cement concrete tiles - Specification (first revision)
67 IS 15193:2002 Code of practice for laying of pitch-mastic flooring for industries handling heavy hydrocarbon product like kerosene, diesel and furnace oil
68 IS 15194:2002 Pitch-mastic flooring and industries handling heavy hydrocarbon products like kerosene, diesel and furnace oil -
69 IS 15224:2002 Laying of plastic translucent sheets made from thermosetting polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced) alone or in conjunction with asbestos cement sheets/steel sheets/aluminium sheets - Code of practice
70 IS 15401:2003 Wall coverings in roll forms - Vocabulary and symbols
71 IS 15418:2003 Wall coverings in roll form for finished wall papers, wall vinyls and plastic wall coverings - Specification
72 IS 15477:2004 Adhesives for use with ceramic tiles and mosaics-Specification
73 IS 15622:2006 Pressed ceramic tiles - Specification (Superseding IS 13753, IS 13754, IS 13755 and IS 13756)
74 IS 15658:2006 Precast concrete blocks for paving - Specification
1 IS 1121(Part 1):2013 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 1 Compressive strength (second revision)
2 IS 1121(Part 2):2013 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 2 Transverse strength (second revision)
3 IS 1121(Part 3):2012 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 3 Tensile strength (second revision)
4 IS 1121(Part 4):2013 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 4 Shear strength (second revision)
5 IS 1122:1974 Method of test for determination of true specific gravity of natural building stones (first revision)
6 IS 1123:1975 Method of identification of natural building stones (first revision)
7 IS 1124:1974 Method of test for determination of water absorption, apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones (first revision)
8 IS 1125:2013 Method of test for determination of weathering of natural building stones (second revision)
9 IS 1126:2013 Method of test for determination of durability of natural building stones (second revision)
10 IS 1127:1970 Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stones for masonry work (first revision)
11 IS 1128:1974 Specification for limestone (slab and tiles) (first revision)
12 IS 1129:1972 Recommendation for dressing of natural building stones (first revision)
13 IS 1130:1969 Specification for marble (blocks, slabs and tiles)
14 IS 1706:1972 Method for determination of resistance to wear by abrasion of natural building stones (first revision)
15 IS 1805:1973 Glossary of terms relating to stones: quarrying and dressing (first revision)
16 IS 3316:1974 Specification for structural granite (first revision)
17 IS 3620:1979 Specification for laterite stone block for masonry (first revision)
18 IS 3622:1977 Specification for sandstone (slabs and tiles)(first revision)
19 IS 4121:1967 Method of test for determination of water transmission rate by capillary action through natural building stones
20 IS 4122:1967 Method of test for surface softening of natural building stones by exposure to acidic atmospheres
21 IS 4348:1973 Methods of test for determination of permeability of natural building stones (first revision)
22 IS 5218:1969 Method of test for toughness of natural building stones
23 IS 5640:1970 Method of test for determining aggregate impact value of soft coarse aggregates
24 IS 6241:1971 Method of test for determination of stripping value of road aggregates
25 IS 6250:1981 Specification for roofing slate tiles (first revision)
26 IS 6579:1981 Specification for coarse aggregate for water bound macadam (first revision)
27 IS 7779(Part 1/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 1):1975 construction purpose: Part 1 Gujarat state Section 1 Availability of Stones
28 IS 7779(Part 1/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 2):1975 construction purposes: Part 1 Gujarat state: Section 2 Engineering properties of building stones
29 IS 7779(Part 1/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 3):1975 construction purposes: Part 1 Gujarat state: Section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
30 IS 7779(Part 2/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 1):1979 construction purposes: Part 2 Maharashtra state Section 1 Availability of Stones
31 IS 7779(Part 2/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 2):1979 construction purposes: Part 2 Maharashtra state Section 2 Engineering properties of building stones
32 IS 7779(Part 2/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 3):1979 construction purposes: Part 2 Maharashtra state: Section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
33 IS 7779(Part 3/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 2):1980 construction purposes Part 3 Tamilnadu state Section 2 Engineering properties of building stone
34 IS 7779(Part 3/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 3):1980 construction purposes: Part 3 Tamilnadu State section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
35 IS 7779(Part 4/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 1):1996 construction purposes Part 4 Karnataka states Sections (1 to 3)
36 IS 7779(Part 5/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 1):1997 construction purposes Part 5 Andhra Pradesh Section 1 Availability of Stones
37 IS 7779(Part 5/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 2):1997 construction purposes Part 5 Andhra Pradesh Section 2 Engineering properties of building stones
38 IS 7779(Part 5/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 3):1997 construction purposes Part 5 Andhra Pradesh Section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
39 IS 8348:1977 Code of practice for stacking and packing of stone slabs for transportation
40 IS 8381:1977 Recommended practice for quarrying stones for construction purposes
41 IS 8759:1977 Code of practice for maintenance and preservation of stones in building
42 IS 9394:1979 Specification for stone lintels
43 IS 14223(Part 1):1995 Specification for polished building stones: Part 1 Granite
1 IS 800:2007 Code of practice for general construction in steel (third revision)
2 IS 801:1975 Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in general building construction (first revision)
3 IS 802(Part 1/Sec Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead 1):1995 transmission line towers, Part 1 Materials, Loads and permissible stresses Section 1 Materials and Loads (third revision)
4 IS 802(Part 1/Sec Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead 2):1992 transmission line towers Part 1 : Material, loads and permissible stress Section 2 Permissible stress (third revision)
5 IS 802(Part 2):1978 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead transmission line towers: Part 2 Fabrication, galvanizing, inspection and packing
6 IS 802(Part 3):1978 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead transmission line towers: Part 3 Testing
7 IS 803:1976 Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel cylindrical welded oil storage tanks (first revision)
8 IS 804:1967 Specification for rectangular pressed steel tanks (first revision)
9 IS 805:1968 Code of practice for use of steel in gravity water tanks
10 IS 806:1968 Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction (first revision)
11 IS 808:1989 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam, column, channel and angle sections (third Revision)
12 IS 811:1987 Specification for cold formed light gauge structural steel sections (second revision)
13 IS 1173:1978 Specification for hot rolled slit steel tee bars (second revision)
14 IS 1252:1991 Dimensions of hot rolled steel bulb angles (first revision)
15 IS 1730:1989 Dimensions for steel plates, sheets, strips and flats for general engineering purposes (second revision)
16 IS 1732:1989 Dimensions for round and square steel bars for structural and general engineering purposes (second revision)
17 IS 1852:1985 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products (fourth revision)
18 IS 1863:1979 Specification for hot rolled steel bulb flats (first revision)
19 IS 1864:1979 Specification for hot-rolled steel L-sections for ship building
20 IS 2314:1986 Specification for steel sheet piling sections (first revision)
21 IS 2713(Part 1-3):1980 Specification for tubular steel poles for overhead power lines
22 IS 2750:1964 Specification for steel scaffoldings
23 IS 3443:1980 Specification for crane rail sections (first revision)
24 IS 3908:1986 Specification for aluminium equal leg angles (first revision)
25 IS 3909:1986 Specification for aluminium unequal leg angles (first revision)
26 IS 3921:1985 Specification for aluminium channels (first revision)
27 IS 3954:1991 Hot-rolled steel channel sections for general engineering purposes - Dimensions (first revision)
28 IS 3964:1980 Specification for light rails (first revision)
29 IS 4000:1992 Code of practice for high strength bolts in steel structures
30 IS 4014(Part 1):1967 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding Part 1 Definitions and materials
31 IS 5384:1985 Specification for aluminium I-beam (first revision)
32 IS 5488:1987 Dimensions and dimensional tolerances for hot rolled steel plates for ship's hull structure(first revision)
33 IS 6445:1985 Specification for aluminium tee-sections (first revision)
34 IS 6449:1987 Specification for aluminium bulb angles for marine application (first revision)
35 IS 6475:1987 Specification for aluminium tee bars for marine application (first revision)
36 IS 6476:1987 Specification for aluminium bulb plates for marine application (first revision)
37 IS 6533(Part 1):1989 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys Part 1 Mechanical aspects (first revision)
38 IS 6533(Part 2):1989 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys Part 2 Structural aspects (first revision)
39 IS 7205:1974 Safety code for erection of structural steel work
40 IS 7215:1974 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures
41 IS 7452:1990 Specification for hot-rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators(second revision)
42 IS 8081:1976 Specification for slotted sections
43 IS 8147:1976 Code of practice for use of aluminium alloys in structures
44 IS 8640:1977 Recommendations for dimensional parameters for industrial building
45 IS 9178(Part 1):1979 Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk materials Part 1 General requirements and assessment of loads
46 IS 9178(Part 2):1979 Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk material Part 2 Design criteria
47 IS 9178(Part 3):1980 Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk materials Part 3 Bins designed for mass flow and funnel flow
48 IS 9964(Part 1):1981 Recommendations for maintenance and operation of petroleum storage tanks Part 1 Preparation of tanks for safe
49 IS 9964(Part 2):1981 Recommendations for maintenance and operation of petroleum storage tanks Part 2 Inspection
50 IS 10182(Part 1):1982 Dimensions and tolerances for hot-rolled track shoe sections Part 1 Section TS-L1
51 IS 10182(Part 2):1985 Dimensions and tolerances for hot-rolled track shoe sections Part 2 Section TS-H1
52 IS 10987:1992 Code of practice for design, fabrication, testing and installation of underground/above ground horizontal cylindrical storage tanks for petroleum products (first revision)
53 IS 12778:2004 Hot rolled parallel flange steel sections for beam, columns and bearing pile - Dimensions and section properties (first revision)
54 IS 12779:1989 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled parallel flange beam and column sections
55 IS 12843:1989 Tolerances for erection of steel structures
56 IS 15663(Part 1):2006 Code of practice for design and installation of natural gas pipelines: Part 1 Laying of pipelines
57 IS 15663(Part 2):2006 Code of practice for design and installation of natural gas pipelines: Part 2 Laying of pipelines in crossings
58 IS 15663(Part 3):2006 Code of practice for design and installation of natural gas pipelines: Part 3 Pre-commissioning and commissioning of pipelines
59 SP 6(Part 4): 1969 Handbook for structural engineers use of high strength friction grip bolts
60 SP 6(Part 5): 1980 Handbook for structural engineers - Cold-formed, light gauge steel structures (first revision)
61 SP 6(Part 6): 1972 Handbook for structural engineers - Application of plastic theory in design of steel structures
1 IS 10(Part 1):1990 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 1 General (fifth revision)
2 IS 10(Part 2):2013 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 2 Plywood (sixth revision)
3 IS 10(Part 3):1974 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 3 Battens (fourth revision)
4 IS 10(Part 4):1989 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 4 Metal fittings (fifth revision)
5 IS 10(Part 5):1976 Specification for plywood tea-chests; Part 5 Assembly and packing (fourth revision)
6 IS 190:1991 Coniferous sawn timber (Baulks and scantlings) - Specification (fourth revision)
7 IS 287:1993 Permissible moisture content for timber used for different purposes - Recommendations (third revision)
8 IS 399:1963 Classification of commercial timbers and their zonal distribution (first revision )
9 IS 401:2001 Preservation of timber - Code of practice (fourth revision)
10 IS 620:1985 Specification for wooden tool handles general requirements (fourth revision)
11 IS 656:1988 Specification for logs for plywood (third revision)
12 IS 707:2011 Glossary of terms applicable to timber technology and utilization( third revision)
13 IS 876:1992 Wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines - Specification (third revision)
14 IS 1140:1988 Specification for logs for matches (second revision)
15 IS 1141:1993 Seasoning of timber - Code of practice (second revision)
16 IS 1150:2000 Trade names and abbreviated symbols for timber species (third revision)
17 IS 1326:1992 Non-coniferous sawn timber (Baulks and scantlings) - Specification (second revision)
18 IS 1331:1971 Specification for cut sizes of timber (second revision) (Superseding IS 1629:1960)
19 IS 1503:1988 Specification for wooden packing cases (third revision)
20 IS 1707:1979 Specification for wood wool for general packaging purposes
21 IS 1708(Part 1):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 1 Determination of moisture content (second revision)
22 IS 1708(Part 2):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 2 Determination of specific gravity (second revision)
23 IS 1708(Part 3):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 3 Determination of volumetric shrinkage (second revision)
24 IS 1708(Part 4):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 4 Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage and fibre saturation point (second revision)
25 IS 1708(Part 5):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 5 Determination of static bending strength (second revision)
26 IS 1708(Part 6):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 6 Determination of static bending strength under two point loading (second revision)
27 IS 1708(Part 7):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 7 Determination of impact bending strength (second revision)
28 IS 1708(Part 8):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 8 Determination of compressive strength parallel to grain
29 IS 1708(Part 9):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 9 Determination of compressive strength perpendicular to grain
30 IS 1708(Part 10):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 10 Determination of hardness under static indentation
31 IS 1708(Part 11):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 11 Determination of shear strength parallel to grain
32 IS 1708(Part 12):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 12 Determination of tensile strength parallel to grain (second revision)
33 IS 1708(Part 13):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 13 Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to grain
34 IS 1708(Part 14):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 14 Determination of cleavage strength parallel to grain
35 IS 1708(Part 15):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 15 Determination of nail and screw holding power
36 IS 1708(Part 16):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 16 Determination of brittleness by Izod impact (second revision)
37 IS 1708(Part 17):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 17 Determination of brittleness by Charpy impact (second revision)
38 IS 1708(Part 18):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 18 Determination of torsional strength (second revision)
39 IS 1898:1990 Timber for aircraft construction in converted form (finished form) - Specification (second revision)
40 IS 1900:1974 Methods of tests for wood poles (first revision)
41 IS 1902:2006 Preservation of bamboo and cane for non-structural purposes - Code of practice (second revision)
42 IS 2133:1983 Specification for wooden tent pins (second revision)
43 IS 2179:1979 Specification for converted timber for lorry bodies (first revision)
44 IS 2203:1993 Wooden cross arms - Specification (second revision)
45 IS 2372:2004 Timber for cooling towers - Specification (second revision)
46 IS 2377:1967 Tables for volumes of cut sizes of timber (first revision)
47 IS 2408:1963 Methods of static tests of timber in structural sizes
48 IS 2455:1990 Method of sampling of model trees and logs and their conversion for timber testing (second revision)
49 IS 2674:1988 Specification for battened plywood cases (second revision)
50 IS 2683:1980 Guide for installation of impregnation plants for timber
51 IS 2753(Part 1):1991 Methods for estimation of preservatives in treated timber and in treating solutions: Part 1 Determination of copper, arsenic, chromium, zinc, boron, creosote and fuel oil (first revision)
52 IS 2753(Part 2):2014 Methods for estimation of preservatives in treated timber and in treating solutions : Part 2 Determination of copper in copper organic preservative salt (second revision)
53 IS 2891:1975 Specification for wooden handles for felling axes and hand axes (first revision)
54 IS 2892:1993 Wooden handles for picks and beaters - Specification
55 IS 2893:1992 Wooden handles for adzes - Specification (second revision)
56 IS 2894:1987 Specification for wooden handles for wood working chisels and gouges (first revision)
57 IS 2895:1990 Wooden handles for rasps, engineers' file and engineers' scrapers - Specification (second revision)
58 IS 2896:1978 Specification for wooden handles for carpenters' augers
59 IS 2897:1983 Specification for wooden handles for shovels (first revision)
60 IS 2922:1975 Specification for wooden tent mallets (first revision)
61 IS 3053:1977 Specification for cane baskets for general purposes
62 IS 3071:1981 Specification for wooden crates (first revision)
63 IS 3084:1989 Pencil slats - Specification (second revision)
64 IS 3337:1978 Specification for ballies for general purposes (first revision)
65 IS 3364(Part 1):1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation of defects in timber: Part 1 Logs (first revision)
66 IS 3364(Part 2):1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation of defects in timber: Part 2 Converted timber (first revision)
67 IS 3386:1979 Specification for wooden fence posts (first revision)
68 IS 3728:1985 Specification for wooden boxes for packaging of apples
69 IS 3731:1985 Specification for teak squares (first revision)
70 IS 3806:1966 Specification for wooden beaters
71 IS 4422:1985 Specification for willow clefts for cricket bats (first revision)
72 IS 4423:1999 Hand-sawing of timber - Guide (first revision)
73 IS 4424:1967 Specification for timber for use in coal mines
74 IS 4650:1968 Specification for wooden anvil blocks
75 IS 4833:1993 Methods for field testing of preservatives in wood (first revision)
76 IS 4873(Part 1):2008 Method of laboratory testing of wood preservatives against fungi and borers (powder post beetles) : Part 1 Determination of threshold values of wood preservatives against fungi
77 IS 4873(Part 2):2008 Method of laboratory testing of wood preservatives against fungi and borers (powder post beetles): Part 2 Determination of threshold values of wood preservatives against borers (powder post beetles) (second revision)
78 IS 4895:1985 Specification for teak logs (first revision)
79 IS 4907:2004 Method of testing timber connector joints (first revision)
80 IS 4953:1989 Wooden handles for hand hammers - Specification
81 IS 4970:1973 Key for identification of commercial timbers (first revision)
82 IS 5246:2000 Coniferous logs - Specification (first revision)
83 IS 5247(Part 1):1982 Specification for converted timber (coniferous) : Part 1 Light furniture (first revision)
84 IS 5247(Part 2):1982 Specification for converted timber (coniferous) : Part 2 Packing cases and crates (first revision)
85 IS 5806:1970 Specification for non-coniferous timber in converted form for ammunition/explosives boxes
86 IS 5942:1989 Wooden handles for POWRAHS - Specification (first revision)
87 IS 5966:1993 Non-coniferous timber in converted form for general purposes - Specification (first revision)
88 IS 5978:1970 Code of practice for design of wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
89 IS 6056:1970 Specification for jointed wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
90 IS 6341:1971 Method for laboratory test for efficacy of wood preservatives against soft rot
91 IS 6346:1971 Method of tests for timber props for mines
92 IS 6497:1990 Method of test for the efficacy of preservatives and evaluating the natural durability of timbers used in cooling towers
93 IS 6534:1971 Guiding principles for grading and inspection of timber
94 IS 6641:1985 Specification for wooden disc for tents (first revision)
95 IS 6642:1986 Specification for mason's mallets (first revision)
96 IS 6643:1987 Specification for wooden pins for bivouac tents (first revision)
97 IS 6644:1986 Specification for tinman's mallets (first revision)
98 IS 6656:1986 Specification for caulking mallets (first revision)
99 IS 6662:1993 Timber species suitable for wooden packaging - Specification
100 IS 6676:1986 Specification for bossing (plumbers), mallets (first revision)
101 IS 6703:1972 Glossary of wooden packaging terms
102 IS 6707:1972 Specification for willow logs for artificial limbs
103 IS 6711:1972 Code of practice for maintenance of wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
104 IS 6729:1972 Specification for wooden paddles
105 IS 6791:1973 Method of testing natural durability of timber and efficacy of the wood preservatives against marine borers
106 IS 6874:2008 Method of test for bamboos (first revision)
107 IS 7308:1999 Non-coniferous logs - Specification (first revision)
108 IS 7315:1974 Guidelines for design, installation and testing of timber seasoning kilns (Compartment type with cross-forced air)
109 IS 7344:1974 Specification for bamboo tent poles
110 IS 7548:1992 Vase for store tent - Specification (first revision)
111 IS 7549:1975 Specification for timber half wrought for sporting rifles
112 IS 7698:1983 Specification for returnable wooden crates for vegetables
113 IS 7850:1975 Specification for wooden box for microscope slides
114 IS 7992:1983 Specification for plywood cases for packing tobacco for export
115 IS 8001:1976 Specification for packaging of plywood, blockboards and flush doors for export
116 IS 8242:1976 Methods of tests for split bamboos
117 IS 8292:1992 Evaluation of working quality of timber under different wood working operations - Method of test (first revision)
118 IS 8295(Part 1):1976 Specification for bamboo chicks: Part 1 Fine
119 IS 8295(Part 2):1976 Specification for bamboo chicks: Part 2 Coarse
120 IS 8720:1978 Methods of sampling of timber scantlings from depots and their conversion for testing
121 IS 8725:1978 Specification for wirebound wooden boxes
122 IS 8726:1978 Specification for wirebound wooden crates
123 IS 8745:1994 Methods of presentation of data of physical and mechanical properties of timber (first revision)
124 IS 9096:2006 Preservation of bamboo for structural purposes - Code of practice (first revision)
125 IS 9104:1979 Guide for storage and protection of logs and sawn timber
126 IS 9561:1985 Code of practice for felling and conversion of trees into logs
127 IS 9576:1980 Guide for mill sawing of timber
128 IS 9590:1980 Specification for non-returnable wooden boxes for horticulture produce
129 IS 10013(Part 1):1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 1 Acid-copper-chrome (ACC) preservative
130 IS 10013(Part 2):1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 2 Copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) wood preservative
131 IS 10013(Part 3):1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 3 Copper-chrome-boron (CCB) wood preservative
132 IS 10145:1982 Specification for bamboo supports for camouflaging equipment
133 IS 10394:1982 Specification for wooden sleepers for railway track
134 IS 10402:1982 Specification for pin-needle hardboard boxes for packaging of apples
135 IS 10420:1982 Method of determination of sound absorption coefficient of timber by standing wave method
136 IS 10499:1983 Specification for wooden toggles
137 IS 10687:1983 Guidelines for nailing of large framed wooden containers
138 IS 10753:1983 Code of practice for preservation of wooden sleepers for railway track by pressure treatment
139 IS 10754:1983 Method of determination of thermal conductivity of timber
140 IS 11100:1984 Specification for sweeping brooms
141 IS 11106:1984 Specification for carpenter's mallets
142 IS 11131:1984 Specification for wooden casks and barrels
143 IS 11215:1991 Moisture content of timber and timber products - Methods for determination (first revision)
144 IS 11288:1985 Recommendations for off road transportation of timber
145 IS 12896:1990 Indian timbers for door and window shutters and frames - Classification
146 IS 13621:1993 Determination of dielectric constant of wood under microwave frequencies - Method of test
147 IS 13622:1993 Indian timbers for furnitures and cabinets - Classification
148 IS 14960:2001 Preservative treated and seasoned sawn timber from rubber wood (Hevea Brasiliensis) - Specification
149 IS 15455:2004 Grading rules for split canes
150 IS 15456:2004 Grading rules for unsplit canes
151 IS 15457:2004 Logs for production of sliced veneers - Specification (Superseding IS 5248:1988, IS 6342:1987, & IS 13240:1991)
152 IS 15458:2004 Classification of Indian canes and their zonal distribution
153 IS 15890:2010 Design, installation and testing of solar timber seasoning kiln- Guidelines
154 SP 33(S&T): 1986 Handbook on timber engineering
1 IS 1003(Part 1):2003 Timber panelled and glazed shutters: Part 1 Door Shutters - Specification (fourth revision)
2 IS 1003(Part 2):1994 Specification for timber panelled and glazed shutters: Part 2 Window and ventilator shutters (third revision)
3 IS 1038:1983 Specification for steel doors, windows and ventilators (third revision)
4 IS 1081:1960 Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and aluminium) doors, windows and ventilators
5 IS 1361:1978 Specification for steel windows for industrial buildings (first revision)
6 IS 1948:1961 Specification for aluminium doors, windows and ventilators
7 IS 1949:1961 Specification for aluminium windows for industrial buildings
8 IS 2191(Part 1):1983 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type): Part 1 Plywood face panels (fourth revision)
9 IS 2191(Part 2):1983 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type): Part 2 Particle board and hardboard face panels (third revision)
10 IS 2202(Part 1):1999 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (solid core type): Part 1 Plywood face panels (sixth revision)
11 IS 2202(Part 2):1983 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (solid core type): Part 2 Particle board and hardboard face panels (third revision)
12 IS 4020(Part 1):1998 Door shutters - Methods of tests: Part 1 General (third revision)
13 IS 4020(Part 2):1998 Part 2 Measurement of dimensions and squareness (third revision)
14 IS 4020(Part 3):1998 Part 3 Measurement of general flatness (third revision)
15 IS 4020(Part 4):1998 Part 4 Local planeness test (third revision)
16 IS 4020(Part 5):1998 Part 5 Impact indentation test (third revision)
17 IS 4020(Part 6):1998 Part 6 Flexure test (third revision)
18 IS 4020(Part 7):1998 Part 7 Edge loading test (third revision)
19 IS 4020(Part 8):1998 Part 8 Shock resistance test (third revision)
20 IS 4020(Part 9):1998 Part 9 Buckling resistance test (third revision)
21 IS 4020(Part 10):1998 Part 10 Slamming test (third revision)
22 IS 4020(Part 11):1998 Part 11 Misuse test (third revision)
23 IS 4020(Part 12):1998 Part 12 Varying humidity test (third revision)
24 IS 4020(Part 13):1998 Part 13 End immersion test (third revision)
25 IS 4020(Part 14):1998 Part 14 Knife test (third revision)
26 IS 4020(Part 15):1998 Part 15 Glue adhesion test (third revision)
27 IS 4020(Part 16):1998 Part 16 Screw withdrawal resistance test (third revision)
28 IS 4021:1995 Timber door, window and ventilator frames - Specification
29 IS 4043:1969 Recommendations for symbolic designations of direction of closing and faces of doors, windows and shutters
30 IS 4351:2003 Steel door frames - Specification (second revision)
31 IS 4913:1968 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of timber doors and windows
32 IS 6198:1992 Specification for ledged, braced and battened timber door shutters (second revision)
33 IS 6248:1979 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills (first revision)
34 IS 10428:1983 Glossary of terms relating to doors
35 IS 10451:1983 Specification for steel sliding shutters (top hung type)
36 IS 10521:1983 Specification for collapsible gates
37 IS 14856:2000 Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) panel type door shutters for internal use - Specification
38 IS 15380:2003 Moulded raised high density fibre (HDF) panel doors - Specification
39 IS 15931:2012 Solid Panel Foam UPVC Door Shutters - Specification
40 IS 16073:2013 Bamboo - Jute Composite Panel Door Shutter - Specification
41 IS 16074:2013 Steel Flush Door Shutters - Specification
42 IS 16096:2013 Phenol Bonded Bamboo - Jute Composite Hollow Door Shutter - Specification
1 IS 1950:1962 Code of practice for sound insulation of non-industrial buildings
2 IS 2440:1975 Guide for day lighting of buildings (second revision)
3 IS 2526:1963 Code of practice for acoustical design of auditoriums and conference halls
4 IS 3103:1975 Code of practice for industrial ventilation (first revision)
5 IS 3362:1977 Code of practice for natural ventilation of residential buildings
6 IS 3483:1965 Code of practice for noise reduction in industrial buildings
7 IS 3792:1978 Guide for heat insulation of non industrial buildings (first revision)
8 IS 4954:1968 Recommendations for noise abatement in town planning
9 IS 4963:1987 Recommendations for buildings and facilities for the physically handicapped (first revision)
10 IS 5499:1969 Code of practice for construction of underground air-raid shelters in natural soil
11 IS 6060:1971 Code of practice for day lighting of factory buildings
12 IS 6074:1971 Code of practice for functional requirements of hotels, restaurants and other food service establishments
13 IS 7662(Part 1):1974 Recommendations for orientation of buildings: Part 1 Non- industrial buildings
14 IS 7942:1976 Code of practice for day lighting of educational buildings
15 IS 8827:1978 Recommendations for basic requirements of school buildings
16 IS 9736:1981 Glossary of terms applicable to acoustics in buildings
17 IS 11050(Part 1):1984 Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: Part 1 Airborne sound insulation in buildings and of interior building elements
18 IS 11050(Part 2):1984 Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: Part 2 Impact sound insulation
19 IS 11050(Part 3):1984 Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: Part 3 Airborne sound insulation of facade elements
20 IS 11907:1986 Recommendations for calculation of solar radiation on buildings
21 IS 12332:1988 Code of practice for ventilation in petro-chemical plants and refineries
22 IS 13735:1993 Specification for audible emergency evacuation signal
23 SP 32(S&T): 1986 Handbook on functional requirements of industrial buildings (lighting and ventilation)
24 SP 41(S&T): 1987 Handbook on functional requirements of buildings (other than industrial buildings)
1 IS 883:1994 Code of practice for design of structural timber in building
2 IS 965:1963 Equivalent metric units for scales, dimensions and quantities in general construction work
3 IS 1414:1989 Code of practice for fixing of wall coverings (first revision)
4 IS 1477(Part 1):1971 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings: Part 1 Pretreatment (first revision)
5 IS 1477(Part 2):1971 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings: Part 2 Painting (first revision)
6 IS 1597(Part 1):1992 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 1 Rubble stone masonry (first revision)
7 IS 1597(Part 2):1992 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 2 Ashlar masonry (first revision)
8 IS 1634:1992 Code of practice for design and construction of wood stairs for houses (second revision)
9 IS 1649:1962 Code of practice for design and construction of flues and chimneys for domestic heating appliances
10 IS 1834:1984 Specification for hot applied sealing compound for joints in concrete (first revision)
11 IS 1838(Part 1):1983 Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavement and structures (non extruding and resilient type): Part 1 Bitumen impregnated fibre (first revision)
12 IS 1838(Part 2):1984 Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavement and structures (non extruding and resilient type) Part 2 CNSL Aldehyde resin and coconut pith
13 IS 1838(Part 3):2011 Preformed Fillers for Expansion Joints in Concrete Pavements and Structures (Non-Extruding and Resilient Type) - Specification: Part 3 Polymer Based
14 IS 1905:1987 Code of practice for structural use of unreinforced masonry
15 IS 1946:1961 Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings and floors of solid construction
16 IS 2110:1980 Code of practice for in-situ construction of walls in building with soil-cement (first revision)
17 IS 2115:1980 Code of practice for flat roof finish: Mud phuska (second revision)
18 IS 2116:1980 Specification for sand for masonry mortars (first revision)
19 IS 2118:1980 Code of practice for construction of jack-arch type of built-up floor or roof (first revision)
20 IS 2119:1980 Code of practice for construction of brick-cum-concrete composite (Madras terrace) floor and roof (first revision)
21 IS 2204:1962 Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete shell
22 IS 2212:1991 Code of practice for brick works (first revision)
23 IS 2250:1981 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars
24 IS 2338(Part 1):1967 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood-based materials: Part 1 Operations and workmanship
25 IS 2338(Part 2):1967 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood-based materials: Part 2 Schedules
26 IS 2366:1983 Code of practice for nail-jointed timber construction (first revision)
27 IS 2395(Part 1):1994 Code of practice for painting of concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces: Part 1 Operations and workmanship (first revision)
28 IS 2395(Part 2):1994 Code of practice for painting of concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces: Part 2 Schedules (first revision)
29 IS 2441:1984 Code of practice for fixing ceiling coverings (first revision)
30 IS 2524(Part 1):1968 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings: Part 1 Pretreatment
31 IS 2524(Part 2):1968 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings: Part 2 Painting
32 IS 2527:1984 Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and downpipes for roof drainage (first revision)
33 IS 2700:1987 Code of practice for roofing with wooden shingles (first revision)
34 IS 2792:1964 Code of practice for design and construction of stone slab over joist floor
35 IS 2858:1984 Code of practice for roofing with mangalore tiles (first revision)
36 IS 3140:1965 Code of practice for painting asbestos cement building products
37 IS 3414:1968 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings
38 IS 3548:1988 Code of practice for glazing in buildings (first revision)
39 IS 3629:1986 Specification for structural timber in building (first revision)
40 IS 3630:1992 Code of practice for construction of non-load bearing gypsum block partitions (first revision)
41 IS 3670:1989 Code of practice for construction of timber floors (first revision)
42 IS 4101(Part 1):1967 Code of practice for external facings and veneers: Part 1 Stone facing
43 IS 4101(Part 2):1967 Code of practice for external facings and veneers: Part 2 Cement concrete facing
44 IS 4101(Part 3):1985 Code of practice for external cladding: Part 3 Wall tiling and mosaics (first revision)
45 IS 4407:1967 Code of practice for reed walling
46 IS 4597:1968 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based products with nitrocellulose and cold catalysed materials
47 IS 4891:1988 Specification for preferred cut sizes of structural timber
48 IS 4920:1968 Glossary of terms applicable to roof coverings
49 IS 4924(Part 1):1968 Method of test for nail jointed timber trusses: Part 1 Destructive test
50 IS 4924(Part 2):1968 Method of test for nail jointed timber trusses: Part 2 Proof test
51 IS 4983:1968 Code of practice for design and construction of nailed laminated timber beams
52 IS 5119(Part 1):1968 Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof covering: Part 1 Slating
53 IS 5389:1969 Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood block floors
54 IS 5390:1984 Code of practice for construction of timber ceilings (first revision)
55 IS 6061(Part 1):1971 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 1 With hollow concrete filler blocks
56 IS 6061(Part 2):1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 2 With hollow clay filler blocks (first revision)
57 IS 6061(Part 3):1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 3 With precast hollow clay block joists and hollow clay filler blocks
58 IS 6061(Part 4):1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 4 With precast hollow clay block slab
59 IS 6313(Part 1):1981 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 1 Constructional measures (first revision)
60 IS 6313(Part 2):2013 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 2 Pre-constructional chemical treatment measures (third revision)
61 IS 6313(Part 3):2013 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 3 Treatment for existing buildings (third revision)
62 IS 6332:1984 Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using precast doubly-curved shell units (first revision)
63 IS 6509:1985 Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements (first revision)
64 IS 7683:1975 Code of practice for design, fabrication and maintenance of nail-jointed timber posts from small dimensional timber for overhead electric distribution lines for low voltages
65 IS 9472:1980 Code of practice for laying mosaic parquet flooring
66 IS 9954:1981 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting of steel surfaces
67 IS 10388:1982 Specification for corrugated coir, wood, wool, cement roofing
68 IS 10439:1983 Code of practice for patent glazing
69 IS 10440:1983 Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and roofs
70 IS 10566:1983 Methods of tests for preformed fillers for expansion joints in concrete paving and structural construction
71 IS 10957:1999 Joints in buildings - Vocabulary (first revision)
72 IS 10958:1984 General check list of functions of joints in building
73 IS 10959:1984 Glossary of terms for sealants for building purposes
74 IS 11096:1984 Code of practice for design and construction of bolt jointed timber construction
75 IS 11134:1984 Code of practice for setting out of buildings
76 IS 11433(Part 1):1985 Specification for one-part gun-grade polysulphide-based joints sealants: Part 1 General requirements
77 IS 11433(Part 2):1986 Specification for one-part gun-grade polysulphide-based joint sealants: Part 2 Methods of tests
78 IS 11817:1986 Classification of joints in buildings for accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction
79 IS 11818:1986 Method of test for laboratory determination of air permeability of joints in buildings
80 IS 12093:1987 Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof covering using plain and corrugated galvanized steel sheets
81 IS 12118(Part 1):1987 Specification for two-parts polysulphide-based sealants: Part 1 General requirements
82 IS 12118(Part 2):1987 Specification for two-parts polysulphide-based sealants: Part 2 Methods of tests
83 IS 12506:1988 Code of practice for improved thatching of roof with rot and fire retardant treatment
84 IS 12727:1989 Code of practice for no-fines cast in situ cement concrete
85 IS 13077:1991 Guide for preparation and use of mud mortar in masonry
86 IS 14428:1997 Painting of structures in aggressive chemical environment - Guidelines
87 IS 15183(Part 1):2002 Guidelines for maintenance management of buildings: Part 1 General
88 IS 15183(Part 2):2002 Guidelines for maintenance management of buildings: Part 2 Finance
89 IS 15183(Part 3):2002 Guidelines for maintenance management of buildings: Part 3 Labour
90 IS 15345:2003 Installation of frameless door and window shutters - Code of practice
91 IS 15912:2012 Structural design using bamboo - Code of Practice
92 SP 1650: 1973 Standard colours for building and decorative finishes (with supplement) (first revision)
93 SP 20(S&T): 1991 Handbook on masonry design and construction (first revision)
94 SP 21: 2005 Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials (first revision)
95 SP 25(S&T): 1984 Handbook on causes and prevention of cracks in building
96 SP 62(S&T): 1997 Handbook on building construction practices (excluding electrical work)
1 IS 204(Part 1):1991 Specification for tower bolts : Part 1 Ferous metals (fifth revision)
2 IS 204(Part 2):1992 Specification for tower bolts: Part 2 Non-ferrous metals (fifth revision)
3 IS 205:1992 Specification for non-ferrous metal butt hinges (fourth revision)
4 IS 206:2010 Specification for tee and strap hinges (fifth revision)
5 IS 208:1996 Specification for door handles (fifth revision)
6 IS 281:2009 Specification for mild steel sliding door bolts for use with padlocks (fourth revision)
7 IS 362:1991 Specification for parliament hinges (fifth revision)
8 IS 363:1993 Specification for hasps and staples (fourth revision)
9 IS 364:1993 Specification for fanlight catch (third revision)
10 IS 452:1973 Specification for door springs, rat-tail type (second revision)
11 IS 453:1993 Specification for double acting spring hinges (third revision)
12 IS 1019:1974 Specification for rim latches (second revision)
13 IS 1341:1992 Specification for steel butt hinges (fifth revision)
14 IS 1823:1980 Specification for floor door stoppers (third revision)
15 IS 1837:1966 Specification for fanlight pivots (first revision)
16 IS 2681:1993 Specification for non-ferrous metal sliding door bolts (aldrops) with padlocks (third revision)
17 IS 3564:1995 Specification for (hydraulically regulated) door closers (fourth revision)
18 IS 3818:1992 Specification for continuous (Piano) hinges (third revision)
19 IS 3828:1966 Specification for ventilator chains
20 IS 3843:1995 Specification for steel back flap hinges (second revision)
21 IS 4621:1975 Specification for indicating bolts for use in public baths and lavatories (first revision)
22 IS 4992:1975 Specification for door handles for mortice lock(vertical type)
23 IS 5187:1972 Specification for flush bolts (first revision)
24 IS 5899:1970 Specification for bathroom latches
25 IS 6315:1992 Specification for floor springs (hydraulically regulated) for heavy doors (second revision)
26 IS 6318:1971 Specification for plastic window stays and fasteners
27 IS 6343:1982 Specification for door closers (pneumatically regulated) for light doors weighing up to 40 kg (first revision)
28 IS 7196:1974 Specification for hold fast
29 IS 7197:1974 Specification for double action floor springs (without oil check) for heavy door
30 IS 7534:1985 Specification for sliding locking bolts for use with padlocks (first revision)
31 IS 8756:1978 Specification for mortice ball catches for use in wooden almirah
32 IS 9106:1979 Specification for rising butt hinges
33 IS 9460:1980 Specification for flush drop handles for drawer
34 IS 9899:1981 Specification for hat, coat and wardrobe hooks
35 IS 10019:1981 Specification for mild steel stays and fasteners
36 IS 10090:1982 Specification for numericals
37 IS 10342:1982 Specification for curtain rail system
38 IS 12817:2013 Specification for stainless steel butt hinges (second revision)
39 IS 12867:1989 Specification for PVC hand rails covers
40 IS 14912:2001 Specification for door closers concealed type (hydraulically regulated)
41 IS 15833:2009 Stainless steel tower bolts - Specification
42 IS 15834:2008 Stainless steel sliding door bolts for use with padlocks - Specification
1 IS 303:1989 Specification for plywood for general purposes (third revision)
2 IS 652:1960 Specification for wooden separators for lead-acid storage batteries
3 IS 709:1974 Specification for medium strength aircraft plywood (first revision)
4 IS 710:2010 Specification for marine plywood (second revision)
5 IS 848:2006 Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for plywood (pnenolic and aminoplastic) (second revision)
6 IS 851:1978 Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for construction work (non-structural) in wood (first revision)
7 IS 852:1994 Specification for animal glue for general wood-working purposes (second revision)
8 IS 1328:1996 Specification for veneered decorative plywood (third revision)
9 IS 1508:1972 Specification for extenders for use in synthetic resin adhesives(urea-formaldehyde) for plywood (first revision)
10 IS 1658:2006 Specification for fibre hardboards (third revision)
11 IS 1659:2004 Specification for block boards (fourth revision)
12 IS 1734(Part 1):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 1 Determination of density and moisture content (second revision)
13 IS 1734(Part 2):1983 Methods of test for plywood : Part 2 Determination of resistance to dry heat (second revision)
14 IS 1734(Part 3):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 3 Determination of fire resistance (second revision)
15 IS 1734(Part 4):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 4 Determination of glue shear strength (second revision)
16 IS 1734(Part 5):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 5 Test for adhesion of plies
17 IS 1734(Part 6):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 6 Determination of water resistance (second revision)
18 IS 1734(Part 7):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 7 Mycological test (second revision)
19 IS 1734(Part 8):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 8 Determination of pH value
20 IS 1734(Part 9):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 9 Determination of tensile strength (second revision)
21 IS 1734(Part 10):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 10 Determination of compressive strength (second revision)
22 IS 1734(Part 11):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 11 Determination of static bending strength (second revision)
23 IS 1734(Part 12):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 12 Determination of scarf joint strength (second revision)
24 IS 1734(Part 13):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 13 Determination of panel shear strength (second revision)
25 IS 1734(Part 14):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 14 Determination of plate shear strength (second revision)
26 IS 1734(Part 15):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 15 Central loading of plate test (second revision)
27 IS 1734(Part 16):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 16 Vibration of plywood plate test (second revision)
28 IS 1734(Part 17):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 17 Long time loading test of plywood strips (second revision)
29 IS 1734(Part 18):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 18 Impact resistance test on the surface of plywood (second revision)
30 IS 1734(Part 19):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 19 Determination of nail and screw holding power (second revision)
31 IS 1734(Part 20):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 20 Acidity and alkalinity resistance test (second revision)
32 IS 2380(Part 1):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 1 Preparation and conditioning of test specimens (first revision)
33 IS 2380(Part 2):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 2 Accuracy of dimensions of boards (first revision)
34 IS 2380(Part 3):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 3 Determination of moisture content and density (first revision)
35 IS 2380(Part 4):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 4 Determination of static bending strength (first revision)
36 IS 2380(Part 5):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 5 Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to surface (first revision)
37 IS 2380(Part 6):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 6 Determination of tensile strength parallel to surface (first revision)
38 IS 2380(Part 7):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 7 Determination of compression- perpendicular to plane of the board (first revision)
39 IS 2380(Part 8):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 8 Compression parallel to surface test (first revision)
40 IS 2380(Part 9):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellolosic materials: Part 9 Determination of resistance to shear in plane of the board (first revision)
41 IS 2380(Part 10):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 10 Falling hammer impact test
42 IS 2380(Part 11):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 11 Surface hardness (first revision)
43 IS 2380(Part 12):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 12 Central loading of plate test
44 IS 2380(Part 13):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 13 Long time loading bending test (first revision)
45 IS 2380(Part 14):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 14 Screw and nail withdrawal test (first revision)
46 IS 2380(Part 15):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 15 Lateral nail resistance (first revision)
47 IS 2380(Part 16):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 16 Determination of water absorption (first revision)
48 IS 2380(Part 17):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 17 Determination of swelling in water (first revision)
49 IS 2380(Part 18):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 18 Determination of mass and dimensional changes caused by moisture changes (first revision)
50 IS 2380(Part 19):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 19 Durability cyclic test for interior use (first revision)
51 IS 2380(Part 20):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 20 Accelerated weathering cyclic test for exterior use (first revision)
52 IS 2380(Part 21):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 21 Planeness test under uniform moisture content (first revision)
53 IS 2380(Part 22):1981 Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 22 Determination of surface glueability test
54 IS 2380(Part 23):1981 Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 23 Vibration tests for particle boards
55 IS 3087:2005 Specification for particle boards of wood and other lignocellulosic materials (medium density) for general purposes
56 IS 3097:2006 Specification for veneered particle boards (second revision)
57 IS 3129:1985 Specification for low density particle boards (first revision)
58 IS 3308:1981 Specification for wood wool building slabs (first revision)
59 IS 3348:1965 Specification for fibre insulation boards
60 IS 3478:1966 Specification for high density wood particle boards
61 IS 3513(Part 1):1989 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compregs) Part 1 For electrical purposes (first revision)
62 IS 3513(Part 2):1989 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compregs) Part 2 For chemical purposes (first revision)
63 IS 3513(Part 3):1989 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compregs): Part 3 For general purposes (first revision)
64 IS 3513(Part 4):1966 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compreg): Part 4 Sampling and tests
65 IS 4834:1968 Specification for veneered wood boards for packing cases
66 IS 4835:1979 Specification for polyvinyl acetate dispersion based adhesives for wood (First revision)
67 IS 4859:1968 Specification for high strength aircraft plywood
68 IS 4990:2011 Plywood for concrete shuttering work - Specification (third revision)
69 IS 5509:2000 Specification for fire retardant plywood (second revision)
70 IS 5539:1969 Specification for preservative treated plywood
71 IS 7316:1974 Specification for decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative faces
72 IS 7638:1999 Wood/lignocellulosic based panel products - Methods of sampling (second revision)
73 IS 9188:1979 Performance requirements for adhesive for structural laminated wood products for use under exterior exposure condition
74 IS 9307(Part 1):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 1 Flexure test
75 IS 9307(Part 2):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction : Part 2 Edgewise compression test
76 IS 9307(Part 3):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 3 Flat wise compression test
77 IS 9307(Part 4):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 4 Shear test
78 IS 9307(Part 5):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 5 Flatwise tension test
79 IS 9307(Part 6):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 6 Flexure creep test
80 IS 9307(Part 7):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 7 Cantilever vibration test
81 IS 9307(Part 8):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 8 Weathering test
82 IS 10701:2012 Structural plywood - Specification (first revision)
83 IS 12053:1987 Code of practice for the preparation and application of putty for repairing plywood and other wood based panels
84 IS 12077:1987 Code of practice for testing of timbers for plywood manufacture
85 IS 12120:1987 Code of practice for preservation of plywood and other panel products
86 IS 12406:2003 Specification for medium density fibre boards for general purposes
87् IS 12823:2013 Wood products - Prelaminated particle boards - Specification
88 IS 13745:1993 Method for determination of formaldehyde content in particle board by extraction method called perforator method
89 IS 13957:1994 Specification for metal faced plywood
90 IS 13958:1994 Specification for bamboo mat board for general purposes
91 IS 14276:1995 Specification for cement bonded particle boards
92 IS 14315:1995 Specification for commercial veneers
93 IS 14587:1998 Specification for prelaminated medium density fibre board
94 IS 14588:1999 Specification for bamboo mat veneer composite for general purposes
95 IS 14616:1999 Specification for laminated veneer lumber
96 IS 14842:2000 Specification for coir veneer board for general purposes
97 IS 15476:2004 Bamboo mat corrugated sheets - Specification
98 IS 15491:2004 Specification for medium density, coir boards for general purposes May 2009 1
99 IS 15512:2004 Code of practice for selection and use of various types for medium density fibre boards
100 IS 15684:2006 Code of practice for use of extenders for use in synthetic resin adhesive (urea formaldehyde) for plywood
101 IS 15786:2008 Prelaminated cement bonded particle boards - Specification
102 IS 15791:2007 Musuem plywood - Specification
103 IS 15877:2010 Coir faced block boards - Specification
104 IS 15878:2010 Coir hardboard for general purposes - Specification
105 IS 15932(Part 1):2012 Selection and use of various types of Lignocellulosic panel products: Part 1 Medium Density Particle Boards - Code of practice
106 IS 15972:2012 Bamboo-Jute corrugated & Semi-corrugated sheets - Specification
107 IS 15973:2013 Selection and use of various types of Lignocellulosic panel products: Part 2 Hardboard्-्Code of practice
108 IS 16171:2014 Veneer laminated lumber - Specification
1 IS 884:1985 Specification for first-aid hose reel for fire fighting (first revision)
2 IS 901:1988 Specification for couplings, double male and double female, instantaneous pattern for fire fighting (third revision)
3 IS 902:1992 Specification for suction hose couplings for fire fighting purposes (third revision)
4 IS 903:1993 Specification for fire hose delivery couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and nozzlespanner (fourth revision)
5 IS 904:1983 Specification for 2-way and 3-way suction collecting heads for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
6 IS 905:1980 Specification for delivery breechings, dividing and collecting instantaneous pattern for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
7 IS 906:1988 Specification for revolving branch pipe for fire fighting
8 IS 907:1984 Specification for suction strainers, cylindrical type for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
9 IS 908:1975 Specification for fire hydrant, stand post type (second revision)
10 IS 909:1992 Specification for underground fire hydrant, sluice valve type
11 IS 910:1980 Specification for combined key for hydrant, hydrant cover and lower valve (second revision)
12 IS 926:1985 Specification for fireman's axe (second revision)
13 IS 927:1981 Specification for fire hooks (second revision)
14 IS 928:1984 Specification for fire bells (second revision)
15 IS 937:1981 Specification for washers for water fittings for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
16 IS 939:1977 Specification for snatch block for use with fibre rope for fire brigade use (first revision)
17 IS 941:1985 Specification for blower and exhauster for fire fighting
18 IS 942:1982 Functional requirements for 275 l/min portable pump set for fire fighting (second revision)
19 IS 943:1979 Functional requirements for 680-l/min trailer pump for fire brigade use (second revision)
20 IS 944:1979 Functional requirements for 1800-l/min trailer pump for fire brigade use (second revision)
21 IS 947:1985 Functional requirements for towing tender for trailer fire pump for fire brigade use (first revision)
22 IS 948:1983 Functional requirements for water tender type `A' for fire brigade use (second revision)
23 IS 949:2012 Functional requirements for emergency (rescue) tender for fire brigade use (second revision)
24 IS 950:2012 Functional requirements for water tender, Type B for fire brigade use (third revision)
25 IS 951:2003 Functional requirements for crash tender for air fields (fourth revision)
26 IS 952:2012 Specification for fognozzle for fire brigade use (second revision)
27 IS 955:1980 Functional requirements for dry powder tender for fire brigade use (150 kg capacity) (first revision)
28 IS 956:2004 Functional requirements for rescue tender for air fields
29 IS 957:1967 Specification for control van for fire brigade use
30 IS 1941(Part 1):1976 Functional requirements for electric motor sirens: Part 1 AC, 3 Phase 50 hz, 415 volts type (second revision)
31 IS 2097:2012 Specification for foam making branch pipe (second revision)
32 IS 2175:1988 Specification for heat sensitive fire detectors for use in automatic fire alarm system (second revision)
33 IS 2189:2008 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of automatic fire detection and alarm system (fourth revision)
34 IS 2190:2010 Selection, installation and maintenance of first-aid fire extinguishers - Code of practice (fourth revision)
35 IS 2546:1974 Specification for galvanized mild steel fire bucket (first revision)
36 IS 2696:1974 Functional requirements for 1125-l/min light fire engine (first revision) (Superseding IS 938)
37 IS 2745:1983 Specification for non-metal helmet for firemen and civil defence personnel (second revision)
38 IS 2871:2012 Specification for branch pipe, universal for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
39 IS 2878:2004 Specification for fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide type(portable and trolley mounted ) (third revision)
40 IS 2925:1984 Specification for industrial safety helmets (second revision)
41 IS 2930:1980 Functional requirements for hose laying tender for fire brigade use (first revision)
42 IS 3582:1984 Specification for basket strainers for fire fighting purposes (cylindrical type) (first revision)
43 IS 3744:1985 Specification for hose binding machine (first revision)
44 IS 3844:1989 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal fire hydrants and hose reels on premises (first revision)
45 IS 4151:1993 Specification for protective helmets for motorcycle riders (third revision)
46 IS 4308:2003 Specification for dry chemical powder for fighting B and C Class fires (second revision)
47 IS 4571:1977 Specification for aluminium extension ladders for fire brigade use (first revision)
48 IS 4643:1984 Specification for suction wrenches for fire brigade use
49 IS 4861:1984 Specification for dry powder for fighting fires in burning metals
50 IS 4862(Part 1):1986 Specification for portable fire extinguishers for aircraft : Part 1 Halon 1211 Type (first revision)
51 IS 4927:1992 Specification for unlined flax canvas hose for fire fighting
52 IS 4928:1986 Specification for delivery valve for centrifugal fire pump outlets(first revision)
53 IS 4947:2006 Specification for gas cartridges for use in fire extinguishers
54 IS 4989:2006 Foam concentrate for producing mechanical foam for fire fighting - Specification (third revision) [Amalgamating IS 4989(Part 1):1985, IS 4989(Part 2):1984 and IS 4989(Part 3):1987]
55 IS 4989(Part 4):2003 Specification for multipurpose aqueous film forming foam liquid concentrate for extinguishing hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires
56 IS 5131:2002 Specification for dividing breeching with control for fire brigade use (second revision)
57 IS 5290:1993 Specification for landing valves (third revision)
58 IS 5486:1985 Specification for quick release knife (first revision)
59 IS 5505:1985 Specification for multi-edged rescue axe (non-wedging)
60 IS 5612(Part 1):1977 Specification for hose-clamps and hose-bandages for fire brigade use: Part 1 Hose-clamps (first revision)
61 IS 5612(Part 2):1977 Specification for hose-clamps and hose bandages for fire brigade use: Part 2 Hose bandages (first revision)
62 IS 5714:1981 Specification for hydrant, stand-pipe for fire fighting
63 IS 5888:1970 Code of practice for design and construction of fire service drill- tower
64 IS 5896(Part 1):1970 Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of special fire fighting appliances: Part 1 Combined foam and CO2 crash tender
65 IS 5896(Part 3):1975 Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of fire fighting appliances: Part 3 Turntable ladders
66 IS 6026:1985 Specification for hand-operated sirens (first revision)
67 IS 6067:1983 Functional requirements for water tender type `X' for fire brigade use(first revision)
68 IS 6070:1983 Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of trailer fire pumps, portable pumps, water tenders and motor fire engines (first revision)
69 IS 7673:2004 Glossary of terms for fire fighting equipment (first revision)
70 IS 7692:1993 Specification for head forms for testing of helmets (first revision)
71 IS 8090:1976 Specification for couplings, branch pipe, nozzle, used in hose reel tubing for fire fighting
72 IS 8096:1992 Specification for fire beaters (first revision)
73 IS 8149:1994 Functional requirements for twin CO2 fire extinguishers (trolley mounted)(first revision)
74 IS 8423:1994 Specification for controlled percolating hose for fire fighting
75 IS 8442:2008 Functional requirements for stand post type water monitor for fire fighting (first revision)
76 IS 9562:1980 Specification for non-metal helmet for police force
77 IS 9668:1990 Code of practice for provision and maintenance of water supplies and fire fighting (first revision)
78 IS 9695:1980 Methods of sampling of helmets
79 IS 9972:2002 Specification for automatic sprinkler heads for fire protection service (first revision)
80 IS 9973:1981 Specification for visor for scooter helmets
81 IS 9995:1981 Specification for visor for non-metal police and firemen's
82 IS 10460:1983 Functional requirements for small foam tender for fire brigade
83 IS 10658:1999 Specification for higher capacity dry powder fire extinguisher (trolley mounted) (first revision)
84 IS 10993:1984 Functional requirements for 2000-kg dry powder tender for fire brigade use
85 IS 11101:1984 Specification for extended branch pipe for fire brigade use
86 IS 11108:1984 Specification for portable fire extinguisher halons-1211 type
87 IS 11360:1985 Specification for smoke detectors for use in automatic electrical fire alarm system
88 IS 11833:1986 Specification for dry powder fire extinguisher for metal fires
89 IS 12717:1989 Functional requirements of fire fighting equipment - High capacity portable pumpset (1100-1600 L/min)
90 IS 12796:1989 Specification for fire rake
91 IS 12805:1989 Tool Mcleod for fighting forest fires
92 IS 12835(Part 1):1989 Code of practice for design and installation of fixed foam fire extinguishing system: Part 1 Low expansion foam
93 IS 12853:1989 Specification for pulaski tool for forest fires
94 IS 12859:1989 Specification for brush hook for forest fires
95 IS 12861:1989 Specification for double bit axe for forest fires
96 IS 12862:1989 Specification for fire fighting shovel for forest fires
97 IS 13039:1991 Code of practice for external hydrant systems provision and maintenance
98 IS 13385:1992 Specification for fire extinguisher- 50 litre capacity wheel mounted water type (Gas Cartridge)
99 IS 13386:1992 Specification for fire extinguisher 50 litre capacity mechanical foam type
100 IS 14609:1999 Specification for dry chemical powder for fighting ABC Class
101 IS 14851:2000 Code of practice for maintenance of fire hose
102 IS 14933:2001 Specification for high pressure fire fighting hose
103 IS 14951:2001 Specification for fire extinguisher, 135 litre capacity mechanical foam type
104 IS 15051:2001 High pressure fire hose delivery couplings - Specification
105 IS 15105:2002 Design and installation of fixed automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems – Code of Practice
106 IS 15220:2002 Specification for halon 1211 and halon 1301 - halogented hydrocarbon - fire extinguishing media for fire protection
107 IS 15221:2002 Code of practice for safe handling and transfer procedure of halon 1121 and halon 1301- (halogonated hydrocarbon) - fire extinguishing media
108 IS 15222:2002 Specification for carbon-dioxide as fire extinguishing media for fire protection
109 IS 15301:2003 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of fire fighting pump
110 IS 15325:2003 Code of practice for design and installation of fixed automatic high and medium velocity water spray system
111 IS 15493:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - General requirements
112 IS 15496:2004 Inspection and maintenance of gaseous fire extinguishing systems - Code of practice
113 IS 15497:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems IG 01 extinguishing systems
114 IS 15501:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems IG 541 extinguishing
115 IS 15505:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - HCFC Blend A extinguishing systems
116 IS 15506:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - IG 55 - extinguishing systems
117 IS 15517:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - HFC 227ea (Hepta Fluoro Propane) extinguishing systems
118 IS 15519:2004 Water mist fire protection systems - System design, installation and commissioning - Code of practice
119 IS 15525:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - IG 100 extinguishing
120 IS 15528:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - Carbon dioxide total flooding and local application (Sub-floor and in-cabinet), high and low pressure (refrigerated) systems
121 IS 15682:2006 Fire fighting vehicle and equipment - Symbols for operator controls and other display
122 IS 15683:2006 Portable fire extinguishers - Performance and construction - Specification
123 IS 15811:2008 Long-range water-cum-foam monitor with self-inducting, aspirating and non-aspirating jet and spray/fog nozzle for fire fighting - Specification
124 IS 15821:2008 Gaseous fire extinguishing system - Physical properties and system design - CF3I Extinguishant
125 IS 15835:2009 Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems HCFC - 125 Extinguishing Systems
126 IS 15908:2011 Selection, installation and maintenance of control and indicating equipments for fire detection and alarm system - Code of Practice
127 IS 16018:2012 Wheeled fire extinguisher - Performance and construction - Specification
128 IS 16088:2012 Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes for automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system - Specification
129 IS 16095:2013 Hazmat vehicle - Specification
130 IS 16109:2013 Turntable Ladder - Specification
131 IS / ISO 6182-7 :2004 Fire Protection - Automatic Sprinkler Systems Part 7 Requirements and Test Method for Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Sprinklers
132 IS/ ISO 7240-5 :2003 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 5 Point-Type Heat Detectors
133 IS/ ISO 7240-7 :2011 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 7 Point-Type Smoke Detectors using Scattered Light, Transmitted light or Ionization
134 IS/ ISO 7240-11 :2011 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 11 Manual Call Points
135 IS/ ISO 7240-15 :2004 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 15 Point-Type Fire Detectors using Scattered Light, Transmitted light or Ionization Sensor in Combination with a Heat Sensor
1 IS 1172:1993 Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation (fourth revision)
2 IS 1742:1983 Code of practice for building drainage (second Revision)
3 IS 2064:1993 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sanitary appliances (second Revision)
4 IS 2065:1983 Code of practice for water supply in buildings
5 IS 2470(Part 1):1985 Code of practice for installation of septic tanks: Part I design, criteria and construction (second revision)
6 IS 2470(Part 2):1985 Code of practice for installation of septic tanks: Part 2 Secondary treatment and disposal of septic tank effluent
7 IS 3114:1994 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes (second revision)
8 IS 4111(Part 1):1986 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part I Manholes (first revision)
9 IS 4111(Part 2):1985 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part II Flusing tanks (first revision)
10 IS 4111(Part 3):1985 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part III Inverted syphon (first revision)
11 IS 4111(Part 4):1968 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part 4 Pumping stations and pumping mains (rising mains)
12 IS 4111(Part 5):1993 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part 5 Tidal outfalls
13 IS 4127:1983 Code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes (first revision)
14 IS 5329:1983 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings (first revision)
15 IS 5611:1987 Code of practice for construction of waste stabilization ponds (faculative type) (first revision)
16 IS 5822:1994 Code of practice for laying of electrically welded steel pipes for water supply (second revision)
17 IS 6279:1971 Specification for equipment for grit removal devices
18 IS 6280:1971 Specification for sewage screens
19 IS 6295:1986 Code of practice for water supply and drainage in high altitudes and/or sub-zero temperature regions (first revision)
20 IS 6924:1973 Code of practice for the construction of refuse chutes in multistoreyed buildings
21 IS 7090:1985 Guidelines for rapid mixing devices (first revision)
22 IS 7208:1992 Guidelines for flocculator devices (first revision)
23 IS 7232:1974 Method for imhoff cone test
24 IS 7558:1974 Code of practice for domestic hot water installations
25 IS 7740:1985 Code of practice for construction and maintenance of road gullies (first revision)
26 IS 8413(Part 1):1977 Requirements for biological treatment equipment: Part 1 Trickling filters
27 IS 8413(Part 2):1982 Requirements for biological treatment and equipment: Part 2 Activated sludge process and its modifications
28 IS 8419(Part 1):1977 Requirements for filtration equipment : Part 1 Filtration media - sand and gravel
29 IS 8419(Part 2):1984 Requirements for rapid sand gravity filtration equipment: Part 2 Under drainage system
30 IS 9110:1979 Specification for hand operated augers for cleaning water- closets pipes and sewers
31 IS 9222(Part 1):1990 Recommendations for handling and dosing devices for chemicals for water treatment: Part I Coagulants (first revision)
32 IS 10037(Part 1):1981 Requirements for sludge dewatering equipment: Part I Sludge drying beds-sand, gravel and under drains
33 IS 10037(Part 2):1983 Requirements for sludge de-watering equipment: Part 2 Vacuum filtration equipment
34 IS 10037(Part 3):1983 Requirements for sludge de-watering equipment: Part 3 Centrifugal equipment (Solid bowl type)
35 IS 10053:1981 Requirements for equipment for jackson candle turbidimeter and determination of turbidity
36 IS 10261:1982 Requirements for settling tank (clarifier equipment) for waste water treatment
37 IS 10313:1982 Requirements for settling tank (clarifier equipment) for water treatment plant
38 IS 10446:1983 Glossary of terms relating to water supply and sanitation
39 IS 10552:1983 Specification for buckets to be used in power driven bucket type sewer cleaning machine
40 IS 10553(Part 1):1983 Requirements for chlorination equipment: Part I General guidelines for chlorination plants including handling, storage and safety of chlorine cylinders and drums
41 IS 10553(Part 2):1983 Requirements for chlorination equipment: Part 2 Vacuum feed type chlorinators
42 IS 10553(Part 4):1983 Requirements for chlorination equipment: Part 4 Gravity feed type gaseous chlorinators
43 IS 10553(Part 5):1987 Requirements of chlorination equipment: Part 5 Bleaching powder solution feeder displacement type chlorinator
44 IS 10595:1983 Requirements for power driven bucket-type sewer cleaning machine
45 IS 11117:1984 Requirements for power driven rodding machine for sewers
46 IS 11208:1985 Guidelines for registration of plumbers
47 IS 11387:1985 Requirements for high pressure jetting machine for sewer
48 IS 11397:1985 Specification for attachment tools for power driven rodding machine for sewers
49 IS 11401(Part 1):1985 Requirements for slow sand filters: Part 1 General guidelines
50 IS 11401(Part 2):1990 General requirements for slow sand filters Part 2 Design, construction, operation and maintenance
51 IS 11906:1986 Recommendations for cement mortar lining for cast iron mild steel and ductile-iron pipes and fittings for transportation of
52 IS 11925:1986 Specification for pitch-impregnated fibre pipes and fittings for drainage purposes
53 IS 11931:1987 Specification for sewer cleaning metal rods
54 IS 11972:1987 Code of practice for safety precautions to be taken when entering a sewerage system
55 IS 12183(Part 1):1987 Code of practice for plumbing in multi-storeyed buildings: Part 1 Water supply
56 IS 12251:1987 Code of practice for drainage of building basements
57 IS 12288:1987 Code of practice for use and laying of ductile iron pipes
58 IS 12314:1987 Code of practice for sanitation with leaching pits for rural community
59 IS 13166:1992 Guidelines for evaluation and testing of mechanical surface aerators
60 IS 13496:1992 General requirements of suction machine for cleaning sewers, manholes and ancillary structures provided on sewer line and closed storm water drains
61 SP 35(S&T): 1987 Handbook on water supply and drainage with special emphasis on plumbing
1 IS 3696(Part 1):1987 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 1 Scaffolds
2 IS 3696(Part 2):1991 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 2 Ladders
3 IS 3764:1992 Code of safety for excavation work (first revision)
4 IS 4014(Part 2):2013 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding: Part 2 Safety regulations for scaffolding (first revision)
5 IS 4081:2013 Code of safety for blasting and related drilling operations
6 IS 4082:1996 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials and components at site (second revision)
7 IS 4130:1991 Safety code for demolition of buildings (second revision)
8 IS 4138:1977 Safety code for working in compressed air (first revision)
9 IS 4756:1978 Safety code for tunneling work (first revision)
10 IS 4912:1978 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards (first revision)
11 IS 5121:2013 Code of safety for piling and other deep foundations (first revision)
12 IS 5916:2013 Safety code for construction involving use of hot bituminous materials (first revision)
13 IS 7272(Part 1):1974 Recommendations for labour output constants for building work: Part 1 North zone
14 IS 7293:1974 Safety code for working with construction machinery
15 IS 7969:1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
16 IS 8989:1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures
17 IS 10067:1982 Material constants in building works
18 IS 10291:1982 Safety code for dress divers in civil engineering works
19 IS 10302:1982 Unified nomenclature of workmen for civil engineering
20 IS 13415:1992 Code of safety for protective barriers in and around buildings
21 IS 13416(Part 1):1992 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 1 Falling material hazards prevention
22 IS 13416(Part 2):1992 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 2 Fall prevention
23 IS 13416(Part 3):1994 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 3 Disposal of debris
24 IS 13416(Part 4):1994 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 4 Timber structure
25 IS 13416(Part 5):1994 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 5 Fire protection
26 IS 13430:1992 Code of practice for safety during additional construction and alteration to existing buildings
27 IS 15883(Part 1):2009 Guidelines for construction project management: Part 1 General
28 IS 15883(Part 2):2013 Guidelines for construction project management: Part 2 Time management
29 IS 15883(Part 5):2013 Guidelines for construction project management: Part 5 Health and safety management
30 SP 70: 2001 Handbook on construction safety practices
1 IS 654:1992 Clay roofing tiles, mangalore pattern - Specification (third revision)
2 IS 1077:1992 Common burnt clay building bricks - Specification (fifth revision)
3 IS 1464:1992 Clay ridge and ceiling tiles - Specification (second revision)
4 IS 1478:1992 Clay flooring tile - Specification (second revision)
5 IS 1725:2013 Stabilized soil blocks used in general building construction - Specification (second revision)
6 IS 2117:1991 Guide for manufacture of hand-made common burnt clay building bricks (third revision)
7 IS 2180:1988 Specification for heavy duty burnt clay building bricks
8 IS 2222:1991 Specification for burnt clay perforated building bricks
9 IS 2248:1992 Glossary of terms relating to clay products for buildings
10 IS 2690(Part 1):1993 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles- Specification : Part 1 Machine made (second revision)
11 IS 2690(Part 2):1992 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles - Specification : Part 2 Hand made (second revision)
12 IS 2691:1988 Specification for burnt clay facing bricks (second revision)
13 IS 3367:1993 Burnt clay tiles for use in lining irrigation and drainage works - Specification (second revision)
14 IS 3495(Part 1-4):1992 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks:
Part 1 Determination of compressive strength
Part 2 Determination of water absorption
Part 3 Determination of efflorescence
Part 4 Determination of warpage
15 IS 3583:1988 Specification for burnt clay paving bricks (second revision)
16 IS 3951(Part 1):2009 Specification for hollow clay tiles for floors and roofs Part 1 Filler type (second revision)
17 IS 3951(Part 2):2009 Hollow clay tiles for floors and roofs-Specification: Part 2 Structural type (second revision)
18 IS 3952:2013 Specification for burnt clay hollow bricks and blocks for walls and partitions (third revision)
19 IS 3978:1993 Manufacture of burnt clay Mangalore pattern roofing tiles - Code of practice (first revision)
20 IS 4885:1988 Specification for sewer bricks (first revision)
21 IS 5454:1978 Methods of sampling of clay building bricks (first revision)
22 IS 5779:1986 Specification for burnt clay soling bricks (first revision)
23 IS 6165:1992 Dimensions for special shapes of clay bricks (first revision)
24 IS 7556:1988 Specification for burnt clay jallies (first revision)
25 IS 8920:1978 Methods for sampling of burnt clay tiles
26 IS 11650:1991 Guide for manufacture of common burnt clay building bricks by semi-mechanized process (first revision)
27 IS 13317:1992 Clay roofing country tiles, half round and flat tiles - Specification
28 IS 13757:1993 Burnt clay fly ash building bricks - Specification
1 IS 1829(Part 1):1978 Specification for library furniture and fittings: Part 1 Timber
2 IS 1829(Part 2):1993 Library furniture and fittings : Part 2 Steel - Specification
3 IS 1883:1983 Specification for metal shelving racks adjustable type
4 IS 2695:1993 Specification for drawing filing equipment (second revision)
5 IS 3312:1984 Specification for steel shelving cabinets (adjustable type)
6 IS 3313:1983 Specification for steel filing cabinets for general office purposes (second revision)
7 IS 3314:1984 Specification for steel clothes lockers (second revision)
8 IS 3497:1992 Steel wardrobes (adjustable type) - Specification (second revision)
9 IS 3498:1993 Metal table (office type) - Specification (third revision)
10 IS 3499(Part 1):1985 Specification for metal chairs for office purposes: Part 1 Non- revolving and non-tilting (second revision)
11 IS 3499(Part 2):1985 Specification for metal chairs for office purposes: Part 2 Revolving and tilting (Second Revision)
12 IS 3663:1991 Dimensions of tables and chairs for office purposes
13 IS 3761:1983 Specification for metal side racks (adjustable type) (first revision)
14 IS 3762:1979 Specification for metal waste paper bins (first revision)
15 IS 3763:1983 Specification for metal folding chairs (first revision)
16 IS 3791:1983 Specification for metal paper trays (first revision)
17 IS 3845:1966 Code of practice for joints used in wooden furniture
18 IS 4103:1977 Specification for metal nesting chairs (first revision)
19 IS 4116:1988 Specification for wooden shelving cabinets (adjustable type)
20 IS 4126:1986 Specification for wooden wardrobes (adjustable and non- adjustable type) (first revision)
21 IS 4204:1974 Functional requirements for drafting chairs (first revision)
22 IS 4205:1989 Drafting stools - Specification (second revision)
23 IS 4414:1990 Wooden table tops - Specification (second revision)
24 IS 4415:1974 Glossary of terms relating to wooden furniture and fixtures
25 IS 4837:1990 School furniture, classroom chairs and tables - Recommendations (second revision)
26 IS 5391:1992 Adjustable metal chairs for use of typists and operators in telephone exchanges - Specification (second revision)
27 IS 5416(Part 1):1988 Methods of test for strength and stability of chairs and stools: Part 1 Strength (first revision)
28 IS 5416(Part 2):1988 Method of test for strength and stability of chairs and stools: Part 2 Determination of stability of chairs and stools
29 IS 5807(Part 1):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 1 Resistance to dry heat (first revision)
30 IS 5807(Part 2):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 2 Resistance to wet heat (first revision)
31 IS 5807(Part 3):1971 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 3 Resistance to marking by oils and fats
32 IS 5807(Part 4):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 4 Resistance to marking by liquids
33 IS 5807(Part 5):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 5 Test for low angle glare
34 IS 5807(Part 6):1978 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 6 Resistance to mechanical damage
35 IS 5823:1986 Specification for dining tables (first revision)
36 IS 5923:1986 Specification for wooden clothes lockers (first revision)
37 IS 5967(Part 1):1988 Methods of test for strength and stability of tables and trolleys: Part 1 Strength (first revision)
38 IS 5967(Part 2):1988 Methods of test for strength and stability of tables and trolleys : Part 2 Stability (first revision)
39 IS 5974:1986 Specification for divans and easy chairs (first revision)
40 IS 6179:1971 Specification and safety requirements for rigid sided playpens
41 IS 6184:1971 Dimensions for furniture mirrors
42 IS 6185:1971 Specification and safety requirements for high chairs
43 IS 6188:1988 Specification for wooden bedside table (first revision)
44 IS 6189:1985 Specification for metal stationary cupboards (first revision)
45 IS 6632:1988 Specification for wooden folding chairs (first revision)
46 IS 7070:1988 Wooden shelving racks, adjustable and non-adjustable type - Specification (first revision)
47 IS 7076:1983 Specification for metal book ends (first revision)
48 IS 7259(Part 1):1988 Specification for wooden beds: Part 1 For use with mattresses
49 IS 7760:1985 Specification for steel glass-front cabinets (first revision)
50 IS 7761:1983 Specification for steel book cases (first revision)
51 IS 8126:1993 Specification for composite office tables (first revision)
52 IS 8467:1977 Specification for steel card-index cabinets
53 IS 8761:1978 Specification for steel folding cots
54 IS 9236:1993 Specification for metal letter-rests (first revision)
55 IS 9715:1981 Specification for steel visible indexing system cabinets
56 IS 11525:1986 Specification for wooden chairs for office purposes
57 IS 11679:1986 Specification for wooden tables for office use
58 IS 12674(Part 1):1989 Methods of test for strength and stability of settees and benches: Part 1 Strength
59 IS 12674(Part 2):1989 Methods of test for strength and stability of settees and benches; Part 2 Stability
60 IS 12680:1989 Wooden sofa-cum-bed - Specification
61 IS 13089:1991 Furniture - Storage units - Determination of stability
62 IS 13713:1993 Plastic chairs for general office purposes - Specification
63 IS 13896:1994 Machine operators table and visual display unit (VDU) table - Specification
1 IS 1641:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): General principles of fire grading and classification (second revision)
2 IS 1642:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Details of construction (second revision) (Superseding IS 1645)
3 IS 1643:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Exposure hazard (second revision)
4 IS 1644:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Exit requirements and personal hazard (second revision)
5 IS 1646:1997 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Electrical installations (second revision)
6 IS 2726:1988 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Cotton ginning and pressing (including cotton seed delintering) factories (first revision)
7 IS 3034:1993 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Electrical generating and distributing stations (second revision)
8 IS 3058:1990 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Viscose rayon yarn and/or staple fibre plants (first revision)
9 IS 3079:1990 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Cotton textile mills(first revision)
10 IS 3594:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: General storage and warehousing including cold storages (first revision)
11 IS 3595:2002 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Coal pulverizers and associated equipments (second revision)
12 IS 3614(Part 1):1966 Specification for fire-check doors: Part 1 Plate metal covered and rolling type
13 IS 3614(Part 2):1992 Specification for metallic and non-metallic fire-check doors - Resistance test and performance criteria
14 IS 3808:1979 Method of test for non-combustibility of building materials
15 IS 3809:1979 Fire resistance test for structures (first revision)
16 IS 3836:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Jute mills (second revision)
17 IS 4226:1988 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Aluminium/Magnesium powder factories (first revision)
18 IS 4886:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Tea factories (first revision)
19 IS 6329:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Saw mills and wood works (first revision)
20 IS 8757:1999 Glossary of terms associated with fire safety (first revision)
21 IS 8758:2013 Recommendations for fire precautionary measures in the construction of temporary structures and pandals
22 IS 9109:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Paint and varnish factories (first revision)
23 IS 11457(Part 1):1985 Code of practice for fire safety of chemical industries: Part 1 Rubber and plastic
24 IS 11460:1985 Code of practice for fire safety of libraries and archives
25 IS 12349:1988 Fire protection-safety signs
26 IS 12407:1988 Graphic symbols for fire protection plans
27 IS 12456:2004 Code of practice for fire protection of electronic data processing installation (first revision)
28 IS 12458:1988 Method for fire resistance test of fire stops
29 IS 12459:1988 Code of practice for fire safety in cable runs
30 IS 12777:1989 Method for classification of flame spread of products
31 IS 13045:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Flour mills
32 IS 13694:1993 Code of practice for fire safety in iron and steel industries
33 IS 13716:1993 Code of practice for fire safety of hotels
34 IS 14435:2013 Fire safety in educational institutions्- Code of practice (first्revision)
35 IS 14689:1999 Code of practice for fire safety in industrial buildings (printing and publishing industry)
36 IS 14850:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of museums
37 IS 15381:2003 Specification for fire blanket
38 IS 15394:2003 Code of practice for fire safety in petroleum refineries and fertilizer plants
1 IS 875(Part 1):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)for buildings and structures Part 1 Dead loads - Unit weights of building material and stored materials (second revision) (Incorporating IS:1911-1967)
2 IS 875(Part 2):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 2 Imposed loads (second revision)
3 IS 875(Part 3):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 3 Wind loads (second revision)
4 IS 875(Part 4):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures Part 4 Snow loads (second revision)
5 IS 875(Part 5):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures Part 5 Special loads and load combinations (second revision)
6 SP 64(S&T): 2001 Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures: Part 3 Wind Loads [IS 875(Part 3):1987]
1 IS 2210:1988 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete shell structures and folded plates (first revision)
2 IS 3935:1966 Code of practice for composite construction
3 IS 4090:1967 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete arches
4 IS 4995(Part 1):1974 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery materials: Part 1 General requirements and assessment of bin loads (first revision)
5 IS 4995(Part 2):1974 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery materials: Part 2 Design criteria
6 IS 4998(Part 1):1992 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys: Part 1 Assessment of loads (second revision)
7 IS 11384:1985 Code of practice for composite construction in structural steel and concrete
8 IS 11504:1985 Criteria for structural design of reinforced concrete natural draught cooling towers
9 IS 11682:1985 Criteria for design of RCC staging for overhead water tanks
10 SP 43(S&T): 1987 Handbook on structures with reinforced concrete portal frames (without cranes)
1 IS 1893:1984 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures
2 IS 1893(Part 1):2002 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures: Part 1 General Provisions and buildings (fifth revision)
3 IS 1893(Part 4):2005 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures: Part 4 Industrial structures including stack-like structure
4 IS 4326:2013 Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings (third revision)
5 IS 4967:1968 Recommendations for seismic instrumentation for river valley projects
6 IS 4991:1968 Criteria for blast resistant design of structures for explosions above ground
7 IS 6922:1973 Criteria for safety and design of structures subject to underground blasts
8 IS 13827:1993 Improving earthquake resistance of earthen buildings -
9 IS 13828:1993 Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonry buildings - Guidelines
10 IS 13920:1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces- Code of practice
11 IS 13935:2009 Guidelines for evaluation, repair and seismic strengthening of masonry buildings (first revision)
12 IS 15988:2013 Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings - Guidelines.
1 IS 1322:1993 Specification for bitumen felts for water proofing and damp- proofing (fourth revision)
2 IS 1346:1991 Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen felts
3 IS 1580:1991 Specification for bituminous compounds for water-proofing and caulking purposes (second revision)
4 IS 1609:1991 Code of practice for damp-proofing treatment using bitumen felts (third revision)
5 IS 3036:1992 Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish (second revision)
6 IS 3037:1986 Specification for bitumen mastic for use in water-proofing of roofs (first revision)
7 IS 3067:1988 Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work for damp-proofing and water-proofing of buildings (first revision)
8 IS 3384:1986 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp-proofing (first revision)
9 IS 4365:1967 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for waterproofing of roofs
10 IS 4911:1986 Glossary of terms relating to bituminous waterproofing and damp-proofing of buildings (first revision)
11 IS 5871:1987 Specification for bitumen mastic for tanking and damp- proofing (first revision)
12 IS 6494:1988 Code of practice for water-proofing of underground water reservoirs and swimming pools (first revision)
13 IS 7193:1994 Glass fibre base bitumen felts - Specification (first revision)
14 IS 7198:1974 Code of practice for damp-proofing using bitumen mastic
15 IS 7290:1979 Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for water- proofing of roofs (first revision)
16 IS 9918:1981 Code of practice for in-situ waterproofing and damp-proofing treatment with glass fibre tissue reinforced bitumen
17 IS 12027:1987 Specification for silicone-based water repellents
18 IS 12054:1987 Code of practice for application of silicone based water repellents
19 IS 13182:1991 Waterproofing and damp-proofing of wet areas in building - Recommendations
20 IS 13435(Part 1):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofinng materials - Methods of test: Part 1 Determination of solid content
21 IS 13435(Part 2):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing materials - Methods of test: Part 2 Determination of coarse particles
22 IS 13435(Part 3):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing material - Methods of test Part 3 Determination of capillary water take-up
23 IS 13435(Part 4):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing material - Methods of test Part 4 Determination of pH value
24 IS 13826(Part 1):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test: Part 1 Breaking strength
25 IS 13826(Part 2):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test Part 2 Pliability test
26 IS 13826(Part 3):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test; Part 3 Storage sticking
27 IS 13826(Part 4):1994 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test: Part 4 Pressure head test
28 IS 13826(Part 5):1994 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test; Part 5 Heat resistance
29 IS 13826(Part 6):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test; Part 6 Water absorption
30 IS 13826(Part 7):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test: Part 7 Determination of binder content
31 IS 14695:1999 Glass fibre base coal tar pitch outer wrap - Specification
1 IS 1080:1985 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations in soils (other than raft, ring and shell)
2 IS 1498:1970 Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes (first revision)
3 IS 1888:1982 Method of load test on soils (second revision)
4 IS 1892:1979 Code of practice for subsurface investigation for foundations
5 IS 1904:1986 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations in soils: General requirements (third revision)
6 IS 2131:1981 Method of standard penetration test for soils (first revision)
7 IS 2132:1986 Code of practice for thin walled tube sampling of soils
8 IS 2720(Part 1):1983 Methods of test for soils: Part 1 Preparation of dry soil samples for various tests (second revision)
9 IS 2720(Part 2):1973 Methods of test for soils: Part 2 Determination of water content
10 IS 2720(Part 3/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 3 Determination of specific 1):1980 gravity, Section 1 Fine grained soils (first revision)
11 IS 2720(Part 3/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 3 Determination of specific 2):1980 gravity, Section 2 Fine, medium and coarse grained soils
12 IS 2720(Part 4):1985 Methods of test for soils: Part 4 Grain size analysis
13 IS 2720(Part 5):1985 Methods of test for soils: Part 5 Determination of liquid and plastic limit (second revision)
14 IS 2720(Part 6):1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 6 Determination of shrinkage factors (first revision)
15 IS 2720(Part 7):1980 Methods of test for soils: Part 7 Determination of water content- dry density relation using light compaction (second revision)
16 IS 2720(Part 8):1983 Methods of test for soils: Part 8 Determination of water content- dry density relation using heavy compaction (second revision)
17 IS 2720(Part 9):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 9 Determination of dry density- moisture content relation by constant mass of soil method
18 IS 2720(Part 10):1991 Methods of test for soils: Part 10 Determination of unconfined compressive strength (second revision)
19 IS 2720(Part 11):1993 Methods of test for soils: Part 11 Determination of the shear strength parameters of a specimen tested in unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression without the measurement of pore water pressure (first revision)
20 IS 2720(Part 12):1981 Methods of test for soils: Part 12 Determination of shear strength parameters of soil from consolidated undrained triaxial compression test with measurement of pore water pressure (first revision)
21 IS 2720(Part 13):1986 Methods of test for soils: Part 13 Direct shear test
22 IS 2720(Part 14):1983 Methods of test for soils: Part 14 Determination of density index (relative density) of cohesionless soils (first revision)
23 IS 2720(Part 15):1986 Methods of test for soils: Part 15 Determination of consolidation properties (first revision)
24 IS 2720(Part 16):1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 16 Laboratory determination of CBR (second revision)
25 IS 2720(Part 17):1986 Methods of test for soils: Part 17 Laboratory determination of permeability (first revision)
26 IS 2720(Part 18):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 18 Determination of field moisture equivalent (first revision)
27 IS 2720(Part 19):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 19 Determination of centrifuge moisture equivalent (first revision)
28 IS 2720(Part 20):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 20 Determination of linear shrinkage (first revision)
29 IS 2720(Part 21):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 21 Determination of total soluble solids (first revision)
30 IS 2720(Part 22):1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 22 Determination of organic matter (first revision)
31 IS 2720(Part 23):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 23 Determination of calcium carbonate (first revision)
32 IS 2720(Part 24):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 24 Determination of cation exchange capacity (first revision)
33 IS 2720(Part 25):1982 Methods of test for soils: Part 25 Determination of silica sesquioxide ratio (first revision)
34 IS 2720(Part 26):1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 26 Determination of pH value
35 IS 2720(Part 27):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 27 Determination of total soluble sulphates (first revision)
36 IS 2720(Part 28):1974 Methods of test for soils: Part 28 Determination of dry density of soils, in-place, by the sand replacement method (first revision)
37 IS 2720(Part 29):1975 Methods of test for soils: Part 29 Determination of dry density of soils in-place, by the core-cutter method (first revision)
38 IS 2720(Part 30):1980 Methods of test for soils: Part 30 Laboratory vane shear test
39 IS 2720(Part 31):1990 Methods of test for soils: Part 31 Field determination of California bearing ratio (first revision)
40 IS 2720(Part 33):1971 Methods of test for soils: Part 33 Determination of the density in place by the ring and water replacement method
41 IS 2720(Part 34):1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 34 Determination of density of soil in place by rubber balloon method
42 IS 2720(Part 35):1974 Methods of test for soils: Part 35 Measurement of negative pore water pressure
43 IS 2720(Part 36):1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 36 Laboratory determination of permeability of granular soils (constant head) (first revision)
44 IS 2720(Part 37):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 37 Determination of sand equivalent value of soils and fine aggregates
45 IS 2720(Part 38):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 38 Compaction control test (Hilf method)
46 IS 2720(Part 39/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 39 Direct shear test for soils 1):1977 containing gravel, Section 1 Laboratory test
47 IS 2720(Part 39/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 39 Direct shear test for soils 2):1979 containing gravel, Section 2 In-situ shear test
48 IS 2720(Part 40):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 40 Determination of free swell index of soils
49 IS 2720(Part 41):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 41 Measurement of swelling pressure of soils
50 IS 2809:1972 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soil engineering
51 IS 2810:1979 Glossary of terms relating to soil dynamics (first revision)
52 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice:1):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 1 Driven cast in-situ concrete piles (second revision)
53 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice: 2):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 2 Bored cast-in-situ concrete piles (second revision)
54 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice:3):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 3 Driven precast concrete piles (second revision)
55 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice:4):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 4 Precast concrete piles in prebored holes (first revision)
56 IS 2911(Part 2):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations: Part 2 Timber piles (first revision)
57 IS 2911(Part 3):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations: Part 3 Under reamed piles (first revision)
58 IS 2911(Part 4):2013 Design and construction of pile foundations - Code of practice: Part 4 Load test on piles (second revision)
59 IS 2950(Part 1):1981 Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations: Part 1 Design (second revision)
60 IS 2974(Part 1):1982 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 1 Foundations for reciprocating type machines (second revision)
61 IS 2974(Part 2):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 2 Foundations for impact type machines (hammer foundations) (first revision)
62 IS 2974(Part 3):1992 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 3 Foundations for rotary type machines (medium and high frequency) (second revision)
63 IS 2974(Part 4):1979 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 4 Foundations for rotary type machines of low frequency (first revision)
64 IS 2974(Part 5):1987 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 5 Foundations for impact machines other than hammer (forging and stamping press, pig breaker, drop crusher and jolter) (first revision)
65 IS 4091:1979 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations for transmission line towers and poles (first revision)
66 IS 4332(Part 1):1967 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 1 Method of sampling and preparation of stabilized soils for testing
67 IS 4332(Part 2):1967 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 2 Determination of moisture content of stabilized soil mixtures
68 IS 4332(Part 3):1967 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 3 Test for determination of moisture content-dry density relation for stablized soil mixtures
69 IS 4332(Part 4):1968 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 4 Wetting and drying and freezing and thawing tests for compacted soil-cement mixtures
70 IS 4332(Part 5):1970 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 5 Determination of unconfined compressive strength of stabilized soils
71 IS 4332(Part 6):1972 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 6 Flexural strength of soil - cement using simple beam with third-point loading
72 IS 4332(Part 7):1973 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 7 Determination of cement content of cement stabilized soils
73 IS 4332(Part 8):1969 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 8 Determination of lime content of lime stabilized soils
74 IS 4332(Part 9):1970 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 9 Determination of the bituminous stabilizer content of bitumen and tar stabilized
75 IS 4332(Part 10):1969 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 10 Test for soil/bituminous mixtures
76 IS 4434:1978 Code of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils (first revision)
77 IS 4968(Part 1):1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils: Part 1 Dynamic method using 50 mm cone without bentonite slurry (first revision)
78 IS 4968(Part 2):1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils: Part 2 Dynamic method using cone and bentonite slurry (first revision)
79 IS 4968(Part 3):1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils: Part 3 Static cone penetration test (first revision)
80 IS 5249:1992 Determination of dynamic properties of soil - Method of test (second revision)
81 IS 6403:1981 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundations (first revision)
82 IS 8009(Part 1):1976 Code of practice for calculation of settlements of foundations: Part 1 Shallow foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads
83 IS 8009(Part 2):1980 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations: Part 2 Deep foundations subjected to symmetrical static
84 IS 8763:1978 Guide for undisturbed sampling of sands
85 IS 9198:1979 Specification for compaction rammer for soil testing
86 IS 9214:1979 Method for determination of modulus of sub-grade reaction (k-value) of soils in field
87 IS 9259:1979 Specification for liquid limit apparatus for soils
88 IS 9456:1980 Code of practice for design and construction of conical and hyperbolic paraboloidal types of shell foundations
89 IS 9556:1980 Code of practice for design and construction of diaphragm walls
90 IS 9640:1980 Specification for split spoon sampler
91 IS 9669:1980 Specification for CBR moulds and its accessories
92 IS 9716:1981 Guide for lateral dynamic load test on piles
93 IS 9759:1981 Guidelines for dewatering during construction
94 IS 10042:1981 Code of practice for site investigations for foundation in gravel boulder deposit
95 IS 10074:1982 Specification for compaction mould assembly for light and heavy compaction test for soils
96 IS 10077:1982 Specification for equipment for determination of shrinkage
97 IS 10108:1982 Code of practice for sampling of soils by thin wall sampler with stationary piston
98 IS 10270:1982 Guidelines for design and construction of prestressed rock anchors
99 IS 10379:1982 Code of practice for field control of moisture and compaction of soils of embankment and subgrade
100 IS 10442:1983 Specification for earth augers (spiral type)
101 IS 10589:1983 Specification for equipment for subsurface sounding of soils
102 IS 10837:1984 Specification for moulds and accessories for determination of density index (relative density) of cohesionless soils
103 IS 11089:1984 Code of practice for design and construction of ring foundation
104 IS 11196:1985 Specification for equipment for determination of liquid limit of soils cone penetration method
105 IS 11209:1985 Specification for mould assembly for determination of permeability of soils
106 IS 11229:1985 Specification for shear box for testing of soils
107 IS 11233:1985 Code of practice for design and construction of radar antenna, microwave and TV tower foundations
108 IS 11550:1985 Code of practice for field instrumentation of swelling pressure in expansive soils
109 IS 11593:1986 Specification for shear box (large) for testing of soils
110 IS 11594:1985 Specification for mild steel thin walled sampling tubes and sampler heads
111 IS 11629:1986 Code of practice for installation and operation of single point hydraulic over-flow setting gauge
112 IS 12023:1987 Code of practice for field monitoring of movement of structures using tape extensometer
113 IS 12070:1987 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on rock
114 IS 12175:1987 Specification for rapid moisture meter for rapid determination of water content for soil
115 IS 12208:1987 Method for measurement of earth pressure by hydraulic pressure cell
116 IS 12287:1988 Specification for consolidometer for determination of consolidation properties
117 IS 12979:1990 Mould for determination of linear shrinkage - Specification
118 IS 13094:1992 Selection of ground improvement techniques for foundation in weak soils - Guidelines
119 IS 13301:1992 Vibration isolation for machine foundations - Guidelines
120 IS 13468:1992 Apparatus for determination of dry density of soil by core cutter method - Specification
121 IS 14593:1998 Design and construction of bored cast-in-situ piles founded on rocks - Guidelines
122 IS 14893:2001 Non-destructive integrity testing of piles (NDT) - Guidelines
123 IS 15284(Part 1):2003 Design and construction for ground improvement - Guidelines: Part 1 Stone columns
124 IS 15284(Part 2):2004 Design and construction for ground improvement - Guidelines: Part 2 Preconsolidation using vertical drains
125 SP 36(Part 1): 1987 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 1 Laboratory testing of soils for civil engineering purposes
126 SP 36(Part 2): 1988 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 2 Field testing of soils for civil engineering purposes
1 IS 1200(Part 1):1992 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 1 Earthwork (fourth revision)
2 IS 1200(Part 2):1974 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 2 Concrete works (third revision)
3 IS 1200(Part 3):1976 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering
works: Part 3 Brickwork(third revision)
4 IS 1200(Part 4):1976 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 4 Stone masonry (third revision)
5 IS 1200(Part 5):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: part 5 Form work (fourth revision)
6 IS 1200(Part 6):1974 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 6 Refractory work (second revision)
7 IS 1200(Part 7):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 7 Hardware (third revision)
8 IS 1200(Part 8):1993 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 8 Steel work and iron work (fourth revision)
9 IS 1200(Part 9):1973 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 9 Roof covering (including cladding) (second revision)
10 IS 1200(Part 10):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: part 10 Ceiling and linings (third revision)
11 IS 1200(Part 11):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 11 Paving, floor finishes, dado and skirting (fourth revision)
12 IS 1200(Part 12):1976 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 12 plastering and pointing (third revision)
13 IS 1200(Part 13):1994 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 13 Whitewashing, colour washing, distempering and painting of building surfaces (fifth revision)
14 IS 1200(Part 14):1984 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 14 Glazing (third revision)
15 IS 1200(Part 15):1987 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 15 painting, polishing, varnishing etc (fourth revision)
16 IS 1200(Part 16):1979 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 16 Laying of water and sewer lines including appurtenant items (third revision)
17 IS 1200(Part 18):1974 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 18 Demolition and dismantling (third revision)
18 IS 1200(Part 19):1981 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Parts 19 Water supply, plumbing and drains (third revision)
19 IS 1200(Part 20):1981 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 20 Laying of gas and oil pipelines (third revision)
20 IS 1200(Part 21):1973 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 21 Wood-work and joinery (second revision)
21 IS 1200(Part 22):1982 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 22 Materials
22 IS 1200(Part 23):1988 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 23 Piling (fourth revision)
23 IS 1200(Part 24):1983 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 24 Well foundations (third revision)
24 IS 1200(Part 25):1971 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 25 Tunneling (second revision)
25 IS 1200(Part 26):1987 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 26 Acid resistant lining
26 IS 1200(Part 27):2013 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 27 Earth work done by mechanical appliances
27 IS 1200(Part 28):1992 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 28 Sound insulation work
28 IS 3861:2002 Method of measurement of plinth, carpet and rentable areas of buildings (second revision)
29 SP 27: 1987 Handbook on method of measurement of buildings works (first revision)
1 SP 7: 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 0 Integrated Approach - Prerequisite for applying provisions of the Code
2 SP 7(Part 1): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 1 Definitions
3 SP 7(Part 2): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 2 Administration
4 SP 7(Part 3): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 3 Development control rules and general building requirements
5 SP 7(Part 4): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 4 Fire and life safety
6 SP 7(Part 5): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 5 Building materials
7 SP 7(Part 6): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 6 Structural design
Section 1 Loads, forces and effects
Section 2 Soils and foundations
Section 3 Timber and bamboo
3A Timber
3B Bamboo
Section 4 Masonry
Section 5 Concrete
5A Plain and reinforced concrete
5B Prestressed concrete
Section 6 Steel
Section 7 Prefabrication, systems building and mixed/composite construction
7A Prefabricated concrete
7B Systems buildings and mixed/composite construction
8 SP 7(Part 7): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 7 Constructional practices and safety
9 SP 7(Part 8): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 8 Building services
Section 1 Lighting and ventilation
Section 2 Electrical and allied installations
Section 3 Air conditioning, heating and mechanical ventilation
Section 4 Acoustics, sound insulations and noise control
Section 5 Installation of lifts and escalators
10 SP 7(Part 9): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 9 Plumbing services
Section 1 Water supply, drainage and sanitation (including solid waste management)
Section 2 Gas Supply
11 SP 7(Part 10): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 10 Landscaping, signs and outdoor display structures
Section 1 Landscape planning and Design
Section 2 Signs and outdoor display structures
1 IS 4651(Part 1):1974 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 1 Site investigation (first revision)
2 IS 4651(Part 2):1989 Ports and harbours - Planning and design - Code of practice: Part 2 Earth pressure (first revision)
3 IS 4651(Part 3):1974 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 3 Loading_(first revision)
4 IS 4651(Part 4):1989 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 4 General design consideration (second revision)
5 IS 4651(Part 5):1980 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 5 Layout and functional requirements
6 IS 7314:1974 Glossary of terms relating to port and harbour engineering
7 IS 9527(Part 1):1981 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbour structures: Part 1 Concrete monoliths
8 IS 9527(Part 3):1983 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbour structures: Part 3 Sheet pile walls
9 IS 9527(Part 4):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbour structures: Part 4 Cellular sheet pile structures
10 IS 9527(Part 6):1989 Code of practice for design and construction port and harbour structures Part 6 Block work
11 IS 10020(Part 4):1981 Recommendations for design and construction of port and harbour components: Part 4 Slipways
1 IS 7317:1993 Code of practice for uniaxial jacking test for deformation modulus of rock (first revision)
2 IS 7746:1991 Code of practice for in-situ shear test on rock (first revision)
3 IS 8764:1998 Method of determination of point load strength index of rocks
4 IS 9143:1979 Method for the determination of unconfined compressive strength of rock materials
5 IS 9179:1979 Method for the preparation of rock specimen for laboratory
6 IS 9221:1979 Method for the determination of modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of rock materials in uniaxial compression
7 IS 10050:1981 Method for determination of slake durability index of rocks
8 IS 10082:1981 Method of test for the determination of tensile strength by indirect tests on rock specimens
9 IS 10782:1983 Method for laboratory determination of dynamic modulus of rock core specimens
10 IS 11309:1985 Method of conducting pull-out test on anchor bars and rock bolts
11 IS 11315(Part 1):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 1 Orientation
12 IS 11315(Part 2):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 2 Spacing
13 IS 11315(Part 3):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 3 Persistence
14 IS 11315(Part 4):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 4 Roughness
15 IS 11315(Part 5):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 5 Wall strength
16 IS 11315(Part 6):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 6 Aperture
17 IS 11315(Part 7):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 7 Filling
18 IS 11315(Part 8):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 8 Seepage
19 IS 11315(Part 9):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: part 9 Number of sets
20 IS 11315(Part 10):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass : Part 10 Block size
21 IS 11315(Part 11):1985 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 11 Core recovery and rock quality
22 IS 11315(Part 12):1992 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass:: Part12 Drill core study
23 IS 11358:1987 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to rock mechanics
24 IS 12608:1989 Methods of test for hardness of rock
25 IS 12634:1989 Method of determination for direct shear strength of rock joints
26 IS 12955(Part 1):1990 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock mass deformability using a flexible dilatometer Part 1 Volume
27 IS 12955(Part 2):1990 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock mass deformability using a flexible dilatometer Part 2 Radial displacement
28 IS 13030:1991 Method of test for laboratory determination of water content, porosity, density and related properties of rock material
29 IS 13047:1991 Method for determination of strength of rock materials in triaxial compression
30 IS 13063:1991 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings on shallow foundations on rocks
31 IS 13365(Part 1):1998 Quantitative classification system of rock mass - Guidelines : Part 1 RMR for predicting of engineering properties
32 IS 13365(Part 2):1992 Quantitative classification systems of rock mass-Guidelines Part 2 Rock mass quality for prediction of support pressure in underground openings
33 IS 13365(Part 3):1997 Quantitative classification system of rock mass - Guidelines Part 3 Determination of slope mass rating (SMR)
34् IS 13365(Part 4):2014् Quantitative Classification Systems of Rock Mass - Guidelines Part 4 Geological Strength Index (GSI)
35 IS 13372(Part 1):1992 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass: Part 1 within a borehole
36 IS 13372(Part 2):1992 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass: Part 2 Between the borehole
37 IS 13414:1992 Guidelines for monitoring of rock movement and multi-point borehole extensometers
38 IS 13946(Part 1):1994 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock stress Part 1 Using hydraulic fracturing technique
39 IS 13946(Part 2):1994 Code of practice for determination of rock stress Part 2 Using USBM type drill hole deformation gauge
40 IS 13946(Part 3):1994 Code of practice for determination of rock stress Part 3 Using a CSIR or CSIRO type cell with 9 or 12 strain gauges
41 IS 13946(Part 4):1994 Determination of rock stress-Code of practice Part 4 Using flat jack technique
42 IS 14243(Part 1):1995 Guidelines for selection and development of site for building Jul 2010 in hill areas Part 1 Microzonation of urban centres
43 IS 14243(Part 2):1995 Guidelines for selection and development of site for building in hill areas Part 2 Selection and development
44 IS 14395:1996 Guidelines for monitoring of rock movements using probe inclinometer
45 IS 14396(Part 1):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous swelling rocks Part 1 Methods of sampling storage and preparation of test
46 IS 14396(Part 2):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous swelling rocks Part 2 Determination of maximum axial swelling stress
47 IS 14396(Part 3):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous rocks Part 3 Determination of axial and radial free swelling strain
48 IS 14396(Part 4):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous swelling rock Part 4 Determining axial swelling stress as a function of axial swelling strain
49 IS 14436:1997 Method of test for laboratory determination of resistivity of rock specimen
50 IS 14448:1997 Code of practice for reinforcement of rock slopes with plane wedge failure
51 IS 14881:2001 Method for blast vibration monitoring - Guidelines
52 IS 15026:2002 Guidelines for tunnelling methods in rock masses
53 IS 15180:2002 Guidelines for use in the prediction of subsidence and associated parameters in coal mines having nearly horizontal single seam workings
1 IS 4984:1995 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies (fourth revision)
2 IS 4985:2000 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies (third revision)
3 IS 7634(Part 1):1975 Code of practice for plastic pipes work for potable water supplies: Part 1 Choice of materials and general
4 IS 7634(Part 2):2012 Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies: Part 2 Laying and jointing of polyethylene (PE) pipes
5 IS 7634(Part 3):2003 Plastic pipes selection, handling, storage and installation for potable water supplies - Code of practice Part 3 Laying and jointing of UPVC pipes (first revision)
6 IS 7834(Part 1):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 1 General requirements (first revision)
7 IS 7834(Part 2):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 2 Specific requirements for 45 degrees elbows (first revision)
8 IS 7834(Part 3):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 3 Specific requirements for 90 degree elbows (first revision)
9 IS 7834(Part 4):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 4 Specific requirements for 90 degree tees (first revision)
10 IS 7834(Part 5):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings for solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 5 Specific requirements for 45 degree tees (first revision)
11 IS 7834(Part 6):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 6 Specific requirements for sockets (first revision)
12 IS 7834(Part 7):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 7 Specific requirements for unions (first revision)
13 IS 7834(Part 8):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 8 Specific requirements for caps (first revision)
14 IS 8008(Part 1):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 1 General requirements for fitting (first revision)
15 IS 8008(Part 2):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification Part 2 Specific requirements for 90 degree bend (first revision)
16 IS 8008(Part 3):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 3 Specific requirements for 90 degree tees (first revision)
17 IS 8008(Part 4):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification : Part 4 Specific requirements for reducers (first revision)
18 IS 8008(Part 5):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification Part 5 Specific requirements for ferrule reducers (first revision)
19 IS 8008(Part 6):2003 Injection moulded /machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 6 Specific requirements for pipe ends (first revision)
20 IS 8008(Part 7):2003 Injection moulded /machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification : Part 7 Specific requirements for sandwich flanges (first revision)
21 IS 8008(Part 8):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part 8 Specific requirements for reducing tees (first revision)
22 IS 8008(Part 9):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification Part 9 Specific requirements for ends caps (first revision)
23 IS 8360(Part 1):1977 Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part 1 General requirements
24 IS 8360(Part 2):1977 Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies, Part 2 Specific requirements for 90 degree tees
25 IS 8360(Part 3):1977 Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies, Part 3 Specific requirements for 90 degree bends
26 IS 9271:2004 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride UPVC single wall corrugated pipes for drainage - Specification (First Revision)
27 IS 10124(Part 1):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part I General requirements (second revision)
28 IS 10124(Part 2):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 2 Specific requirements for sockets (second revision)
29 IS 10124(Part 3):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 3 Specific requirements for straight reducers
30 IS 10124(Part 4):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 4 Specific requirements for caps (second revision)
31 IS 10124(Part 5):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 5 Specific requirements for equal tees (second revision)
32 IS 10124(Part 6):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 6 Specific requirements for flanged tail piece with metallic flanges (second revision)
33 IS 10124(Part 7):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 7 Specific requirements for threaded adaptors (second revision)
34 IS 10124(Part 8):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 8 Specific requirements for 90 degree bends (second revision)
35 IS 10124(Part 9):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 9 Specific requirements for 60 degree bends (second revision)
36 IS 10124(Part 10):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 10 Specific requirements for 45 degree bends (second revision)
37 IS 10124(Part 11):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 11 Specific requirements for 30 degree bends (second revision)
38 IS 10124(Part 12):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 12 Specific requirements for 22 1/2 degree bends (second revision)
39 IS 10124(Part 13):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 13 Specific requirements for 11 1/4 degree bends (second revision)
40 IS 12231:1987 Specification for unplasticized PVC pipes for use in suction and delivery lines of agricultural pump sets
41 IS 12235(Part 1):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 1 Measurement of dimensions
42 IS 12235(Part 2):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 2 Determination of vicat softening temperature
43 IS 12235(Part 3):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 3 Test for opacity
44 IS 12235(Part 4):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 4 Determining the detrimental effect on the composition of water
45 IS 12235(Part 5/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 5 1):2004 Longitudinal reversion Section 1 Determination methods
46 IS 12235(Part 5/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 5 2):2004
47 IS 12235(Part 6):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 6 Stress relief test
48 IS 12235(Part 7):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 7 Resistance of sulphuric acid
49 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 8 1):2004 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 1 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure at constant internal
50 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: 2):2004 Part 8 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 2 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type socket joints under positive internal pressure and with angular deflection
51 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: 3):2004 Part 8 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 3 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type socket joints under negative internal pressure and with angular deflection
52 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: 4):2004 Part 8 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 4 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type socket joints under positive internal pressure without angular deflection
53 IS 12235(Part 9):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 9 Resistance to external blows (Impact resistance) at 0° C (Round-the-clock method)
54 IS 12235(Part 10):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 10 Determination of organotin as tin aqueous solution
55 IS 12235(Part 11):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 11 Resistance to dichloromethane at specified temperature
56 IS 12235(Part 12):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 12 Determination of titanium dioxide content
57 IS 12235(Part 13):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 13 Determination of tensile strength and elongation
58 IS 12235(Part 14):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 14 Determination of density/relative density (specific
59 IS 12235(Part 15):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 15 Determination of vinyl chloride monomer content
60 IS 12235(Part 16):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 16 High temperature test
61 IS 12235(Part 17):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 17 Determination of ash content and sulphated ash content
62 IS 12235(Part 18):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 18 Determination of ring stiffness
63 IS 12235(Part 19):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 19 Flattening test
64 IS 12709:1994 Specification for glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes joints and fittings for use for potable water supply (first revision)
65 IS 12818:2010 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) screen and casing pipes for bore/tubewells - Specification (Second Revision)
66 IS 13592:2013 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for soil and waste discharge system for inside and््outside buildings including ventilation and rain water system - Specification
67 IS 13593:1992 Specification for UPVC pipe fittings to be used with the UPVC pipes in the suction and delivery lines of agricultural pumps
68 IS 13916:1994 Code of practice for installation of glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) piping system
69 IS 14333:1996 High density polyethylene pipes for sewerage - Specification
70 IS 14402:1996 Specification for GRP pipes, joints and fittings for use for sewerage, industrial waste and water (other than potable)
71 IS 14735:1999 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) injection moulded fittings for soil and waste discharge system for inside and outside buildings including ventilation and rain water system - Specification.
72 IS 14787:2000 Unplasticized PVC pipes (ducts) and fittings for underground telecommunications cable installation - Specification
73 IS 14885:2001 Specification for polyethylene pipe for supply of gaseous fuel
74 IS 15265:2003 Flexible PVC pipes polymer reinforced thermoplastic hoses for suction and delivery lines of agricultural pumps - Specification
75 IS 15328:2003 Unplasticized non-pressure polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for use in underground drainage and sewerage system - Specification
76 IS 15450:2004 Specification for polyethylene/aluminium/polyethylene composite pressure pipes for hot and cold water supplies
77 IS 15778:2007 Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes for potable hot and cold water distribution supplies - Specification
78 IS 15801:2008 Polypropylene-random copolymer pipes for hot and cold water supplies - Specification
79 IS 15927(Part 1):2012 Specification for polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels: Part 1 Fittings for sockets using heated tools
80 IS 15927(Part 2):2012 Specification for polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels: Part 2 Spigot fittings for butt fusion jointing or socket fusion using heated tools, spigot fittings for use with electro-fusion fittings
81 IS 15927(Part 3):2011 Specification for polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels: Part 3 Electro-fusion fittings
82 IS 16098(Part 1):2013 Structured - Wall Plastics Piping Systems for Non- Pressure Drainage and Sewerage - Specification Part 1: Pipes and Fittings with Smooth External Surface, Type A
83 IS 16098(Part 2):2013 Structured - Wall Plastics Piping Systems for Non- Pressure Drainage and Sewerage - Specification Part 2: Pipes and Fittings with Non-Smooth External Surface, Type B
84् IS 16130:2014 Thermoplastics Materials for Pipes and Fittings for Pressure Applications – Classification and Designation – Overall Service (Design) Coefficient (Adoption of ISO 12162)
85 SP 57: 1993 Handbook for pipes and fittings for drinking water supply
1 IS 962:1989 Code of practice for architectural and building drawings
2 IS 1553:1989 Design of library buildings - Recommendations relating to its primary elements (second revision)
3 IS 2661:1978 Specification for mobile library van (first revision)
4 IS 2662:1978 Specification for packages for use of libraries (first revision)
5 IS 2663:1989 Design of buildings for archives - Recommendations relating to its primary elements (second revision)
6 IS 3201:1988 Criteria for design and construction of precast-trusses and purlins (first revision)
7 IS 4878:1986 Byelaws for construction of cinema buildings (first revision)
8 IS 4919:1981 Glossary of terms applicable to landscape and horticulture work
9 IS 4993:1983 Glossary of terms relating to modular co-ordination
10 IS 5197:1987 Recommendations for layout and planning of drawings offices
11 IS 6072:1971 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete wall slabs
12 IS 6073:2006 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete floor and roof slabs (first revision)
13 IS 6408(Part 1):1990 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Tolerances Part 1 Glossary of terms (first revision)
14 IS 6408(Part 2):1992 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Tolerances Part 2 Principles and applications
15 IS 6820:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Applications (first revision)
16 IS 7564(Part 1):1974 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 1 Functional group 1 - Structures
17 IS 7564(Part 2):1974 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of buildings components and assemblies Part 2 Functional group 2 - External envelope
18 IS 7564(Part 3):1974 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 3 Functional group 3 Internal subdivision
19 IS 7564(Part 4):1975 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 4 Functional group 4 Services and drainage
20 IS 7564(Part 5):1975 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 5 Functional group 5 Fixtures, furniture and equipment
21 IS 7921:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry : Horizontal co-ordination (first revision)
22 IS 7922:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Vertical co-ordination (first revision)
23 IS 7973:1976 Code of practice for architectural and building working
24 IS 8338:1976 Recommendations relating to primary elements in the design of school library buildings
25 IS 8888(Part 1):1993 Guide for requirements of low income housing: Part 1 Urban area (first revision)
26 IS 10297:1982 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs using precast reinforced/prestressed concrete ribbed or cored slab unit
27 IS 10316:1986 Recommendations for modular co-ordination - basic module and sub-modular increments (Equivalent to ISO 1006:1973 and
28 IS 10505:1983 Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using precast concrete waffle units
29 IS 10600:1983 Recommendations for modular co-ordination - principles and rules
30 IS 11447:1985 Code of practice for construction with large panel prefabricates
31 IS 11775:1986 Recommendations for modular co-ordination: notations and symbols for modular drawings
32 IS 12073:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination: Co-ordinating sizes for door-sets and window-sets
33 IS 13612(Part 1):1993 Modular co-ordination for normal brickwork - Recommendation: Part 1 Burnt clay bricks
34 IS 13613:1992 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Location of structural walls and floor slabs
35 IS 13727:1993 Guide for requirements of cluster planning for housing
36 IS 13990:1994 Specification for precast reinforced concrete planks and joists for flooring and roofing
37 IS 13994:1994 Code of practice for design and construction of floor and roof with precast reinforced concrete planks and RC joist
38 IS 14142:1994 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs with prefabricated brick panel
39 IS 14143:1994 Specification for prefabricated brick panel and partially precast concrete joist for flooring and roofing
40 IS 14201:1994 Specification for precast reinforced concrete channel unit for construction of floors and roofs
41 IS 14213:1994 Code or practice for construction of walls using precast concrete stone masonry blocks
42 IS 14215:1994 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs with precast reinforced concrete channel units
43 IS 14241:1995 Specification for precast reinforced concrete L-panel for roofing
44 IS 14242:1995 Code of practice for design and construction of roof with L- Panel units
45 IS 15916:2010 Building design and erection using prefabricated concrete - Code of practice
46 IS 15917:2010 Building design and erection using mixed/composite construction - Code of practice
1 IS 458:2003 Precast concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) - Specification (fourth revision)
2 IS 459:1992 Specification for unreinforced corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets (third revision)
3 IS 783:1985 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes (first revision)
4 IS 784:2001 Specification for prestressed concrete pipes (including specials)
5 IS 785:1998 Specification for reinforced concrete poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines (second revision)
6 IS 1332:1986 Specification for precast reinforced concrete street lighting poles (first revision)
7 IS 1592:2003 Specification for asbestos cement pressure pipes and joints
8 IS 1626(Part 1):1994 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings Part 1 Pipe and pipe fittings (second revision)
9 IS 1626(Part 2):1994 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings Part 2 Gutter and gutter fittings (second revision))
10 IS 1626(Part 3):1994 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part 3 Roofing fitting
11 IS 1678:1998 Specification for prestressed concrete poles for overhead power, traction and telecommunication lines (second revision)
12 IS 1916:1989 Specification for steel cylinder pipe with concrete lining and coating (first revision)
13 IS 2096:1992 Specification for asbestos cement flat sheets (first revision)
14 IS 2098:1997 Specification for asbestos cement building boards (first revision)
15 IS 2174:1962 Specification for reinforced concrete dust bins
16 IS 2185(Part 1):2005 Specification for concrete masonry units: Part 1 Hollow and solid concrete blocks (third revision)
17 IS 2185(Part 2):1983 Specification for concrete masonry units: Part 2 Hollow and solid light weight concrete blocks (first revision) (superseding IS 3590)
18 IS 2185(Part 3):1984 Specification for concrete masonry units Part 3 Autoclaved cellular Aerated concrete blocks (first revision) (Superseding IS 5482)
19 IS 2185(Part 4):2008 Concrete masonry units - Specification: Cellular concrete blocks using preformed foam
20 IS 2193:1986 Specification for precast prestressed concrete street lighting poles (first revision)
21 IS 2572:2005 Code of practice for construction of hollow and solid concrete block masonry (first revision)
22 IS 2905:1989 Methods of test for concrete poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines (first revision)
23 IS 3007(Part 1):1999 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: Part 1 Corrugated sheets(first revision)
24 IS 3007(Part 2):1999 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: Part 2 Semi-corrugated sheets (first revision)
25 IS 3597:1998 Methods of test for concrete pipes (second revision)
26 IS 3632:1969 Method of test for determination of wet volume of asbestos
27 IS 4350:1967 Specification for concrete porous pipes for under-drainage
28 IS 4844:1968 Method of sampling and preparation of asbestos fibre for laboratory test purposes
29 IS 4996:1984 Specification for reinforced concrete fence posts (first revision)
30 IS 5328:1969 Method of test for determination of chemical composition of asbestos fibre
31 IS 5748:1969 Methods of test for tensile strength of asbestos fibre
32 IS 5751:1984 Specification for precast concrete coping blocks (first revision)
33 IS 5758:1984 Specification for precast concrete kerbs channels, edgings, quadrants and gutter aprons (first revision)
34 IS 5820:1970 Specification for precast concrete cable cover
35 IS 5913:2003 Methods of test for asbestos cement products (second revision)
36 IS 6041:1985 Code of practice for construction of autoclaved cellular concrete block masonry (first revision)
37 IS 6042:1969 Code of practice for construction of lightweight concrete block masonry
38 IS 6441(Part 1):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 1 Determination of unit weight or bulk density and moisture
39 IS 6441(Part 2):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 2 Determination of drying shrinkage
40 IS 6441(Part 4):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 4 Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in autoclaved cellular concrete
4 IS 6441(Part 5):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 5 Determination of compressive strength
42 IS 6441(Part 6):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 6 Strength, deformation and cracking of flexural members subjects to bending, short duration loading test
43 IS 6441(Part 7):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 7 Strength, deformation and cracking of flexural members subject to bending sustained loading test
44 IS 6441(Part 8):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 8 Loading tests for flexural members in diagonal tension
45 IS 6441(Part 9):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 9 Jointing of autoclaved cellular concrete elements
46 IS 6523:1983 Specification for precast reinforced concrete door and window frames (first revision)
47 IS 6530:1972 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes
48 IS 6908:1991 Specification for asbestos cement pipes and fittings for sewerage and drainage(first revision)
49 IS 7319:1974 Specification for perforated concrete pipes
50 IS 7321:1974 Code of practice for selection, handling and erection of concrete poles for overhead power and telecommunication
51 IS 7322:1985 Specification for specials for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes (first revision)
52 IS 7639:1975 Methods of sampling of asbestos cement products
53 IS 8870:1978 Specification for asbestos cement cable conduits and troughs
54 IS 9375:1979 Specification for precast reinforced concrete plant guards
55 IS 9627:1980 Specification for asbestos cement pressure pipes (light duty)
56 IS 9690:1980 Method of test for determination of openness or fibrization of chrysotile asbestos fibre by air permeability method using Dyckerhoff apparatus
57 IS 9691:1980 Method of test for length distribution (wet classification of fibrelength) of chrysotile asbestos fibre using Bauer Mcnett classifier
58 IS 9745:1981 Method for determining strength giving properties of asbestos
59 IS 9872:1981 Specification for precast concrete septic tanks
60 IS 9893:1981 Specification for precast concrete lintels and sills
61 IS 11267:1985 Method of test for length distribution (wet classification of fibre length) of chrysotile asbestos fibre using Turner and Newall classifier
62 IS 11275:1985 Method of test for determination of crudiness and grit content of asbestos fibre
63 IS 11276:1985 Method of test for determination of openness or fiberization of chrysotile asbestos fibre by air permeability method using rapid surface area apparatus
64 IS 11450:2006 Method for determination of airborne asbestos fibre concentration in work environment by light microscopy (membrane filter method) (first revision)
65 IS 11451:1986 Recommendations for safety and health requirements relating to occupational exposure to asbestos
66 IS 11707:1986 Glossary of terms relating to asbestos
67 IS 11767:2005 Recommendations for cleaning of premises and plants using asbestos fibres (first revision)
68 IS 11768:1986 Recommendations for disposal of asbestos waste material
69 IS 11769(Part 1):1987 Guidelines for safe use of products containing asbestos: Part 1 Asbestos cement products
70 IS 11769(Part 2):2005 Guidelines for safe use of products containing asbestos: Part 2 Friction materials (first revision)
71 IS 11769(Part 3):1986 Guidelines for safe use of products containing asbestos: Part 3 Non-cement asbestos products other than friction materials
72 IS 11770(Part 1):1987 Recommendations for control of emission of asbestos dust in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos: Part 1 Asbestos cement products
73 IS 11770(Part 2):2006 Recommendations for control of emission of asbestos dust in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos: Part 2 Friction materials (first revision)
74 IS 11770(Part 3):1987 Recommendations for control of emission of asbestos dust in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos: Part 3 Non-cement asbestos products other than friction materials
75 IS 12078:1987 Recommendations for personal protection of workers engaged in handling asbestos
76 IS 12079:1987 Recommendations for packaging, transport and storage of asbestos
77 IS 12080:1987 Recommendations for local exhaust ventilation systems in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos
78 IS 12081(Part 1):1987 Recommendations for pictorial warning signs and precautionary notices for asbestos and products containing asbestos: Part 1 Workplaces
79 IS 12081(Part 2):1987 Recommendations for pictorial warning signs and precautionary notices for asbestos and products containing asbestos: Part 2 Asbestos and its products
80 IS 12082(Part 1):2006 Recommendations for control of asbestos emission: Part 1 Mining of asbestos ore (first revision)
81 IS 12082(Part 2):2006 Recommendations for control of asbestos emission: Part 2 Miling of asbestos ore (first revision)
82 IS 12440:1988 Specification for precast concrete stone masonry blocks
83 IS 12592:2002 Specification for precast concrete manhole covers and frames
84 IS 13000:1990 Specification for silica asbestos cement flat sheets
85 IS 13008:1990 Specification for shallow corrugated asbestos cement sheets
86 IS 13158:1991 Specification for prestressed concrete circular spun poles for overhead power, traction and telecommunication lines
87 IS 13356:1992 Specification for precast ferrocement water tanks (Up to 10000 litres capacity)
88 IS 14862:2000 Specification for fibre cement flat sheets
89 IS 14871:2000 Specification for products in fibre reinforced cement - long corrugated or asymmetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and cladding
90 IS 15155:2002 Specification for bar/wire wrapped steel cylinder pipes with mortar lining and coating (including specials)
1 IS 432(Part 1):1982 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars (third revision)
2 IS 432(Part 2):1982 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 2 Hard- drawn steel wire (third revision)
3 IS 1566:1982 Specification for hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement (second revision)
4 IS 1785(Part 1):1983 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete: Part 1 Cold-drawn stress relieved wire (second revision)
5 IS 1785(Part 2):1983 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete: Part 2 As drawn wire (first revision)
6 IS 1786:2008 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement - Specification (fourth revision) (superseding IS 1139:1966)
7 IS 2090:1983 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete (first revision)
8 IS 6003:2010 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete (second revision)
9 IS 6006:1983 Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for prestressed concrete (first revision)
10 IS 9417:1989 Welding - cold-worked steel bars for reinforced concrete construction recommendations for welding (First Revision)
11 IS 10790(Part 1):1984 Methods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete: Part 1 Prestressing steel
12 IS 10790(Part 2):1984 Methods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete: Part 2 Reinforcing steel
13 IS 13620:1993 Fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcing bars - Specification
14 IS 14268:1995 Uncoated stress relieved low relaxation seven ply strand for prestressed concrete - Specification
1 IS 460(Part 1):1985 Specification for test sieves: Part I Wire cloth test sieves
2 IS 460(Part 2):1985 Specification for test sieves: Part II Perforated plate test sieves
3 IS 460(Part 3):1985 Specification for test sieves: Part III Methods of examination of apertures of test sieves (third revision)
4 IS 1568:1970 Specification for wire cloth for general purposes (first revision)
5 IS 1607:2013 Methods for test sieving (second revision)
6 IS 2405(Part 1):1980 Specification for industrial sieves: Part 1 Wire cloth sieves
7 IS 2405(Part 2):1980 Specification for industrial sieves: Part 2 Perforated plates
8 IS 3150:1982 Specification for hexagonal wire netting for general purposes
9 IS 4124:1981 Glossary of terms relating to powders (first revision)
10 IS 4879:1968 Method of sub-division of gross sample of powder used for determination of particle size
11 IS 4961:1968 Determination of particle size of powders by air elutriatioin
12 IS 5257:1969 Specification for eyepiece and screen graticule for determination of particle size of powders
13 IS 5258:1969 Determination of particle size of powders by optical microscope method
14 IS 5282:1969 Liquid sedimentation methods for determination of particle size of powders
15 IS 5421:2013 Glossary of terms relating to test sieves and test sieving
16 IS 5742(Part 1):1970 Terms and symbols for sieve bottoms: Part 1 Woven and welded wire screens
17 IS 5742(Part 2):1970 Terms and symbols for sieve bottoms: Part 2 Perforated plates
18 IS 10483:1983 Code for designating perforations of industrial plate sieves
1 IS 14458(Part 1):1998 Retaining wall for hill area - Guidelines: Part 1 Selection of type of wall
2 IS 14458(Part 2):1997 Retaining wall for hill area - Guidelines: Part 2 Design of retaining/breast walls
3 IS 14458(Part 3):1998 Retaining wall for hill area - Guidelines: Part 3 Construction of dry stone walls
4 IS 14496(Part 2):1998 Preparation of landslide hazard zonation maps in mountainous terrains - Guidelines: Part 2 Macro-zonation
5 IS 14680:1999 Landslide control - Guidelines
6 IS 14804:2000 Siting design and selection of materials for residential buildings in hilly areas - Guidelines
7 IS 14961:2001 Rainwater harvesting in hilly areas by roof water collection system – Guidelines
1 IS 15498:2004 Guidelines for improving the cyclonic resistance of low rise houses and other buildings/structures
2 IS 15499:2004 Guidelines for survey of housing and building typology in cyclone prone areas for assessment of vulnerability of regions and post cyclone damage estimation
1 IS 269:2013 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 33 grade (fifth revision)
2 IS 383:1970 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second revision)
3 IS 455:1989 Specification for Portland slag cement (fourth revision)
4 IS 456:2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision)
5 IS 457:1957 Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for dams and other massive structures
6 IS 516:1959 Method of test for strength of concrete
7 IS 650:1991 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement (second revision)
8 IS 1199:1959 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
9 IS 1343:2012 Code of practice for prestressed concrete (second revision)
10 IS 1344:1981 Specification for calcined clay pozzolana (second revision)
11 IS 1489(Part 1):1991 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement: Part 1 Flyash based (third revision)
12 IS 1489(Part 2):1991 Specification for Portland-pozzolana cement: Part 2 Calcined clay based (third revision)
13 IS 1727:1967 Methods of test for pozzolanic materials (first revision)
14 IS 2386(Part 1):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 1 Particle size and shape
15 IS 2386(Part 2):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 2 Estimation of deleterious materials and organic
16 IS 2386(Part 3):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 3 Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking
17 IS 2386(Part 4):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 4 Mechanical properties
18 IS 2386(Part 5):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 5 Soundness
19 IS 2386(Part 6):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 6 Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates
20 IS 2386(Part 7):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 7 Alkali aggregate reactivity
21 IS 2386(Part 8):1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete: Part 8 Petrographic examination
22 IS 2430:1986 Methods for sampling of aggregates for concrete (first revision)
23 IS 2502:1963 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement
24 IS 2645:2003 Specification for integral waterproofing compounds for cement mortar and concrete - (second revision)
25 IS 2770(Part 1):1967 Methods of testing bond in reinforced concrete: Part 1 Pull-out test
26 IS 3085:1965 Method of test for permeability of cement mortar and concrete
27 IS 3370(Part 1):2009 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids: Part 1 General requirements (first revision)
28 IS 3370(Part 2):2009 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids: Part 2 Reinforced concrete structures (first revision)
29 IS 3370(Part 3):1967 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 3 Prestressed concrete structures
30 IS 3370(Part 4):1967 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids: Part 4 Design tables
31 IS 3466:1988 Specification for masonry cement (second revision)
32 IS 3535:1986 Methods of sampling hydraulic cement (first revision)
33 IS 3558:1983 Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete (first revision)
34 IS 3812(Part 1):2013 Specification for pulverized fuel ash: Part 1 For use as pozzolana in cement, cement mortar and concrete (third revision)
35 IS 3812(Part 2):2013 Specification for pulverized fuel ash: Part 2 For use as admixture in cement mortar and concrete (third revision)
36 IS 4031(Part 1):1996 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 1 Determination of fineness by dry sieving (second revision)
37 IS 4031(Part 2):1999 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 2 Determination of fineness by specific surface by Blaine air permeability method (second revision)
38 IS 4031(Part 3):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 3 Determination of soundness (first revision)
39 IS 4031(Part 4):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 4 Determination of consistency of standard cement paste (first revision)
40 IS 4031(Part 5):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 5 Determination of initial and final setting times (first revision)
41 IS 4031(Part 6):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 6 Determination of compressive strength of hydraulic cement (other than masonry cement) (first revision)
42 IS 4031(Part 7):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 7 Determination of compressive strength of masonry cement (first revision)
43 IS 4031(Part 8):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 8 Determination of transverse and compressive strength of plastic mortar using prism (first revision)
44 IS 4031(Part 9):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 9 Determination of heat of hydration (first revision)
45 IS 4031(Part 10):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 10 Determination of drying shrinkage (first revision)
46 IS 4031(Part 11):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 11 Determination of density (first revision)
47 IS 4031(Part 12):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 12 Determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar (first revision)
48 IS 4031(Part 13):1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 13 Measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement (first revision)
49 IS 4031(Part 14):1989 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement: Part 14 Determination of false set
50 IS 4031(Part 15):1991 Methods of physical test for hydraulic cement: Part 15 Determination of fineness by wet sieving
51 IS 4032:1985 Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement (first revision)
52 IS 4305:1967 Glossary of terms relating to pozzolana
53 IS 4634:1991 Methods for testing performance of batch-type concrete mixers (first revision)
54 IS 4845:1968 Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic cement
55 IS 4926:2003 Code of practice for ready mixed concrete (second revision)
56 IS 5512:1983 Specification for flow table for use in tests of hydraulic cements and pozzolanic materials (first revision)
57 IS 5513:1996 Specification for vicat apparatus (second revision)
58 IS 5514:1996 Specification for apparatus used in Le-Chatelier Test (first revision)
59 IS 5515:1983 Specification for compaction factor apparatus (first revision)
60 IS 5516:1996 Specification for variable flow type air-permeability apparatus (Blaine type) (first revision)
61 IS 5525:1969 Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works
62 IS 5536:1969 Specification for constant flow type air-permeability apparatus (Lea and Nurse type)
63 IS 5816:1999 Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete (first revision)
64 IS 6452:1989 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use (first revision)
65 IS 6461(Part 1):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 1 Concrete aggregates
66 IS 6461(Part 2):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 2 Materials (other than cement and aggregate)
67 IS 6461(Part 3):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 3 Concrete reinforcement
68 IS 6461(Part 4):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 4 Types of concrete
69 IS 6461(Part 5):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 5 Formwork for concrete
70 IS 6461(Part 6):1972 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 6 Equipment, tools and plant
71 IS 6461(Part 7):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 7 Mixing, laying, compaction, curing and other construction aspects
72 IS 6461(Part 8):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 8 Properties of concrete
73 IS 6461(Part 9):1972 Glossary of terms relating of cement concrete: Part 9 Structural aspects
74 IS 6461(Part 10):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 10 Tests and testing apparatus
75 IS 6461(Part 11):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 11 Prestressed concrete
76 IS 6461(Part 12):1973 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete: Part 12 Miscellaneous
77 IS 6491:1972 Method of sampling fly ash
78 IS 6909:1990 Specification for supersulphated cement
79 IS 6925:1973 Methods of test for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admixtures
80 IS 7246:1974 Recommendations for use of table vibrators for consolidating concrete
81 IS 7320:1974 Specification for concrete slump test apparatus
82 IS 7325:1974 Specification for apparatus for determining constituents of fresh concrete
83 IS 7861(Part 1):1975 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 1 Recommended practice for hot weather concreting
84 IS 7861(Part 2):1981 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting: Part 2 Recommended practice for cold weather concreting
85 IS 8041:1990 Specification for rapid hardening Portland cement (second revision)
86 IS 8042:1989 Specification for white Portland cement (second revision)
87 IS 8043:1991 Specification for hydrophobic Portland cement (second revision)
88 IS 8112:2013 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 43 grade (second revision) 1
89 IS 8125:1976 Dimensions and materials of cement rotary kilns, components and auxiliaries (dry process with suspension preheater)
90 IS 8142:1976 Method of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance
91 IS 8229:1986 Specification for oil-well cement (first revision)
92 IS 8425:1977 Code of practice for determination of specific surface area of powders by air permeability methods
93 IS 9012:1978 Recommended practice for shotcreting
94 IS 9013:1978 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens
95 IS 9103:1999 Specification for admixtures for concrete (first revision)
96 IS 9142:1979 Specification for artificial light weight aggregates for concrete masonry units
97 IS 9284:1979 Method of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
98 IS 9376:1979 Specification for apparatus for measuring aggregate crushing value and ten percent fines value
99 IS 9377:1979 Specification for apparatus for aggregate impact value
100 IS 9399:1979 Specification for apparatus for flexural testing of concrete
101 IS 9459:1980 Specification for apparatus for use in measurement of length change of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete
102 IS 9799:1981 Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete
103 IS 10070:1982 Specification for machine for abrasion testing of coarse aggregates
104 IS 10078:1982 Specification for jolting apparatus for testing cement
105 IS 10079:1982 Specification for cylindrical metal measures for use in tests of aggregates and concrete
106 IS 10080:1982 Specification for vibration machine for casting standard cement mortar cubes
107 IS 10086:1982 Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete
108 IS 10262:2009 Guidelines for concrete mix proportioning (first revision)
109 IS 10510:1983 Specification for vee-bee consistometer
110 IS 10850:1984 Specification for apparatus for measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement
111 IS 10890:1984 Specification for planetary mixer used in tests of cement and pozzolana
112 IS 11262:1985 Specification for calorimeter for determination of heat of hydration of hydraulic cement
113 IS 11263:1985 Specification for cylinder measures for determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar
114 IS 11578:1986 Method for determination of specific surface area of powder and porous particle using low temperature gas absorption
115 IS 11993:1987 Code of practice for use of screed board concrete vibrators
116 IS 12089:1987 Specification for granulated slag for manufacture of Portland slag cement
117 IS 12119:1987 General requirements for pan mixers for concrete
118 IS 12269:2013 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 53 grade (first revision) 1
119 IS 12303:1987 Criteria for design of RCC hinges
120 IS 12330:1988 Specification for sulphate resisting Portland cement
121 IS 12423:1988 Method for colorimetric analysis of hydraulic cement
122 IS 12600:1989 Specification for low heat Portland cement
123 IS 12803:1989 Methods of analysis of hydraulic cement by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
124 IS 12813:1989 Method of analysis of hydraulic cement by atomic absorption spectrophotometer
125 IS 12870:1989 Methods of sampling calcined clay pozzolana
126 IS 13311(Part 1):1992 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 1 Ultrasonic pulse velocity
127 IS 13311(Part 2):1992 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete: Part 2 Rebound hammer
128 IS 14345:1996 Specification for autoclave apparatus
129 IS 14687:1999 Guidelines for falsework for concrete structures
130 IS 14858:2000 Requirements for compression testing machine used for testing of concrete and mortar
131 IS 14959(Part 1):2001 Method of test for determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete: Part 1 Fresh mortar
132 IS 14959(Part 2):2001 Method of test for determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in mortar and concrete: Part 2 Hardened mortar and concrete
133 IS 15388:2003 Specification for silica fume
134 SP 23(S&T): 1982 Handbook on concrete mixes (Based on Indian Standards)
135 SP 34(S&T): 1987 Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing
1 IS 651:2007 Glazed stoneware pipe and fittings - Specification(sixth revision)
2 IS 771(Part 1):1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 1 General requirements (second revision)
3 IS 771(Part 2):1985 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 2 Specific requirements of kitchen and laboratory sinks (third revision)
4 IS 771(Part 3/Sec Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances : Part 3 1):1979 Specific requirements of urinals, Section 1 Slab urinals (second revision)
5 IS 771(Part 3/Sec Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 3 2):1985 Specific requirements of urinals: Section 2 Stall urinals (third revision)
6 IS 771(Part 4):1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 4 Specific requirements of postmortem slabs (second revision)
7 IS 771(Part 5):1979 Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances: Part 5 Specific requirements of shower trays (second revision)
8 IS 771(Part 6):1979 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 6 Specific requirements of bed-pan sinks (second revision)
9 IS 771(Part 7):1981 Specification for glazed fire-clay sanitary appliances: Part 7 Specific requirements of slop sinks (second revision)
10 IS 772:1973 Specification for general requirements for enamelled cast iron sanitary appliances (second revision)
11 IS 774:2004 Specification for flushing cistern for water closets and urinals (other than plastic cistern) (fifth revision)
12 IS 778:1984 Specification for copper alloy gate, globe and check valves for water works purposes (fourth revision)
13 IS 779:1994 Specification for water meters (domestic type) (sixth revision)
14 IS 781:1984 Specification for cast copper alloy screw down bib taps and stop valves for water services (third revision)
15 IS 782:1978 Specification for caulking lead (third revision)
16 IS 1701:1960 Specification for mixing valves for ablutionary and domestic purposes
17 IS 1703:2000 Water fittings - copper alloy float valves (horizontal plunger type) - Specification (fourth revision)
18 IS 1711:1984 Specification for self-closing taps for water supply purposes (second revision)
19 IS 1726:1991 Specification for cast iron manhole covers and frames (third revision)
20 IS 1795:1982 Specification for pillar taps for water supply purposes (second revision)
21 IS 2326:1987 Specification for automatic flushing cisterns for urinals (other Oct 2013 than plastic cisterns) (second revision)
22 IS 2373:1981 Specification for water meters (bulk type) (third revision)
23 IS 2548(Part 1):1996 Specification for plastic seats and covers for water-closets: Part 1 Thermoset seats and covers (fifth revision)
24 IS 2548(Part 2):1996 Specification for plastic seats and covers for water-closets: Part 2 Thermo plastic seats and covers (fifth revision)
25 IS 2556(Part 1):1994 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 1 General requirements (third revision)
26 IS 2556(Part 2):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 2 Specific requirements of wash-down water-closets (fifth revision)
27 IS 2556(Part 3):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 3 Specific requirements of squatting pans (fifth revision)
28 IS 2556(Part 4):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 4 Specific requirements of wash basins (fourth revision)
29 IS 2556(Part 5):1994 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 5 Specific requirements of laboratory sinks (third revision)
30 IS 2556(Part 6):1995 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 6 Specific requirements of urinals and partition plates (fourth revision)
31 IS 2556(Part 7):1995 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 7 Specific requirements of accessories for sanitary appliances (third revision)
32 IS 2556(Part 8):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 8 Specific requirements of pedestal close coupled wash-down and syphonic water closets (fifth rivision)
33 IS 2556(Part 9):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 9 Specific requirements of pedestal type bidets (fifth revision)
34 IS 2556(Part 14):1995 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 14 Specific requirements of integrated squatting pans (first revision)
35 IS 2556(Part 15):2004 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 15 Specific requirements of universal water closets (second revision)
36 IS 2556(Part 16):2002 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 16 Specific requirements for wash down wall mounted
water closets
37 IS 2556(Part 17):2001 Specification for vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 17 Specific requirements for wall mounted bidets
38 IS 2685:1971 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sluice valves (first revision)
39 IS 2692:1989 Specification for ferrules for water services (second Revision)
40 IS 2963:2013 Copper alloy waste fittings and waste plug for wash basin and sinks- Specification (second revision) (amalgamating IS 3311)
41 IS 3004:1979 Specification for plug cocks for water supply purposes (first revision)
42 IS 3006:1979 Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware pipes and fittings (first revision)
43 IS 3042:1965 Specification for single faced sluice gates (200 to 1200 mm)
44 IS 3950:1979 Specification for surface boxes for sluice valves (first revision)
45 IS 4038:1986 Specification for foot valves for water works purposes (second revision)
46 IS 4346:1982 Specification for washers for use with fittings for water services (first revision)
47 IS 5219:2013 Cast copper alloys traps - Specification (first revision)
48 IS 5312(Part 1):2004 Specification for swing check type reflux (non-return) valves: Part 1 Single door pattern (second revision)
49 IS 5312(Part 2):2013 Swing check type reflux (non-return) valves for water works purposes-Specification: Part 2 Multi door pattern (first revision)
50 IS 5455:1969 Specification for cast-iron steps for manholes
51 IS 5961:1970 Specification for cast iron gratings for drainage purposes
52 IS 6411:1985 Specification for gel-coated glass fibre reinforced polyester resin bath tubs (first revision)
53 IS 6784:1996 Method for performance testing of water meters (domestic type) (second revision)
54 IS 7231:1994 Specification for plastic flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals (second revision)
55 IS 8931:1993 Specification for copper alloy fancy single taps, combination tap assembly and stop valves for water services (first revision)
56 IS 9140:1996 Method of sampling of vitreous and fire clay sanitary appliances (second revision)
57 IS 9338:2013 Cast iron/S.G. Iron/Cast Steel screw-down stop valves for water works purposes - Specification (second revision)
58 IS 9739:1981 Specification for pressure reducing valves for domestic water supply systems
59 IS 9758:1981 Specification for flush valves and fittings for water closets and urinals Oct 2012 2
60 IS 9762:1994 Specification for polyethylene floats (spherical) for float valves (first revision)
61 IS 9763:2000 Plastic bib taps, pillar taps, angle valves and stop valves for hot and cold water services - Specification (second revision)
62 IS 11246:1992 Specification for glass fibre reinforced polyester resins (GRP) squatting pans (first revision)
63 IS 12234:1988 Specification for plastic equilibrium float valve for cold water services Oct 2013
64 IS 12701:1996 Specification for rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (first revision)
65 IS 13049:1991 Specification for diaphragm type (plastic body) float operated valves for cold water services
66 IS 13114:1991 Specification for forged brass gate, globe and check valves for water works purposes
67 IS 13349:1992 Specification for single faced cast iron thimble mounted sluice gates Oct 2012 1
68 IS 13983:1994 Specification for stainless steel sinks for domestic purposes
69 IS 14399(Part 1):1996 Hot press moulded thermosetting glass fibre reinforced polyester resin (GRP) sectional water storage tanks: Part 1 Specification for panels
70 IS 14399(Part 2):1996 Hot press moulded thermosetting glass fibre reinforced (GRP) sectional water storage tanks: Part 2 Guidelines for assembly, installation and testing
71 IS 14845:2000 Resilient seated cast iron air relief valves for water works purposes - Specification
72 IS 14846:2000 Sluice valves for water works purposes (50-1200 mm) - Specification
1 IS 712:1984 Specification for building limes (third revision)
2 IS 1624:1986 Method of field testing of building lime (second revision)
3 IS 1635:1992 Code of practice for field slaking of building lime and preparation of putty (second revision)
4 IS 1849(Part 1/Sec Guide for design and installation of vertical mixed-feed lime):1990 kiln: Part 1 Limestone Section 1 Masonry type shaft (second revision)
5 IS 1849(Part 1/Sec Guide for design and installation of vertical mixed feed type 2):1991 lime kiln: Part 1 For limestone Section 2 RCC type shaft
6 IS 1861(Part 1):1990 Guide for manufacture of lime in vertical mixed-feed type kiln: Part 1 From lime-stone (second revision)
7 IS 2095(Part 1):2011 Specification for gypsum plaster boards: Part 1 Plain gypsum plaster boards (third revision)
8 IS 2095(Part 2):2001 Specification for gypsum plaster boards: Part 2 Coated/ laminated gypsum plaster boards (second revision)
9 IS 2095(Part 3):1996 Specification for gypsum plaster boards Part 3 Reinforced gypsum plaster boards (second revision)
10 IS 2469:1976 Glossary of terms relating to gypsum (first revision)
11 IS 2541:1991 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete (second revision)
12 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 1):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 1 Normal consistency of gypsum plaster (first revision)
13 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 2):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 2 Normal consistency of gypsum concrete (first revision)
14 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 3):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 3 Setting time of plaster and concrete (first revision)
15 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 4):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 4 Transverse strength of gypsum plaster (first revision)
16 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 5):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 5 Compressive strength and dry set density of gypsum plaster (first revision)
17 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 6):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 6 Soundness of gypsum plaster (first revision)
18 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 7):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 7 Mechanical resistance of gypsum plaster by dropping ball test (first revision)
19 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 8):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 8 Freedom from coarse particles (first revision)
20 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 9):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 9 Expansion of plaster (first revision)
21 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 10):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 10 Sand in set plaster (first revision)
22 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 11):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 11 Wood fibre content in wood fibre gypsum plaster (first revision)
23 IS 2542(Part 1/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products: Part 12):1978 Plaster and Concrete: Sec 12 Dry bulk density (first revision)
24 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 1 Measurement of dimensions (first revision)
25 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 2 Determination of mass (first revision)
26 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 3):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 3 Determination of mass and thickness of paper surfacing (first revision)
27 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 4):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 4 Transverse strength (first revision)
28 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 5):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 5 Compressive strength (first revision)
29 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 6):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 6 Water absorption (first revision)
30 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 7):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 7 Moisture content (first revision)
31 IS 2542(Part 2/Sec Methods of test for gypsum plaster, concrete and products : 8):1981 Part 2 Gypsum products : Sec 8 Nail retention of precast reinforced gypsum slabs (first revision)
32 IS 2547(Part 1):1976 Specification for gypsum building plaster: Part 1 Excluding premixed lightweight plaster (first revision)
33 IS 2547(Part 2):1976 Specification for gypsum building plaster: Part 2 Premixed lightweight plaster (first revision)
34 IS 2686:1977 Specification for cinder as fine aggregates for use in lime concrete (first revision)
35 IS 2849:1983 Specification for non-load bearing gypsum partition blocks (solid and hollow types) (first revision)
36 IS 3068:1986 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregates for use in lime concrete (second revision)
37 IS 3115:1992 Specification for lime based blocks (second revision)
38 IS 3182:1986 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) fine aggregates for use in lime mortar (second revision)
39 IS 4098:1983 Specification for lime-pozzolana mixture (first revision)
40 IS 4139:1989 Specification for calcium silicate bricks (second revision)
41 IS 5817:1992 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime-pozzolana mixture concrete in buildings and roads (first revision)
42 IS 6508:1988 Glossary of terms relating to building lime (first revision)
43 IS 6932(Part 1):1973 Method of test for building limes Part 1 Determination of insoluble residue, loss on ignition, insoluble matter, silicone dioxide, ferric and aluminium oxide, calcium oxide and magnesium
44 IS 6932(Part 2):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 2 Determination of carbon dioxide content
45 IS 6932(Part 3):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 3 Determination of residue on slaking of quicklime
46 IS 6932(Part 4):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 4 Determination of fineness of hydrated lime
47 IS 6932(Part 5):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 5 Determination of unhydrated oxide
48 IS 6932(Part 6):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 6 Determination of volume yield of quicklime
49 IS 6932(Part 7):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 7 Determination of compressive and transverse strength
50 IS 6932(Part 8):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 8 Determination of workability
51 IS 6932(Part 9):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 9 Determination of soundness
52 IS 6932(Part 10):1973 Method of test for building limes: Part 10 Determination of popping and pitting of hydrated lime
53 IS 6932(Part 11):1984 Method of test for building limes: Part 11 Determination of setting time of hydrated lime
54 IS 8272:1984 Specification for gypsum plaster for use in the manufacture of fibrous plaster boards (first revision)
55 IS 9498:1980 Specification for inorganic aggregates for use in gypsum plaster
56 IS 10049:1981 Code of practice for manufacture of lime based blocks
57 IS 10359:1982 Code of practice for manufacture and use of lime-pozzolana concrete blocks for paving
58 IS 10360:1982 Specification for lime-pozzolana concrete blocks for paving
59 IS 10772:1983 Specification for quick setting lime pozzolana mixture
60 IS 12654:1989 Code of practice for use of low grade gypsum in building industry
61 IS 12679:1989 Specification for By-product gypsum for use in plaster, blocks and boards
62 IS 12894:2002 Specification for pulverized fuel ash lime bricks (first revision)
63 IS 13001:1991 Guidelines for manufacture of gypsum plaster in mechanized pan system
64 IS 14401:1996 Guidelines for handling and storage of building limes
65 IS 14860:2000 Guidelines on fuel saving in vertical mixed-feed lime shaft kilns
66 IS 15648:2006 Specification for pulverized fuel ash for lime pozzolana mixture applications
1 IS 653:1992 Specification for linoleum sheets and tiles (third revision)
2 IS 657:1982 Specification for materials for use in the manufacture of magnesium oxychloride flooring compositions (second revision)
3 IS 658:1982 Code of practice for magnesium oxychloride composition floors (second revision)
4 IS 809:1992 Specification for rubber flooring materials for general purposes (first revision)
5 IS 1195:2002 Bitumen-mastic for flooring - Specification (third revision)
6 IS 1196:1978 Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring (second revision)
7 IS 1197:1970 Code of practice for laying of rubber floors (first revision)
8 IS 1198:1982 Code of practice for laying, fixing and maintenance of linoleum floors (first revision)
9 IS 1237:2012 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles (second revision)
10 IS 1443:1972 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles (first revision)
11 IS 1542:1992 Specification for sand for plaster (second revision)
12 IS 1630:1984 Specification for mason's tools for plaster work and pointing work (first revision)
13 IS 1661:1972 Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster finishes (first revision)
14 IS 2114:1984 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish (first revision)
15 IS 2394:1984 Code of practice for application of lime plaster finish (first revision)
16 IS 2402:1963 Code of practice for external rendered finishes
17 IS 2571:1970 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring (first revision)
18 IS 3461:1980 Specification for PVC asbestos floor tiles (first revision)
19 IS 3462:1986 Specification for unbacked flexible PVC flooring (second revision)
20 IS 3464:1986 Methods of test for plastic flooring and wall tiles (second revision)
21 IS 4441:1980 Code of practice for use of silicate type chemical resistant mortars (first revision)
22 IS 4442:1980 Code of practice for use of sulphur type chemical resistant mortars (first revision)
23 IS 4443:1980 Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars (first revision)
24 IS 4456(Part 1I):1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part 1 Silicate type and resin type
25 IS 4456(Part 2):1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars: Part 2 Sulphur type
26 IS 4457:2007 Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tile - Specification (second revision)
27 IS 4631:1986 Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings (first revision)
28 IS 4832(Part 1):1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 1 Silicate type
29 IS 4832(Part 2):1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 2 Resin type
30 IS 4832(Part 3):1968 Specification for chemical resistant mortars: Part 3 Sulphur type
31 IS 4860:1968 Specification for acid-resistant bricks
32 IS 4971:2007 Recommendations for selection of industrial floor finishes (first revision)
33 IS 5317:2002 Specification for pitch-mastic for bridge decking and roads (second revision)
34 IS 5318:1969 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile
35 IS 5491:1969 Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete floor topping
36 IS 5766:1970 Code of practice for laying burnt clay brick flooring
37 IS 6278:1971 Code of practice for white-washing and colour washing
38 IS 7956:1975 Recommendations for selection of dairy floor finishes
39 IS 8374:1977 Specification for bitumen mastic, anti-static and electrically conducting grade
40 IS 9162:1979 Methods of tests for epoxy resins, hardeners and epoxy resin compositions for floor topping
41 IS 9197:1979 Specification for epoxy resin, hardners and epoxy resin compositions for floor topping
42 IS 9510:1980 Specification for bitumen mastic, acid-resisting grade
43 IS 9704:1980 Methods of tests for linoleum sheets and tiles
44 IS 10132:1982 Method of test for materials for use in the preparation of magnesium oxychloride flooring compositions
45 IS 10403:1983 Glossary of terms relating to building finishes
46 IS 12583:1988 Specification for corrugated bitumen roofing sheets
47 IS 12866:1989 Specification for plastic translucent sheets made from thermo- setting polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced)
48 IS 13026:1991 Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring for industries handling LPG and other light hydrocarbon products
49 IS 13074:1991 Code of practice for laying of bitumen mastic flooring for industries handling LPG and other light hydrocarbon products
50 IS 13630(Part 1):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 1 Determination of dimensions and surface quality (first revision)
51 IS 13630(Part 2):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 2 Determination of water absorption and bulk density (first revision)
52 IS 13630(Part 3):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 3 Determination of moisture expansion using boiling water (first revision)
53 IS 13630(Part 4):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 4 Determination of linear thermal expansion (first revision)
54 IS 13630(Part 5):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 5 Determination of resistance to thermal shock (first revision)
55 IS 13630(Part 6):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 6 Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength (first revision)
56 IS 13630(Part 7):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 7 Determination of chemical resistance unglazed tiles (first revision)
57 IS 13630(Part 8):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 8 Determination of chemical resistance glazed tiles (first revision)
58 IS 13630(Part 9):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 9 Determination of crazomg resistance - glazed tiles (first revision)
59 IS 13630(Part 10):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 10 Determination of frost resistance (first revision)
60 IS 13630(Part 11):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 11 Determination of resistance of surface abrasion - Glazed tiles (first revision)
61 IS 13630(Part 12):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 12 Determination of resistance to deep abrasion - Unglazed tiles (first revision)
62 IS 13630(Part 13):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 13 Determination of scratch hardness of surface according to MOHS (first revision)
63 IS 13630(Part 14):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 14 Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution
64 IS 13630(Part 15):2006 Ceramic Tiles - Methods of Test, Sampling and Basis for Acceptance Part 15 Ceramic tiles sampling and basis for acceptance {Superseding IS 13711:1993)
65 IS 13712:2006 Ceramic tiles - Definitions, classifications, characteristics and marking (first revision)
66 IS 13801:2013 Chequered cement concrete tiles - Specification (first revision)
67 IS 15193:2002 Code of practice for laying of pitch-mastic flooring for industries handling heavy hydrocarbon product like kerosene, diesel and furnace oil
68 IS 15194:2002 Pitch-mastic flooring and industries handling heavy hydrocarbon products like kerosene, diesel and furnace oil -
69 IS 15224:2002 Laying of plastic translucent sheets made from thermosetting polyester resin (glass fibre reinforced) alone or in conjunction with asbestos cement sheets/steel sheets/aluminium sheets - Code of practice
70 IS 15401:2003 Wall coverings in roll forms - Vocabulary and symbols
71 IS 15418:2003 Wall coverings in roll form for finished wall papers, wall vinyls and plastic wall coverings - Specification
72 IS 15477:2004 Adhesives for use with ceramic tiles and mosaics-Specification
73 IS 15622:2006 Pressed ceramic tiles - Specification (Superseding IS 13753, IS 13754, IS 13755 and IS 13756)
74 IS 15658:2006 Precast concrete blocks for paving - Specification
1 IS 1121(Part 1):2013 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 1 Compressive strength (second revision)
2 IS 1121(Part 2):2013 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 2 Transverse strength (second revision)
3 IS 1121(Part 3):2012 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 3 Tensile strength (second revision)
4 IS 1121(Part 4):2013 Methods of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones: Part 4 Shear strength (second revision)
5 IS 1122:1974 Method of test for determination of true specific gravity of natural building stones (first revision)
6 IS 1123:1975 Method of identification of natural building stones (first revision)
7 IS 1124:1974 Method of test for determination of water absorption, apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones (first revision)
8 IS 1125:2013 Method of test for determination of weathering of natural building stones (second revision)
9 IS 1126:2013 Method of test for determination of durability of natural building stones (second revision)
10 IS 1127:1970 Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building stones for masonry work (first revision)
11 IS 1128:1974 Specification for limestone (slab and tiles) (first revision)
12 IS 1129:1972 Recommendation for dressing of natural building stones (first revision)
13 IS 1130:1969 Specification for marble (blocks, slabs and tiles)
14 IS 1706:1972 Method for determination of resistance to wear by abrasion of natural building stones (first revision)
15 IS 1805:1973 Glossary of terms relating to stones: quarrying and dressing (first revision)
16 IS 3316:1974 Specification for structural granite (first revision)
17 IS 3620:1979 Specification for laterite stone block for masonry (first revision)
18 IS 3622:1977 Specification for sandstone (slabs and tiles)(first revision)
19 IS 4121:1967 Method of test for determination of water transmission rate by capillary action through natural building stones
20 IS 4122:1967 Method of test for surface softening of natural building stones by exposure to acidic atmospheres
21 IS 4348:1973 Methods of test for determination of permeability of natural building stones (first revision)
22 IS 5218:1969 Method of test for toughness of natural building stones
23 IS 5640:1970 Method of test for determining aggregate impact value of soft coarse aggregates
24 IS 6241:1971 Method of test for determination of stripping value of road aggregates
25 IS 6250:1981 Specification for roofing slate tiles (first revision)
26 IS 6579:1981 Specification for coarse aggregate for water bound macadam (first revision)
27 IS 7779(Part 1/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 1):1975 construction purpose: Part 1 Gujarat state Section 1 Availability of Stones
28 IS 7779(Part 1/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 2):1975 construction purposes: Part 1 Gujarat state: Section 2 Engineering properties of building stones
29 IS 7779(Part 1/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 3):1975 construction purposes: Part 1 Gujarat state: Section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
30 IS 7779(Part 2/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 1):1979 construction purposes: Part 2 Maharashtra state Section 1 Availability of Stones
31 IS 7779(Part 2/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 2):1979 construction purposes: Part 2 Maharashtra state Section 2 Engineering properties of building stones
32 IS 7779(Part 2/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 3):1979 construction purposes: Part 2 Maharashtra state: Section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
33 IS 7779(Part 3/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 2):1980 construction purposes Part 3 Tamilnadu state Section 2 Engineering properties of building stone
34 IS 7779(Part 3/Sec Schedule for properties and availability of stones for 3):1980 construction purposes: Part 3 Tamilnadu State section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
35 IS 7779(Part 4/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 1):1996 construction purposes Part 4 Karnataka states Sections (1 to 3)
36 IS 7779(Part 5/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 1):1997 construction purposes Part 5 Andhra Pradesh Section 1 Availability of Stones
37 IS 7779(Part 5/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 2):1997 construction purposes Part 5 Andhra Pradesh Section 2 Engineering properties of building stones
38 IS 7779(Part 5/Sec Schedule of properties and availability of stones for 3):1997 construction purposes Part 5 Andhra Pradesh Section 3 Engineering properties of stone aggregates
39 IS 8348:1977 Code of practice for stacking and packing of stone slabs for transportation
40 IS 8381:1977 Recommended practice for quarrying stones for construction purposes
41 IS 8759:1977 Code of practice for maintenance and preservation of stones in building
42 IS 9394:1979 Specification for stone lintels
43 IS 14223(Part 1):1995 Specification for polished building stones: Part 1 Granite
1 IS 800:2007 Code of practice for general construction in steel (third revision)
2 IS 801:1975 Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in general building construction (first revision)
3 IS 802(Part 1/Sec Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead 1):1995 transmission line towers, Part 1 Materials, Loads and permissible stresses Section 1 Materials and Loads (third revision)
4 IS 802(Part 1/Sec Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead 2):1992 transmission line towers Part 1 : Material, loads and permissible stress Section 2 Permissible stress (third revision)
5 IS 802(Part 2):1978 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead transmission line towers: Part 2 Fabrication, galvanizing, inspection and packing
6 IS 802(Part 3):1978 Code of practice for use of structural steel in overhead transmission line towers: Part 3 Testing
7 IS 803:1976 Code of practice for design, fabrication and erection of vertical mild steel cylindrical welded oil storage tanks (first revision)
8 IS 804:1967 Specification for rectangular pressed steel tanks (first revision)
9 IS 805:1968 Code of practice for use of steel in gravity water tanks
10 IS 806:1968 Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction (first revision)
11 IS 808:1989 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam, column, channel and angle sections (third Revision)
12 IS 811:1987 Specification for cold formed light gauge structural steel sections (second revision)
13 IS 1173:1978 Specification for hot rolled slit steel tee bars (second revision)
14 IS 1252:1991 Dimensions of hot rolled steel bulb angles (first revision)
15 IS 1730:1989 Dimensions for steel plates, sheets, strips and flats for general engineering purposes (second revision)
16 IS 1732:1989 Dimensions for round and square steel bars for structural and general engineering purposes (second revision)
17 IS 1852:1985 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled steel products (fourth revision)
18 IS 1863:1979 Specification for hot rolled steel bulb flats (first revision)
19 IS 1864:1979 Specification for hot-rolled steel L-sections for ship building
20 IS 2314:1986 Specification for steel sheet piling sections (first revision)
21 IS 2713(Part 1-3):1980 Specification for tubular steel poles for overhead power lines
22 IS 2750:1964 Specification for steel scaffoldings
23 IS 3443:1980 Specification for crane rail sections (first revision)
24 IS 3908:1986 Specification for aluminium equal leg angles (first revision)
25 IS 3909:1986 Specification for aluminium unequal leg angles (first revision)
26 IS 3921:1985 Specification for aluminium channels (first revision)
27 IS 3954:1991 Hot-rolled steel channel sections for general engineering purposes - Dimensions (first revision)
28 IS 3964:1980 Specification for light rails (first revision)
29 IS 4000:1992 Code of practice for high strength bolts in steel structures
30 IS 4014(Part 1):1967 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding Part 1 Definitions and materials
31 IS 5384:1985 Specification for aluminium I-beam (first revision)
32 IS 5488:1987 Dimensions and dimensional tolerances for hot rolled steel plates for ship's hull structure(first revision)
33 IS 6445:1985 Specification for aluminium tee-sections (first revision)
34 IS 6449:1987 Specification for aluminium bulb angles for marine application (first revision)
35 IS 6475:1987 Specification for aluminium tee bars for marine application (first revision)
36 IS 6476:1987 Specification for aluminium bulb plates for marine application (first revision)
37 IS 6533(Part 1):1989 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys Part 1 Mechanical aspects (first revision)
38 IS 6533(Part 2):1989 Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimneys Part 2 Structural aspects (first revision)
39 IS 7205:1974 Safety code for erection of structural steel work
40 IS 7215:1974 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures
41 IS 7452:1990 Specification for hot-rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators(second revision)
42 IS 8081:1976 Specification for slotted sections
43 IS 8147:1976 Code of practice for use of aluminium alloys in structures
44 IS 8640:1977 Recommendations for dimensional parameters for industrial building
45 IS 9178(Part 1):1979 Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk materials Part 1 General requirements and assessment of loads
46 IS 9178(Part 2):1979 Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk material Part 2 Design criteria
47 IS 9178(Part 3):1980 Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk materials Part 3 Bins designed for mass flow and funnel flow
48 IS 9964(Part 1):1981 Recommendations for maintenance and operation of petroleum storage tanks Part 1 Preparation of tanks for safe
49 IS 9964(Part 2):1981 Recommendations for maintenance and operation of petroleum storage tanks Part 2 Inspection
50 IS 10182(Part 1):1982 Dimensions and tolerances for hot-rolled track shoe sections Part 1 Section TS-L1
51 IS 10182(Part 2):1985 Dimensions and tolerances for hot-rolled track shoe sections Part 2 Section TS-H1
52 IS 10987:1992 Code of practice for design, fabrication, testing and installation of underground/above ground horizontal cylindrical storage tanks for petroleum products (first revision)
53 IS 12778:2004 Hot rolled parallel flange steel sections for beam, columns and bearing pile - Dimensions and section properties (first revision)
54 IS 12779:1989 Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot rolled parallel flange beam and column sections
55 IS 12843:1989 Tolerances for erection of steel structures
56 IS 15663(Part 1):2006 Code of practice for design and installation of natural gas pipelines: Part 1 Laying of pipelines
57 IS 15663(Part 2):2006 Code of practice for design and installation of natural gas pipelines: Part 2 Laying of pipelines in crossings
58 IS 15663(Part 3):2006 Code of practice for design and installation of natural gas pipelines: Part 3 Pre-commissioning and commissioning of pipelines
59 SP 6(Part 4): 1969 Handbook for structural engineers use of high strength friction grip bolts
60 SP 6(Part 5): 1980 Handbook for structural engineers - Cold-formed, light gauge steel structures (first revision)
61 SP 6(Part 6): 1972 Handbook for structural engineers - Application of plastic theory in design of steel structures
1 IS 10(Part 1):1990 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 1 General (fifth revision)
2 IS 10(Part 2):2013 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 2 Plywood (sixth revision)
3 IS 10(Part 3):1974 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 3 Battens (fourth revision)
4 IS 10(Part 4):1989 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 4 Metal fittings (fifth revision)
5 IS 10(Part 5):1976 Specification for plywood tea-chests; Part 5 Assembly and packing (fourth revision)
6 IS 190:1991 Coniferous sawn timber (Baulks and scantlings) - Specification (fourth revision)
7 IS 287:1993 Permissible moisture content for timber used for different purposes - Recommendations (third revision)
8 IS 399:1963 Classification of commercial timbers and their zonal distribution (first revision )
9 IS 401:2001 Preservation of timber - Code of practice (fourth revision)
10 IS 620:1985 Specification for wooden tool handles general requirements (fourth revision)
11 IS 656:1988 Specification for logs for plywood (third revision)
12 IS 707:2011 Glossary of terms applicable to timber technology and utilization( third revision)
13 IS 876:1992 Wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines - Specification (third revision)
14 IS 1140:1988 Specification for logs for matches (second revision)
15 IS 1141:1993 Seasoning of timber - Code of practice (second revision)
16 IS 1150:2000 Trade names and abbreviated symbols for timber species (third revision)
17 IS 1326:1992 Non-coniferous sawn timber (Baulks and scantlings) - Specification (second revision)
18 IS 1331:1971 Specification for cut sizes of timber (second revision) (Superseding IS 1629:1960)
19 IS 1503:1988 Specification for wooden packing cases (third revision)
20 IS 1707:1979 Specification for wood wool for general packaging purposes
21 IS 1708(Part 1):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 1 Determination of moisture content (second revision)
22 IS 1708(Part 2):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 2 Determination of specific gravity (second revision)
23 IS 1708(Part 3):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 3 Determination of volumetric shrinkage (second revision)
24 IS 1708(Part 4):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 4 Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage and fibre saturation point (second revision)
25 IS 1708(Part 5):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 5 Determination of static bending strength (second revision)
26 IS 1708(Part 6):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 6 Determination of static bending strength under two point loading (second revision)
27 IS 1708(Part 7):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 7 Determination of impact bending strength (second revision)
28 IS 1708(Part 8):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 8 Determination of compressive strength parallel to grain
29 IS 1708(Part 9):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 9 Determination of compressive strength perpendicular to grain
30 IS 1708(Part 10):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 10 Determination of hardness under static indentation
31 IS 1708(Part 11):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 11 Determination of shear strength parallel to grain
32 IS 1708(Part 12):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 12 Determination of tensile strength parallel to grain (second revision)
33 IS 1708(Part 13):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 13 Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to grain
34 IS 1708(Part 14):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 14 Determination of cleavage strength parallel to grain
35 IS 1708(Part 15):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 15 Determination of nail and screw holding power
36 IS 1708(Part 16):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 16 Determination of brittleness by Izod impact (second revision)
37 IS 1708(Part 17):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 17 Determination of brittleness by Charpy impact (second revision)
38 IS 1708(Part 18):1986 Methods of testing of small specimens of timber: Part 18 Determination of torsional strength (second revision)
39 IS 1898:1990 Timber for aircraft construction in converted form (finished form) - Specification (second revision)
40 IS 1900:1974 Methods of tests for wood poles (first revision)
41 IS 1902:2006 Preservation of bamboo and cane for non-structural purposes - Code of practice (second revision)
42 IS 2133:1983 Specification for wooden tent pins (second revision)
43 IS 2179:1979 Specification for converted timber for lorry bodies (first revision)
44 IS 2203:1993 Wooden cross arms - Specification (second revision)
45 IS 2372:2004 Timber for cooling towers - Specification (second revision)
46 IS 2377:1967 Tables for volumes of cut sizes of timber (first revision)
47 IS 2408:1963 Methods of static tests of timber in structural sizes
48 IS 2455:1990 Method of sampling of model trees and logs and their conversion for timber testing (second revision)
49 IS 2674:1988 Specification for battened plywood cases (second revision)
50 IS 2683:1980 Guide for installation of impregnation plants for timber
51 IS 2753(Part 1):1991 Methods for estimation of preservatives in treated timber and in treating solutions: Part 1 Determination of copper, arsenic, chromium, zinc, boron, creosote and fuel oil (first revision)
52 IS 2753(Part 2):2014 Methods for estimation of preservatives in treated timber and in treating solutions : Part 2 Determination of copper in copper organic preservative salt (second revision)
53 IS 2891:1975 Specification for wooden handles for felling axes and hand axes (first revision)
54 IS 2892:1993 Wooden handles for picks and beaters - Specification
55 IS 2893:1992 Wooden handles for adzes - Specification (second revision)
56 IS 2894:1987 Specification for wooden handles for wood working chisels and gouges (first revision)
57 IS 2895:1990 Wooden handles for rasps, engineers' file and engineers' scrapers - Specification (second revision)
58 IS 2896:1978 Specification for wooden handles for carpenters' augers
59 IS 2897:1983 Specification for wooden handles for shovels (first revision)
60 IS 2922:1975 Specification for wooden tent mallets (first revision)
61 IS 3053:1977 Specification for cane baskets for general purposes
62 IS 3071:1981 Specification for wooden crates (first revision)
63 IS 3084:1989 Pencil slats - Specification (second revision)
64 IS 3337:1978 Specification for ballies for general purposes (first revision)
65 IS 3364(Part 1):1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation of defects in timber: Part 1 Logs (first revision)
66 IS 3364(Part 2):1976 Methods of measurement and evaluation of defects in timber: Part 2 Converted timber (first revision)
67 IS 3386:1979 Specification for wooden fence posts (first revision)
68 IS 3728:1985 Specification for wooden boxes for packaging of apples
69 IS 3731:1985 Specification for teak squares (first revision)
70 IS 3806:1966 Specification for wooden beaters
71 IS 4422:1985 Specification for willow clefts for cricket bats (first revision)
72 IS 4423:1999 Hand-sawing of timber - Guide (first revision)
73 IS 4424:1967 Specification for timber for use in coal mines
74 IS 4650:1968 Specification for wooden anvil blocks
75 IS 4833:1993 Methods for field testing of preservatives in wood (first revision)
76 IS 4873(Part 1):2008 Method of laboratory testing of wood preservatives against fungi and borers (powder post beetles) : Part 1 Determination of threshold values of wood preservatives against fungi
77 IS 4873(Part 2):2008 Method of laboratory testing of wood preservatives against fungi and borers (powder post beetles): Part 2 Determination of threshold values of wood preservatives against borers (powder post beetles) (second revision)
78 IS 4895:1985 Specification for teak logs (first revision)
79 IS 4907:2004 Method of testing timber connector joints (first revision)
80 IS 4953:1989 Wooden handles for hand hammers - Specification
81 IS 4970:1973 Key for identification of commercial timbers (first revision)
82 IS 5246:2000 Coniferous logs - Specification (first revision)
83 IS 5247(Part 1):1982 Specification for converted timber (coniferous) : Part 1 Light furniture (first revision)
84 IS 5247(Part 2):1982 Specification for converted timber (coniferous) : Part 2 Packing cases and crates (first revision)
85 IS 5806:1970 Specification for non-coniferous timber in converted form for ammunition/explosives boxes
86 IS 5942:1989 Wooden handles for POWRAHS - Specification (first revision)
87 IS 5966:1993 Non-coniferous timber in converted form for general purposes - Specification (first revision)
88 IS 5978:1970 Code of practice for design of wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
89 IS 6056:1970 Specification for jointed wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
90 IS 6341:1971 Method for laboratory test for efficacy of wood preservatives against soft rot
91 IS 6346:1971 Method of tests for timber props for mines
92 IS 6497:1990 Method of test for the efficacy of preservatives and evaluating the natural durability of timbers used in cooling towers
93 IS 6534:1971 Guiding principles for grading and inspection of timber
94 IS 6641:1985 Specification for wooden disc for tents (first revision)
95 IS 6642:1986 Specification for mason's mallets (first revision)
96 IS 6643:1987 Specification for wooden pins for bivouac tents (first revision)
97 IS 6644:1986 Specification for tinman's mallets (first revision)
98 IS 6656:1986 Specification for caulking mallets (first revision)
99 IS 6662:1993 Timber species suitable for wooden packaging - Specification
100 IS 6676:1986 Specification for bossing (plumbers), mallets (first revision)
101 IS 6703:1972 Glossary of wooden packaging terms
102 IS 6707:1972 Specification for willow logs for artificial limbs
103 IS 6711:1972 Code of practice for maintenance of wood poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines
104 IS 6729:1972 Specification for wooden paddles
105 IS 6791:1973 Method of testing natural durability of timber and efficacy of the wood preservatives against marine borers
106 IS 6874:2008 Method of test for bamboos (first revision)
107 IS 7308:1999 Non-coniferous logs - Specification (first revision)
108 IS 7315:1974 Guidelines for design, installation and testing of timber seasoning kilns (Compartment type with cross-forced air)
109 IS 7344:1974 Specification for bamboo tent poles
110 IS 7548:1992 Vase for store tent - Specification (first revision)
111 IS 7549:1975 Specification for timber half wrought for sporting rifles
112 IS 7698:1983 Specification for returnable wooden crates for vegetables
113 IS 7850:1975 Specification for wooden box for microscope slides
114 IS 7992:1983 Specification for plywood cases for packing tobacco for export
115 IS 8001:1976 Specification for packaging of plywood, blockboards and flush doors for export
116 IS 8242:1976 Methods of tests for split bamboos
117 IS 8292:1992 Evaluation of working quality of timber under different wood working operations - Method of test (first revision)
118 IS 8295(Part 1):1976 Specification for bamboo chicks: Part 1 Fine
119 IS 8295(Part 2):1976 Specification for bamboo chicks: Part 2 Coarse
120 IS 8720:1978 Methods of sampling of timber scantlings from depots and their conversion for testing
121 IS 8725:1978 Specification for wirebound wooden boxes
122 IS 8726:1978 Specification for wirebound wooden crates
123 IS 8745:1994 Methods of presentation of data of physical and mechanical properties of timber (first revision)
124 IS 9096:2006 Preservation of bamboo for structural purposes - Code of practice (first revision)
125 IS 9104:1979 Guide for storage and protection of logs and sawn timber
126 IS 9561:1985 Code of practice for felling and conversion of trees into logs
127 IS 9576:1980 Guide for mill sawing of timber
128 IS 9590:1980 Specification for non-returnable wooden boxes for horticulture produce
129 IS 10013(Part 1):1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 1 Acid-copper-chrome (ACC) preservative
130 IS 10013(Part 2):1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 2 Copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) wood preservative
131 IS 10013(Part 3):1981 Specification for water soluble type wood preservatives: Part 3 Copper-chrome-boron (CCB) wood preservative
132 IS 10145:1982 Specification for bamboo supports for camouflaging equipment
133 IS 10394:1982 Specification for wooden sleepers for railway track
134 IS 10402:1982 Specification for pin-needle hardboard boxes for packaging of apples
135 IS 10420:1982 Method of determination of sound absorption coefficient of timber by standing wave method
136 IS 10499:1983 Specification for wooden toggles
137 IS 10687:1983 Guidelines for nailing of large framed wooden containers
138 IS 10753:1983 Code of practice for preservation of wooden sleepers for railway track by pressure treatment
139 IS 10754:1983 Method of determination of thermal conductivity of timber
140 IS 11100:1984 Specification for sweeping brooms
141 IS 11106:1984 Specification for carpenter's mallets
142 IS 11131:1984 Specification for wooden casks and barrels
143 IS 11215:1991 Moisture content of timber and timber products - Methods for determination (first revision)
144 IS 11288:1985 Recommendations for off road transportation of timber
145 IS 12896:1990 Indian timbers for door and window shutters and frames - Classification
146 IS 13621:1993 Determination of dielectric constant of wood under microwave frequencies - Method of test
147 IS 13622:1993 Indian timbers for furnitures and cabinets - Classification
148 IS 14960:2001 Preservative treated and seasoned sawn timber from rubber wood (Hevea Brasiliensis) - Specification
149 IS 15455:2004 Grading rules for split canes
150 IS 15456:2004 Grading rules for unsplit canes
151 IS 15457:2004 Logs for production of sliced veneers - Specification (Superseding IS 5248:1988, IS 6342:1987, & IS 13240:1991)
152 IS 15458:2004 Classification of Indian canes and their zonal distribution
153 IS 15890:2010 Design, installation and testing of solar timber seasoning kiln- Guidelines
154 SP 33(S&T): 1986 Handbook on timber engineering
1 IS 1003(Part 1):2003 Timber panelled and glazed shutters: Part 1 Door Shutters - Specification (fourth revision)
2 IS 1003(Part 2):1994 Specification for timber panelled and glazed shutters: Part 2 Window and ventilator shutters (third revision)
3 IS 1038:1983 Specification for steel doors, windows and ventilators (third revision)
4 IS 1081:1960 Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (steel and aluminium) doors, windows and ventilators
5 IS 1361:1978 Specification for steel windows for industrial buildings (first revision)
6 IS 1948:1961 Specification for aluminium doors, windows and ventilators
7 IS 1949:1961 Specification for aluminium windows for industrial buildings
8 IS 2191(Part 1):1983 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type): Part 1 Plywood face panels (fourth revision)
9 IS 2191(Part 2):1983 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (cellular and hollow core type): Part 2 Particle board and hardboard face panels (third revision)
10 IS 2202(Part 1):1999 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (solid core type): Part 1 Plywood face panels (sixth revision)
11 IS 2202(Part 2):1983 Specification for wooden flush door shutters (solid core type): Part 2 Particle board and hardboard face panels (third revision)
12 IS 4020(Part 1):1998 Door shutters - Methods of tests: Part 1 General (third revision)
13 IS 4020(Part 2):1998 Part 2 Measurement of dimensions and squareness (third revision)
14 IS 4020(Part 3):1998 Part 3 Measurement of general flatness (third revision)
15 IS 4020(Part 4):1998 Part 4 Local planeness test (third revision)
16 IS 4020(Part 5):1998 Part 5 Impact indentation test (third revision)
17 IS 4020(Part 6):1998 Part 6 Flexure test (third revision)
18 IS 4020(Part 7):1998 Part 7 Edge loading test (third revision)
19 IS 4020(Part 8):1998 Part 8 Shock resistance test (third revision)
20 IS 4020(Part 9):1998 Part 9 Buckling resistance test (third revision)
21 IS 4020(Part 10):1998 Part 10 Slamming test (third revision)
22 IS 4020(Part 11):1998 Part 11 Misuse test (third revision)
23 IS 4020(Part 12):1998 Part 12 Varying humidity test (third revision)
24 IS 4020(Part 13):1998 Part 13 End immersion test (third revision)
25 IS 4020(Part 14):1998 Part 14 Knife test (third revision)
26 IS 4020(Part 15):1998 Part 15 Glue adhesion test (third revision)
27 IS 4020(Part 16):1998 Part 16 Screw withdrawal resistance test (third revision)
28 IS 4021:1995 Timber door, window and ventilator frames - Specification
29 IS 4043:1969 Recommendations for symbolic designations of direction of closing and faces of doors, windows and shutters
30 IS 4351:2003 Steel door frames - Specification (second revision)
31 IS 4913:1968 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of timber doors and windows
32 IS 6198:1992 Specification for ledged, braced and battened timber door shutters (second revision)
33 IS 6248:1979 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills (first revision)
34 IS 10428:1983 Glossary of terms relating to doors
35 IS 10451:1983 Specification for steel sliding shutters (top hung type)
36 IS 10521:1983 Specification for collapsible gates
37 IS 14856:2000 Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) panel type door shutters for internal use - Specification
38 IS 15380:2003 Moulded raised high density fibre (HDF) panel doors - Specification
39 IS 15931:2012 Solid Panel Foam UPVC Door Shutters - Specification
40 IS 16073:2013 Bamboo - Jute Composite Panel Door Shutter - Specification
41 IS 16074:2013 Steel Flush Door Shutters - Specification
42 IS 16096:2013 Phenol Bonded Bamboo - Jute Composite Hollow Door Shutter - Specification
1 IS 1950:1962 Code of practice for sound insulation of non-industrial buildings
2 IS 2440:1975 Guide for day lighting of buildings (second revision)
3 IS 2526:1963 Code of practice for acoustical design of auditoriums and conference halls
4 IS 3103:1975 Code of practice for industrial ventilation (first revision)
5 IS 3362:1977 Code of practice for natural ventilation of residential buildings
6 IS 3483:1965 Code of practice for noise reduction in industrial buildings
7 IS 3792:1978 Guide for heat insulation of non industrial buildings (first revision)
8 IS 4954:1968 Recommendations for noise abatement in town planning
9 IS 4963:1987 Recommendations for buildings and facilities for the physically handicapped (first revision)
10 IS 5499:1969 Code of practice for construction of underground air-raid shelters in natural soil
11 IS 6060:1971 Code of practice for day lighting of factory buildings
12 IS 6074:1971 Code of practice for functional requirements of hotels, restaurants and other food service establishments
13 IS 7662(Part 1):1974 Recommendations for orientation of buildings: Part 1 Non- industrial buildings
14 IS 7942:1976 Code of practice for day lighting of educational buildings
15 IS 8827:1978 Recommendations for basic requirements of school buildings
16 IS 9736:1981 Glossary of terms applicable to acoustics in buildings
17 IS 11050(Part 1):1984 Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: Part 1 Airborne sound insulation in buildings and of interior building elements
18 IS 11050(Part 2):1984 Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: Part 2 Impact sound insulation
19 IS 11050(Part 3):1984 Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: Part 3 Airborne sound insulation of facade elements
20 IS 11907:1986 Recommendations for calculation of solar radiation on buildings
21 IS 12332:1988 Code of practice for ventilation in petro-chemical plants and refineries
22 IS 13735:1993 Specification for audible emergency evacuation signal
23 SP 32(S&T): 1986 Handbook on functional requirements of industrial buildings (lighting and ventilation)
24 SP 41(S&T): 1987 Handbook on functional requirements of buildings (other than industrial buildings)
1 IS 883:1994 Code of practice for design of structural timber in building
2 IS 965:1963 Equivalent metric units for scales, dimensions and quantities in general construction work
3 IS 1414:1989 Code of practice for fixing of wall coverings (first revision)
4 IS 1477(Part 1):1971 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings: Part 1 Pretreatment (first revision)
5 IS 1477(Part 2):1971 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings: Part 2 Painting (first revision)
6 IS 1597(Part 1):1992 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 1 Rubble stone masonry (first revision)
7 IS 1597(Part 2):1992 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry: Part 2 Ashlar masonry (first revision)
8 IS 1634:1992 Code of practice for design and construction of wood stairs for houses (second revision)
9 IS 1649:1962 Code of practice for design and construction of flues and chimneys for domestic heating appliances
10 IS 1834:1984 Specification for hot applied sealing compound for joints in concrete (first revision)
11 IS 1838(Part 1):1983 Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavement and structures (non extruding and resilient type): Part 1 Bitumen impregnated fibre (first revision)
12 IS 1838(Part 2):1984 Specification for preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavement and structures (non extruding and resilient type) Part 2 CNSL Aldehyde resin and coconut pith
13 IS 1838(Part 3):2011 Preformed Fillers for Expansion Joints in Concrete Pavements and Structures (Non-Extruding and Resilient Type) - Specification: Part 3 Polymer Based
14 IS 1905:1987 Code of practice for structural use of unreinforced masonry
15 IS 1946:1961 Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings and floors of solid construction
16 IS 2110:1980 Code of practice for in-situ construction of walls in building with soil-cement (first revision)
17 IS 2115:1980 Code of practice for flat roof finish: Mud phuska (second revision)
18 IS 2116:1980 Specification for sand for masonry mortars (first revision)
19 IS 2118:1980 Code of practice for construction of jack-arch type of built-up floor or roof (first revision)
20 IS 2119:1980 Code of practice for construction of brick-cum-concrete composite (Madras terrace) floor and roof (first revision)
21 IS 2204:1962 Code of practice for construction of reinforced concrete shell
22 IS 2212:1991 Code of practice for brick works (first revision)
23 IS 2250:1981 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars
24 IS 2338(Part 1):1967 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood-based materials: Part 1 Operations and workmanship
25 IS 2338(Part 2):1967 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood-based materials: Part 2 Schedules
26 IS 2366:1983 Code of practice for nail-jointed timber construction (first revision)
27 IS 2395(Part 1):1994 Code of practice for painting of concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces: Part 1 Operations and workmanship (first revision)
28 IS 2395(Part 2):1994 Code of practice for painting of concrete, masonry and plaster surfaces: Part 2 Schedules (first revision)
29 IS 2441:1984 Code of practice for fixing ceiling coverings (first revision)
30 IS 2524(Part 1):1968 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings: Part 1 Pretreatment
31 IS 2524(Part 2):1968 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings: Part 2 Painting
32 IS 2527:1984 Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and downpipes for roof drainage (first revision)
33 IS 2700:1987 Code of practice for roofing with wooden shingles (first revision)
34 IS 2792:1964 Code of practice for design and construction of stone slab over joist floor
35 IS 2858:1984 Code of practice for roofing with mangalore tiles (first revision)
36 IS 3140:1965 Code of practice for painting asbestos cement building products
37 IS 3414:1968 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings
38 IS 3548:1988 Code of practice for glazing in buildings (first revision)
39 IS 3629:1986 Specification for structural timber in building (first revision)
40 IS 3630:1992 Code of practice for construction of non-load bearing gypsum block partitions (first revision)
41 IS 3670:1989 Code of practice for construction of timber floors (first revision)
42 IS 4101(Part 1):1967 Code of practice for external facings and veneers: Part 1 Stone facing
43 IS 4101(Part 2):1967 Code of practice for external facings and veneers: Part 2 Cement concrete facing
44 IS 4101(Part 3):1985 Code of practice for external cladding: Part 3 Wall tiling and mosaics (first revision)
45 IS 4407:1967 Code of practice for reed walling
46 IS 4597:1968 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based products with nitrocellulose and cold catalysed materials
47 IS 4891:1988 Specification for preferred cut sizes of structural timber
48 IS 4920:1968 Glossary of terms applicable to roof coverings
49 IS 4924(Part 1):1968 Method of test for nail jointed timber trusses: Part 1 Destructive test
50 IS 4924(Part 2):1968 Method of test for nail jointed timber trusses: Part 2 Proof test
51 IS 4983:1968 Code of practice for design and construction of nailed laminated timber beams
52 IS 5119(Part 1):1968 Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof covering: Part 1 Slating
53 IS 5389:1969 Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood block floors
54 IS 5390:1984 Code of practice for construction of timber ceilings (first revision)
55 IS 6061(Part 1):1971 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 1 With hollow concrete filler blocks
56 IS 6061(Part 2):1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 2 With hollow clay filler blocks (first revision)
57 IS 6061(Part 3):1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 3 With precast hollow clay block joists and hollow clay filler blocks
58 IS 6061(Part 4):1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler blocks: Part 4 With precast hollow clay block slab
59 IS 6313(Part 1):1981 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 1 Constructional measures (first revision)
60 IS 6313(Part 2):2013 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 2 Pre-constructional chemical treatment measures (third revision)
61 IS 6313(Part 3):2013 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings: Part 3 Treatment for existing buildings (third revision)
62 IS 6332:1984 Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using precast doubly-curved shell units (first revision)
63 IS 6509:1985 Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements (first revision)
64 IS 7683:1975 Code of practice for design, fabrication and maintenance of nail-jointed timber posts from small dimensional timber for overhead electric distribution lines for low voltages
65 IS 9472:1980 Code of practice for laying mosaic parquet flooring
66 IS 9954:1981 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting of steel surfaces
67 IS 10388:1982 Specification for corrugated coir, wood, wool, cement roofing
68 IS 10439:1983 Code of practice for patent glazing
69 IS 10440:1983 Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and roofs
70 IS 10566:1983 Methods of tests for preformed fillers for expansion joints in concrete paving and structural construction
71 IS 10957:1999 Joints in buildings - Vocabulary (first revision)
72 IS 10958:1984 General check list of functions of joints in building
73 IS 10959:1984 Glossary of terms for sealants for building purposes
74 IS 11096:1984 Code of practice for design and construction of bolt jointed timber construction
75 IS 11134:1984 Code of practice for setting out of buildings
76 IS 11433(Part 1):1985 Specification for one-part gun-grade polysulphide-based joints sealants: Part 1 General requirements
77 IS 11433(Part 2):1986 Specification for one-part gun-grade polysulphide-based joint sealants: Part 2 Methods of tests
78 IS 11817:1986 Classification of joints in buildings for accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction
79 IS 11818:1986 Method of test for laboratory determination of air permeability of joints in buildings
80 IS 12093:1987 Code of practice for laying and fixing of sloped roof covering using plain and corrugated galvanized steel sheets
81 IS 12118(Part 1):1987 Specification for two-parts polysulphide-based sealants: Part 1 General requirements
82 IS 12118(Part 2):1987 Specification for two-parts polysulphide-based sealants: Part 2 Methods of tests
83 IS 12506:1988 Code of practice for improved thatching of roof with rot and fire retardant treatment
84 IS 12727:1989 Code of practice for no-fines cast in situ cement concrete
85 IS 13077:1991 Guide for preparation and use of mud mortar in masonry
86 IS 14428:1997 Painting of structures in aggressive chemical environment - Guidelines
87 IS 15183(Part 1):2002 Guidelines for maintenance management of buildings: Part 1 General
88 IS 15183(Part 2):2002 Guidelines for maintenance management of buildings: Part 2 Finance
89 IS 15183(Part 3):2002 Guidelines for maintenance management of buildings: Part 3 Labour
90 IS 15345:2003 Installation of frameless door and window shutters - Code of practice
91 IS 15912:2012 Structural design using bamboo - Code of Practice
92 SP 1650: 1973 Standard colours for building and decorative finishes (with supplement) (first revision)
93 SP 20(S&T): 1991 Handbook on masonry design and construction (first revision)
94 SP 21: 2005 Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials (first revision)
95 SP 25(S&T): 1984 Handbook on causes and prevention of cracks in building
96 SP 62(S&T): 1997 Handbook on building construction practices (excluding electrical work)
1 IS 204(Part 1):1991 Specification for tower bolts : Part 1 Ferous metals (fifth revision)
2 IS 204(Part 2):1992 Specification for tower bolts: Part 2 Non-ferrous metals (fifth revision)
3 IS 205:1992 Specification for non-ferrous metal butt hinges (fourth revision)
4 IS 206:2010 Specification for tee and strap hinges (fifth revision)
5 IS 208:1996 Specification for door handles (fifth revision)
6 IS 281:2009 Specification for mild steel sliding door bolts for use with padlocks (fourth revision)
7 IS 362:1991 Specification for parliament hinges (fifth revision)
8 IS 363:1993 Specification for hasps and staples (fourth revision)
9 IS 364:1993 Specification for fanlight catch (third revision)
10 IS 452:1973 Specification for door springs, rat-tail type (second revision)
11 IS 453:1993 Specification for double acting spring hinges (third revision)
12 IS 1019:1974 Specification for rim latches (second revision)
13 IS 1341:1992 Specification for steel butt hinges (fifth revision)
14 IS 1823:1980 Specification for floor door stoppers (third revision)
15 IS 1837:1966 Specification for fanlight pivots (first revision)
16 IS 2681:1993 Specification for non-ferrous metal sliding door bolts (aldrops) with padlocks (third revision)
17 IS 3564:1995 Specification for (hydraulically regulated) door closers (fourth revision)
18 IS 3818:1992 Specification for continuous (Piano) hinges (third revision)
19 IS 3828:1966 Specification for ventilator chains
20 IS 3843:1995 Specification for steel back flap hinges (second revision)
21 IS 4621:1975 Specification for indicating bolts for use in public baths and lavatories (first revision)
22 IS 4992:1975 Specification for door handles for mortice lock(vertical type)
23 IS 5187:1972 Specification for flush bolts (first revision)
24 IS 5899:1970 Specification for bathroom latches
25 IS 6315:1992 Specification for floor springs (hydraulically regulated) for heavy doors (second revision)
26 IS 6318:1971 Specification for plastic window stays and fasteners
27 IS 6343:1982 Specification for door closers (pneumatically regulated) for light doors weighing up to 40 kg (first revision)
28 IS 7196:1974 Specification for hold fast
29 IS 7197:1974 Specification for double action floor springs (without oil check) for heavy door
30 IS 7534:1985 Specification for sliding locking bolts for use with padlocks (first revision)
31 IS 8756:1978 Specification for mortice ball catches for use in wooden almirah
32 IS 9106:1979 Specification for rising butt hinges
33 IS 9460:1980 Specification for flush drop handles for drawer
34 IS 9899:1981 Specification for hat, coat and wardrobe hooks
35 IS 10019:1981 Specification for mild steel stays and fasteners
36 IS 10090:1982 Specification for numericals
37 IS 10342:1982 Specification for curtain rail system
38 IS 12817:2013 Specification for stainless steel butt hinges (second revision)
39 IS 12867:1989 Specification for PVC hand rails covers
40 IS 14912:2001 Specification for door closers concealed type (hydraulically regulated)
41 IS 15833:2009 Stainless steel tower bolts - Specification
42 IS 15834:2008 Stainless steel sliding door bolts for use with padlocks - Specification
1 IS 303:1989 Specification for plywood for general purposes (third revision)
2 IS 652:1960 Specification for wooden separators for lead-acid storage batteries
3 IS 709:1974 Specification for medium strength aircraft plywood (first revision)
4 IS 710:2010 Specification for marine plywood (second revision)
5 IS 848:2006 Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for plywood (pnenolic and aminoplastic) (second revision)
6 IS 851:1978 Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for construction work (non-structural) in wood (first revision)
7 IS 852:1994 Specification for animal glue for general wood-working purposes (second revision)
8 IS 1328:1996 Specification for veneered decorative plywood (third revision)
9 IS 1508:1972 Specification for extenders for use in synthetic resin adhesives(urea-formaldehyde) for plywood (first revision)
10 IS 1658:2006 Specification for fibre hardboards (third revision)
11 IS 1659:2004 Specification for block boards (fourth revision)
12 IS 1734(Part 1):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 1 Determination of density and moisture content (second revision)
13 IS 1734(Part 2):1983 Methods of test for plywood : Part 2 Determination of resistance to dry heat (second revision)
14 IS 1734(Part 3):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 3 Determination of fire resistance (second revision)
15 IS 1734(Part 4):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 4 Determination of glue shear strength (second revision)
16 IS 1734(Part 5):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 5 Test for adhesion of plies
17 IS 1734(Part 6):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 6 Determination of water resistance (second revision)
18 IS 1734(Part 7):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 7 Mycological test (second revision)
19 IS 1734(Part 8):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 8 Determination of pH value
20 IS 1734(Part 9):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 9 Determination of tensile strength (second revision)
21 IS 1734(Part 10):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 10 Determination of compressive strength (second revision)
22 IS 1734(Part 11):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 11 Determination of static bending strength (second revision)
23 IS 1734(Part 12):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 12 Determination of scarf joint strength (second revision)
24 IS 1734(Part 13):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 13 Determination of panel shear strength (second revision)
25 IS 1734(Part 14):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 14 Determination of plate shear strength (second revision)
26 IS 1734(Part 15):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 15 Central loading of plate test (second revision)
27 IS 1734(Part 16):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 16 Vibration of plywood plate test (second revision)
28 IS 1734(Part 17):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 17 Long time loading test of plywood strips (second revision)
29 IS 1734(Part 18):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 18 Impact resistance test on the surface of plywood (second revision)
30 IS 1734(Part 19):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 19 Determination of nail and screw holding power (second revision)
31 IS 1734(Part 20):1983 Methods of test for plywood: Part 20 Acidity and alkalinity resistance test (second revision)
32 IS 2380(Part 1):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 1 Preparation and conditioning of test specimens (first revision)
33 IS 2380(Part 2):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 2 Accuracy of dimensions of boards (first revision)
34 IS 2380(Part 3):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 3 Determination of moisture content and density (first revision)
35 IS 2380(Part 4):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 4 Determination of static bending strength (first revision)
36 IS 2380(Part 5):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 5 Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to surface (first revision)
37 IS 2380(Part 6):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 6 Determination of tensile strength parallel to surface (first revision)
38 IS 2380(Part 7):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 7 Determination of compression- perpendicular to plane of the board (first revision)
39 IS 2380(Part 8):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 8 Compression parallel to surface test (first revision)
40 IS 2380(Part 9):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellolosic materials: Part 9 Determination of resistance to shear in plane of the board (first revision)
41 IS 2380(Part 10):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 10 Falling hammer impact test
42 IS 2380(Part 11):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 11 Surface hardness (first revision)
43 IS 2380(Part 12):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 12 Central loading of plate test
44 IS 2380(Part 13):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 13 Long time loading bending test (first revision)
45 IS 2380(Part 14):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 14 Screw and nail withdrawal test (first revision)
46 IS 2380(Part 15):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 15 Lateral nail resistance (first revision)
47 IS 2380(Part 16):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 16 Determination of water absorption (first revision)
48 IS 2380(Part 17):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 17 Determination of swelling in water (first revision)
49 IS 2380(Part 18):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 18 Determination of mass and dimensional changes caused by moisture changes (first revision)
50 IS 2380(Part 19):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 19 Durability cyclic test for interior use (first revision)
51 IS 2380(Part 20):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 20 Accelerated weathering cyclic test for exterior use (first revision)
52 IS 2380(Part 21):1977 Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 21 Planeness test under uniform moisture content (first revision)
53 IS 2380(Part 22):1981 Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 22 Determination of surface glueability test
54 IS 2380(Part 23):1981 Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 23 Vibration tests for particle boards
55 IS 3087:2005 Specification for particle boards of wood and other lignocellulosic materials (medium density) for general purposes
56 IS 3097:2006 Specification for veneered particle boards (second revision)
57 IS 3129:1985 Specification for low density particle boards (first revision)
58 IS 3308:1981 Specification for wood wool building slabs (first revision)
59 IS 3348:1965 Specification for fibre insulation boards
60 IS 3478:1966 Specification for high density wood particle boards
61 IS 3513(Part 1):1989 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compregs) Part 1 For electrical purposes (first revision)
62 IS 3513(Part 2):1989 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compregs) Part 2 For chemical purposes (first revision)
63 IS 3513(Part 3):1989 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compregs): Part 3 For general purposes (first revision)
64 IS 3513(Part 4):1966 Specification for resin treated compressed wood laminates (compreg): Part 4 Sampling and tests
65 IS 4834:1968 Specification for veneered wood boards for packing cases
66 IS 4835:1979 Specification for polyvinyl acetate dispersion based adhesives for wood (First revision)
67 IS 4859:1968 Specification for high strength aircraft plywood
68 IS 4990:2011 Plywood for concrete shuttering work - Specification (third revision)
69 IS 5509:2000 Specification for fire retardant plywood (second revision)
70 IS 5539:1969 Specification for preservative treated plywood
71 IS 7316:1974 Specification for decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative faces
72 IS 7638:1999 Wood/lignocellulosic based panel products - Methods of sampling (second revision)
73 IS 9188:1979 Performance requirements for adhesive for structural laminated wood products for use under exterior exposure condition
74 IS 9307(Part 1):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 1 Flexure test
75 IS 9307(Part 2):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction : Part 2 Edgewise compression test
76 IS 9307(Part 3):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 3 Flat wise compression test
77 IS 9307(Part 4):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 4 Shear test
78 IS 9307(Part 5):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 5 Flatwise tension test
79 IS 9307(Part 6):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 6 Flexure creep test
80 IS 9307(Part 7):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 7 Cantilever vibration test
81 IS 9307(Part 8):1979 Methods of test for wood based structural sandwich construction: Part 8 Weathering test
82 IS 10701:2012 Structural plywood - Specification (first revision)
83 IS 12053:1987 Code of practice for the preparation and application of putty for repairing plywood and other wood based panels
84 IS 12077:1987 Code of practice for testing of timbers for plywood manufacture
85 IS 12120:1987 Code of practice for preservation of plywood and other panel products
86 IS 12406:2003 Specification for medium density fibre boards for general purposes
87् IS 12823:2013 Wood products - Prelaminated particle boards - Specification
88 IS 13745:1993 Method for determination of formaldehyde content in particle board by extraction method called perforator method
89 IS 13957:1994 Specification for metal faced plywood
90 IS 13958:1994 Specification for bamboo mat board for general purposes
91 IS 14276:1995 Specification for cement bonded particle boards
92 IS 14315:1995 Specification for commercial veneers
93 IS 14587:1998 Specification for prelaminated medium density fibre board
94 IS 14588:1999 Specification for bamboo mat veneer composite for general purposes
95 IS 14616:1999 Specification for laminated veneer lumber
96 IS 14842:2000 Specification for coir veneer board for general purposes
97 IS 15476:2004 Bamboo mat corrugated sheets - Specification
98 IS 15491:2004 Specification for medium density, coir boards for general purposes May 2009 1
99 IS 15512:2004 Code of practice for selection and use of various types for medium density fibre boards
100 IS 15684:2006 Code of practice for use of extenders for use in synthetic resin adhesive (urea formaldehyde) for plywood
101 IS 15786:2008 Prelaminated cement bonded particle boards - Specification
102 IS 15791:2007 Musuem plywood - Specification
103 IS 15877:2010 Coir faced block boards - Specification
104 IS 15878:2010 Coir hardboard for general purposes - Specification
105 IS 15932(Part 1):2012 Selection and use of various types of Lignocellulosic panel products: Part 1 Medium Density Particle Boards - Code of practice
106 IS 15972:2012 Bamboo-Jute corrugated & Semi-corrugated sheets - Specification
107 IS 15973:2013 Selection and use of various types of Lignocellulosic panel products: Part 2 Hardboard्-्Code of practice
108 IS 16171:2014 Veneer laminated lumber - Specification
1 IS 884:1985 Specification for first-aid hose reel for fire fighting (first revision)
2 IS 901:1988 Specification for couplings, double male and double female, instantaneous pattern for fire fighting (third revision)
3 IS 902:1992 Specification for suction hose couplings for fire fighting purposes (third revision)
4 IS 903:1993 Specification for fire hose delivery couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and nozzlespanner (fourth revision)
5 IS 904:1983 Specification for 2-way and 3-way suction collecting heads for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
6 IS 905:1980 Specification for delivery breechings, dividing and collecting instantaneous pattern for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
7 IS 906:1988 Specification for revolving branch pipe for fire fighting
8 IS 907:1984 Specification for suction strainers, cylindrical type for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
9 IS 908:1975 Specification for fire hydrant, stand post type (second revision)
10 IS 909:1992 Specification for underground fire hydrant, sluice valve type
11 IS 910:1980 Specification for combined key for hydrant, hydrant cover and lower valve (second revision)
12 IS 926:1985 Specification for fireman's axe (second revision)
13 IS 927:1981 Specification for fire hooks (second revision)
14 IS 928:1984 Specification for fire bells (second revision)
15 IS 937:1981 Specification for washers for water fittings for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
16 IS 939:1977 Specification for snatch block for use with fibre rope for fire brigade use (first revision)
17 IS 941:1985 Specification for blower and exhauster for fire fighting
18 IS 942:1982 Functional requirements for 275 l/min portable pump set for fire fighting (second revision)
19 IS 943:1979 Functional requirements for 680-l/min trailer pump for fire brigade use (second revision)
20 IS 944:1979 Functional requirements for 1800-l/min trailer pump for fire brigade use (second revision)
21 IS 947:1985 Functional requirements for towing tender for trailer fire pump for fire brigade use (first revision)
22 IS 948:1983 Functional requirements for water tender type `A' for fire brigade use (second revision)
23 IS 949:2012 Functional requirements for emergency (rescue) tender for fire brigade use (second revision)
24 IS 950:2012 Functional requirements for water tender, Type B for fire brigade use (third revision)
25 IS 951:2003 Functional requirements for crash tender for air fields (fourth revision)
26 IS 952:2012 Specification for fognozzle for fire brigade use (second revision)
27 IS 955:1980 Functional requirements for dry powder tender for fire brigade use (150 kg capacity) (first revision)
28 IS 956:2004 Functional requirements for rescue tender for air fields
29 IS 957:1967 Specification for control van for fire brigade use
30 IS 1941(Part 1):1976 Functional requirements for electric motor sirens: Part 1 AC, 3 Phase 50 hz, 415 volts type (second revision)
31 IS 2097:2012 Specification for foam making branch pipe (second revision)
32 IS 2175:1988 Specification for heat sensitive fire detectors for use in automatic fire alarm system (second revision)
33 IS 2189:2008 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of automatic fire detection and alarm system (fourth revision)
34 IS 2190:2010 Selection, installation and maintenance of first-aid fire extinguishers - Code of practice (fourth revision)
35 IS 2546:1974 Specification for galvanized mild steel fire bucket (first revision)
36 IS 2696:1974 Functional requirements for 1125-l/min light fire engine (first revision) (Superseding IS 938)
37 IS 2745:1983 Specification for non-metal helmet for firemen and civil defence personnel (second revision)
38 IS 2871:2012 Specification for branch pipe, universal for fire fighting purposes (second revision)
39 IS 2878:2004 Specification for fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide type(portable and trolley mounted ) (third revision)
40 IS 2925:1984 Specification for industrial safety helmets (second revision)
41 IS 2930:1980 Functional requirements for hose laying tender for fire brigade use (first revision)
42 IS 3582:1984 Specification for basket strainers for fire fighting purposes (cylindrical type) (first revision)
43 IS 3744:1985 Specification for hose binding machine (first revision)
44 IS 3844:1989 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal fire hydrants and hose reels on premises (first revision)
45 IS 4151:1993 Specification for protective helmets for motorcycle riders (third revision)
46 IS 4308:2003 Specification for dry chemical powder for fighting B and C Class fires (second revision)
47 IS 4571:1977 Specification for aluminium extension ladders for fire brigade use (first revision)
48 IS 4643:1984 Specification for suction wrenches for fire brigade use
49 IS 4861:1984 Specification for dry powder for fighting fires in burning metals
50 IS 4862(Part 1):1986 Specification for portable fire extinguishers for aircraft : Part 1 Halon 1211 Type (first revision)
51 IS 4927:1992 Specification for unlined flax canvas hose for fire fighting
52 IS 4928:1986 Specification for delivery valve for centrifugal fire pump outlets(first revision)
53 IS 4947:2006 Specification for gas cartridges for use in fire extinguishers
54 IS 4989:2006 Foam concentrate for producing mechanical foam for fire fighting - Specification (third revision) [Amalgamating IS 4989(Part 1):1985, IS 4989(Part 2):1984 and IS 4989(Part 3):1987]
55 IS 4989(Part 4):2003 Specification for multipurpose aqueous film forming foam liquid concentrate for extinguishing hydrocarbon and polar solvent fires
56 IS 5131:2002 Specification for dividing breeching with control for fire brigade use (second revision)
57 IS 5290:1993 Specification for landing valves (third revision)
58 IS 5486:1985 Specification for quick release knife (first revision)
59 IS 5505:1985 Specification for multi-edged rescue axe (non-wedging)
60 IS 5612(Part 1):1977 Specification for hose-clamps and hose-bandages for fire brigade use: Part 1 Hose-clamps (first revision)
61 IS 5612(Part 2):1977 Specification for hose-clamps and hose bandages for fire brigade use: Part 2 Hose bandages (first revision)
62 IS 5714:1981 Specification for hydrant, stand-pipe for fire fighting
63 IS 5888:1970 Code of practice for design and construction of fire service drill- tower
64 IS 5896(Part 1):1970 Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of special fire fighting appliances: Part 1 Combined foam and CO2 crash tender
65 IS 5896(Part 3):1975 Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of fire fighting appliances: Part 3 Turntable ladders
66 IS 6026:1985 Specification for hand-operated sirens (first revision)
67 IS 6067:1983 Functional requirements for water tender type `X' for fire brigade use(first revision)
68 IS 6070:1983 Code of practice for selection, operation and maintenance of trailer fire pumps, portable pumps, water tenders and motor fire engines (first revision)
69 IS 7673:2004 Glossary of terms for fire fighting equipment (first revision)
70 IS 7692:1993 Specification for head forms for testing of helmets (first revision)
71 IS 8090:1976 Specification for couplings, branch pipe, nozzle, used in hose reel tubing for fire fighting
72 IS 8096:1992 Specification for fire beaters (first revision)
73 IS 8149:1994 Functional requirements for twin CO2 fire extinguishers (trolley mounted)(first revision)
74 IS 8423:1994 Specification for controlled percolating hose for fire fighting
75 IS 8442:2008 Functional requirements for stand post type water monitor for fire fighting (first revision)
76 IS 9562:1980 Specification for non-metal helmet for police force
77 IS 9668:1990 Code of practice for provision and maintenance of water supplies and fire fighting (first revision)
78 IS 9695:1980 Methods of sampling of helmets
79 IS 9972:2002 Specification for automatic sprinkler heads for fire protection service (first revision)
80 IS 9973:1981 Specification for visor for scooter helmets
81 IS 9995:1981 Specification for visor for non-metal police and firemen's
82 IS 10460:1983 Functional requirements for small foam tender for fire brigade
83 IS 10658:1999 Specification for higher capacity dry powder fire extinguisher (trolley mounted) (first revision)
84 IS 10993:1984 Functional requirements for 2000-kg dry powder tender for fire brigade use
85 IS 11101:1984 Specification for extended branch pipe for fire brigade use
86 IS 11108:1984 Specification for portable fire extinguisher halons-1211 type
87 IS 11360:1985 Specification for smoke detectors for use in automatic electrical fire alarm system
88 IS 11833:1986 Specification for dry powder fire extinguisher for metal fires
89 IS 12717:1989 Functional requirements of fire fighting equipment - High capacity portable pumpset (1100-1600 L/min)
90 IS 12796:1989 Specification for fire rake
91 IS 12805:1989 Tool Mcleod for fighting forest fires
92 IS 12835(Part 1):1989 Code of practice for design and installation of fixed foam fire extinguishing system: Part 1 Low expansion foam
93 IS 12853:1989 Specification for pulaski tool for forest fires
94 IS 12859:1989 Specification for brush hook for forest fires
95 IS 12861:1989 Specification for double bit axe for forest fires
96 IS 12862:1989 Specification for fire fighting shovel for forest fires
97 IS 13039:1991 Code of practice for external hydrant systems provision and maintenance
98 IS 13385:1992 Specification for fire extinguisher- 50 litre capacity wheel mounted water type (Gas Cartridge)
99 IS 13386:1992 Specification for fire extinguisher 50 litre capacity mechanical foam type
100 IS 14609:1999 Specification for dry chemical powder for fighting ABC Class
101 IS 14851:2000 Code of practice for maintenance of fire hose
102 IS 14933:2001 Specification for high pressure fire fighting hose
103 IS 14951:2001 Specification for fire extinguisher, 135 litre capacity mechanical foam type
104 IS 15051:2001 High pressure fire hose delivery couplings - Specification
105 IS 15105:2002 Design and installation of fixed automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing systems – Code of Practice
106 IS 15220:2002 Specification for halon 1211 and halon 1301 - halogented hydrocarbon - fire extinguishing media for fire protection
107 IS 15221:2002 Code of practice for safe handling and transfer procedure of halon 1121 and halon 1301- (halogonated hydrocarbon) - fire extinguishing media
108 IS 15222:2002 Specification for carbon-dioxide as fire extinguishing media for fire protection
109 IS 15301:2003 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of fire fighting pump
110 IS 15325:2003 Code of practice for design and installation of fixed automatic high and medium velocity water spray system
111 IS 15493:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - General requirements
112 IS 15496:2004 Inspection and maintenance of gaseous fire extinguishing systems - Code of practice
113 IS 15497:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems IG 01 extinguishing systems
114 IS 15501:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems IG 541 extinguishing
115 IS 15505:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - HCFC Blend A extinguishing systems
116 IS 15506:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - IG 55 - extinguishing systems
117 IS 15517:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - HFC 227ea (Hepta Fluoro Propane) extinguishing systems
118 IS 15519:2004 Water mist fire protection systems - System design, installation and commissioning - Code of practice
119 IS 15525:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - IG 100 extinguishing
120 IS 15528:2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - Carbon dioxide total flooding and local application (Sub-floor and in-cabinet), high and low pressure (refrigerated) systems
121 IS 15682:2006 Fire fighting vehicle and equipment - Symbols for operator controls and other display
122 IS 15683:2006 Portable fire extinguishers - Performance and construction - Specification
123 IS 15811:2008 Long-range water-cum-foam monitor with self-inducting, aspirating and non-aspirating jet and spray/fog nozzle for fire fighting - Specification
124 IS 15821:2008 Gaseous fire extinguishing system - Physical properties and system design - CF3I Extinguishant
125 IS 15835:2009 Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems HCFC - 125 Extinguishing Systems
126 IS 15908:2011 Selection, installation and maintenance of control and indicating equipments for fire detection and alarm system - Code of Practice
127 IS 16018:2012 Wheeled fire extinguisher - Performance and construction - Specification
128 IS 16088:2012 Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes for automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system - Specification
129 IS 16095:2013 Hazmat vehicle - Specification
130 IS 16109:2013 Turntable Ladder - Specification
131 IS / ISO 6182-7 :2004 Fire Protection - Automatic Sprinkler Systems Part 7 Requirements and Test Method for Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Sprinklers
132 IS/ ISO 7240-5 :2003 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 5 Point-Type Heat Detectors
133 IS/ ISO 7240-7 :2011 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 7 Point-Type Smoke Detectors using Scattered Light, Transmitted light or Ionization
134 IS/ ISO 7240-11 :2011 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 11 Manual Call Points
135 IS/ ISO 7240-15 :2004 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Part 15 Point-Type Fire Detectors using Scattered Light, Transmitted light or Ionization Sensor in Combination with a Heat Sensor
1 IS 1172:1993 Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation (fourth revision)
2 IS 1742:1983 Code of practice for building drainage (second Revision)
3 IS 2064:1993 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of sanitary appliances (second Revision)
4 IS 2065:1983 Code of practice for water supply in buildings
5 IS 2470(Part 1):1985 Code of practice for installation of septic tanks: Part I design, criteria and construction (second revision)
6 IS 2470(Part 2):1985 Code of practice for installation of septic tanks: Part 2 Secondary treatment and disposal of septic tank effluent
7 IS 3114:1994 Code of practice for laying of cast iron pipes (second revision)
8 IS 4111(Part 1):1986 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part I Manholes (first revision)
9 IS 4111(Part 2):1985 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part II Flusing tanks (first revision)
10 IS 4111(Part 3):1985 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part III Inverted syphon (first revision)
11 IS 4111(Part 4):1968 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part 4 Pumping stations and pumping mains (rising mains)
12 IS 4111(Part 5):1993 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system: Part 5 Tidal outfalls
13 IS 4127:1983 Code of practice for laying of glazed stoneware pipes (first revision)
14 IS 5329:1983 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings (first revision)
15 IS 5611:1987 Code of practice for construction of waste stabilization ponds (faculative type) (first revision)
16 IS 5822:1994 Code of practice for laying of electrically welded steel pipes for water supply (second revision)
17 IS 6279:1971 Specification for equipment for grit removal devices
18 IS 6280:1971 Specification for sewage screens
19 IS 6295:1986 Code of practice for water supply and drainage in high altitudes and/or sub-zero temperature regions (first revision)
20 IS 6924:1973 Code of practice for the construction of refuse chutes in multistoreyed buildings
21 IS 7090:1985 Guidelines for rapid mixing devices (first revision)
22 IS 7208:1992 Guidelines for flocculator devices (first revision)
23 IS 7232:1974 Method for imhoff cone test
24 IS 7558:1974 Code of practice for domestic hot water installations
25 IS 7740:1985 Code of practice for construction and maintenance of road gullies (first revision)
26 IS 8413(Part 1):1977 Requirements for biological treatment equipment: Part 1 Trickling filters
27 IS 8413(Part 2):1982 Requirements for biological treatment and equipment: Part 2 Activated sludge process and its modifications
28 IS 8419(Part 1):1977 Requirements for filtration equipment : Part 1 Filtration media - sand and gravel
29 IS 8419(Part 2):1984 Requirements for rapid sand gravity filtration equipment: Part 2 Under drainage system
30 IS 9110:1979 Specification for hand operated augers for cleaning water- closets pipes and sewers
31 IS 9222(Part 1):1990 Recommendations for handling and dosing devices for chemicals for water treatment: Part I Coagulants (first revision)
32 IS 10037(Part 1):1981 Requirements for sludge dewatering equipment: Part I Sludge drying beds-sand, gravel and under drains
33 IS 10037(Part 2):1983 Requirements for sludge de-watering equipment: Part 2 Vacuum filtration equipment
34 IS 10037(Part 3):1983 Requirements for sludge de-watering equipment: Part 3 Centrifugal equipment (Solid bowl type)
35 IS 10053:1981 Requirements for equipment for jackson candle turbidimeter and determination of turbidity
36 IS 10261:1982 Requirements for settling tank (clarifier equipment) for waste water treatment
37 IS 10313:1982 Requirements for settling tank (clarifier equipment) for water treatment plant
38 IS 10446:1983 Glossary of terms relating to water supply and sanitation
39 IS 10552:1983 Specification for buckets to be used in power driven bucket type sewer cleaning machine
40 IS 10553(Part 1):1983 Requirements for chlorination equipment: Part I General guidelines for chlorination plants including handling, storage and safety of chlorine cylinders and drums
41 IS 10553(Part 2):1983 Requirements for chlorination equipment: Part 2 Vacuum feed type chlorinators
42 IS 10553(Part 4):1983 Requirements for chlorination equipment: Part 4 Gravity feed type gaseous chlorinators
43 IS 10553(Part 5):1987 Requirements of chlorination equipment: Part 5 Bleaching powder solution feeder displacement type chlorinator
44 IS 10595:1983 Requirements for power driven bucket-type sewer cleaning machine
45 IS 11117:1984 Requirements for power driven rodding machine for sewers
46 IS 11208:1985 Guidelines for registration of plumbers
47 IS 11387:1985 Requirements for high pressure jetting machine for sewer
48 IS 11397:1985 Specification for attachment tools for power driven rodding machine for sewers
49 IS 11401(Part 1):1985 Requirements for slow sand filters: Part 1 General guidelines
50 IS 11401(Part 2):1990 General requirements for slow sand filters Part 2 Design, construction, operation and maintenance
51 IS 11906:1986 Recommendations for cement mortar lining for cast iron mild steel and ductile-iron pipes and fittings for transportation of
52 IS 11925:1986 Specification for pitch-impregnated fibre pipes and fittings for drainage purposes
53 IS 11931:1987 Specification for sewer cleaning metal rods
54 IS 11972:1987 Code of practice for safety precautions to be taken when entering a sewerage system
55 IS 12183(Part 1):1987 Code of practice for plumbing in multi-storeyed buildings: Part 1 Water supply
56 IS 12251:1987 Code of practice for drainage of building basements
57 IS 12288:1987 Code of practice for use and laying of ductile iron pipes
58 IS 12314:1987 Code of practice for sanitation with leaching pits for rural community
59 IS 13166:1992 Guidelines for evaluation and testing of mechanical surface aerators
60 IS 13496:1992 General requirements of suction machine for cleaning sewers, manholes and ancillary structures provided on sewer line and closed storm water drains
61 SP 35(S&T): 1987 Handbook on water supply and drainage with special emphasis on plumbing
1 IS 3696(Part 1):1987 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 1 Scaffolds
2 IS 3696(Part 2):1991 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders: Part 2 Ladders
3 IS 3764:1992 Code of safety for excavation work (first revision)
4 IS 4014(Part 2):2013 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding: Part 2 Safety regulations for scaffolding (first revision)
5 IS 4081:2013 Code of safety for blasting and related drilling operations
6 IS 4082:1996 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials and components at site (second revision)
7 IS 4130:1991 Safety code for demolition of buildings (second revision)
8 IS 4138:1977 Safety code for working in compressed air (first revision)
9 IS 4756:1978 Safety code for tunneling work (first revision)
10 IS 4912:1978 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards (first revision)
11 IS 5121:2013 Code of safety for piling and other deep foundations (first revision)
12 IS 5916:2013 Safety code for construction involving use of hot bituminous materials (first revision)
13 IS 7272(Part 1):1974 Recommendations for labour output constants for building work: Part 1 North zone
14 IS 7293:1974 Safety code for working with construction machinery
15 IS 7969:1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
16 IS 8989:1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures
17 IS 10067:1982 Material constants in building works
18 IS 10291:1982 Safety code for dress divers in civil engineering works
19 IS 10302:1982 Unified nomenclature of workmen for civil engineering
20 IS 13415:1992 Code of safety for protective barriers in and around buildings
21 IS 13416(Part 1):1992 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 1 Falling material hazards prevention
22 IS 13416(Part 2):1992 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 2 Fall prevention
23 IS 13416(Part 3):1994 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 3 Disposal of debris
24 IS 13416(Part 4):1994 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 4 Timber structure
25 IS 13416(Part 5):1994 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces: Part 5 Fire protection
26 IS 13430:1992 Code of practice for safety during additional construction and alteration to existing buildings
27 IS 15883(Part 1):2009 Guidelines for construction project management: Part 1 General
28 IS 15883(Part 2):2013 Guidelines for construction project management: Part 2 Time management
29 IS 15883(Part 5):2013 Guidelines for construction project management: Part 5 Health and safety management
30 SP 70: 2001 Handbook on construction safety practices
1 IS 654:1992 Clay roofing tiles, mangalore pattern - Specification (third revision)
2 IS 1077:1992 Common burnt clay building bricks - Specification (fifth revision)
3 IS 1464:1992 Clay ridge and ceiling tiles - Specification (second revision)
4 IS 1478:1992 Clay flooring tile - Specification (second revision)
5 IS 1725:2013 Stabilized soil blocks used in general building construction - Specification (second revision)
6 IS 2117:1991 Guide for manufacture of hand-made common burnt clay building bricks (third revision)
7 IS 2180:1988 Specification for heavy duty burnt clay building bricks
8 IS 2222:1991 Specification for burnt clay perforated building bricks
9 IS 2248:1992 Glossary of terms relating to clay products for buildings
10 IS 2690(Part 1):1993 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles- Specification : Part 1 Machine made (second revision)
11 IS 2690(Part 2):1992 Burnt clay flat terracing tiles - Specification : Part 2 Hand made (second revision)
12 IS 2691:1988 Specification for burnt clay facing bricks (second revision)
13 IS 3367:1993 Burnt clay tiles for use in lining irrigation and drainage works - Specification (second revision)
14 IS 3495(Part 1-4):1992 Methods of tests of burnt clay building bricks:
Part 1 Determination of compressive strength
Part 2 Determination of water absorption
Part 3 Determination of efflorescence
Part 4 Determination of warpage
15 IS 3583:1988 Specification for burnt clay paving bricks (second revision)
16 IS 3951(Part 1):2009 Specification for hollow clay tiles for floors and roofs Part 1 Filler type (second revision)
17 IS 3951(Part 2):2009 Hollow clay tiles for floors and roofs-Specification: Part 2 Structural type (second revision)
18 IS 3952:2013 Specification for burnt clay hollow bricks and blocks for walls and partitions (third revision)
19 IS 3978:1993 Manufacture of burnt clay Mangalore pattern roofing tiles - Code of practice (first revision)
20 IS 4885:1988 Specification for sewer bricks (first revision)
21 IS 5454:1978 Methods of sampling of clay building bricks (first revision)
22 IS 5779:1986 Specification for burnt clay soling bricks (first revision)
23 IS 6165:1992 Dimensions for special shapes of clay bricks (first revision)
24 IS 7556:1988 Specification for burnt clay jallies (first revision)
25 IS 8920:1978 Methods for sampling of burnt clay tiles
26 IS 11650:1991 Guide for manufacture of common burnt clay building bricks by semi-mechanized process (first revision)
27 IS 13317:1992 Clay roofing country tiles, half round and flat tiles - Specification
28 IS 13757:1993 Burnt clay fly ash building bricks - Specification
1 IS 1829(Part 1):1978 Specification for library furniture and fittings: Part 1 Timber
2 IS 1829(Part 2):1993 Library furniture and fittings : Part 2 Steel - Specification
3 IS 1883:1983 Specification for metal shelving racks adjustable type
4 IS 2695:1993 Specification for drawing filing equipment (second revision)
5 IS 3312:1984 Specification for steel shelving cabinets (adjustable type)
6 IS 3313:1983 Specification for steel filing cabinets for general office purposes (second revision)
7 IS 3314:1984 Specification for steel clothes lockers (second revision)
8 IS 3497:1992 Steel wardrobes (adjustable type) - Specification (second revision)
9 IS 3498:1993 Metal table (office type) - Specification (third revision)
10 IS 3499(Part 1):1985 Specification for metal chairs for office purposes: Part 1 Non- revolving and non-tilting (second revision)
11 IS 3499(Part 2):1985 Specification for metal chairs for office purposes: Part 2 Revolving and tilting (Second Revision)
12 IS 3663:1991 Dimensions of tables and chairs for office purposes
13 IS 3761:1983 Specification for metal side racks (adjustable type) (first revision)
14 IS 3762:1979 Specification for metal waste paper bins (first revision)
15 IS 3763:1983 Specification for metal folding chairs (first revision)
16 IS 3791:1983 Specification for metal paper trays (first revision)
17 IS 3845:1966 Code of practice for joints used in wooden furniture
18 IS 4103:1977 Specification for metal nesting chairs (first revision)
19 IS 4116:1988 Specification for wooden shelving cabinets (adjustable type)
20 IS 4126:1986 Specification for wooden wardrobes (adjustable and non- adjustable type) (first revision)
21 IS 4204:1974 Functional requirements for drafting chairs (first revision)
22 IS 4205:1989 Drafting stools - Specification (second revision)
23 IS 4414:1990 Wooden table tops - Specification (second revision)
24 IS 4415:1974 Glossary of terms relating to wooden furniture and fixtures
25 IS 4837:1990 School furniture, classroom chairs and tables - Recommendations (second revision)
26 IS 5391:1992 Adjustable metal chairs for use of typists and operators in telephone exchanges - Specification (second revision)
27 IS 5416(Part 1):1988 Methods of test for strength and stability of chairs and stools: Part 1 Strength (first revision)
28 IS 5416(Part 2):1988 Method of test for strength and stability of chairs and stools: Part 2 Determination of stability of chairs and stools
29 IS 5807(Part 1):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 1 Resistance to dry heat (first revision)
30 IS 5807(Part 2):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 2 Resistance to wet heat (first revision)
31 IS 5807(Part 3):1971 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 3 Resistance to marking by oils and fats
32 IS 5807(Part 4):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 4 Resistance to marking by liquids
33 IS 5807(Part 5):1975 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 5 Test for low angle glare
34 IS 5807(Part 6):1978 Methods of test for clear finishes for wooden furniture: Part 6 Resistance to mechanical damage
35 IS 5823:1986 Specification for dining tables (first revision)
36 IS 5923:1986 Specification for wooden clothes lockers (first revision)
37 IS 5967(Part 1):1988 Methods of test for strength and stability of tables and trolleys: Part 1 Strength (first revision)
38 IS 5967(Part 2):1988 Methods of test for strength and stability of tables and trolleys : Part 2 Stability (first revision)
39 IS 5974:1986 Specification for divans and easy chairs (first revision)
40 IS 6179:1971 Specification and safety requirements for rigid sided playpens
41 IS 6184:1971 Dimensions for furniture mirrors
42 IS 6185:1971 Specification and safety requirements for high chairs
43 IS 6188:1988 Specification for wooden bedside table (first revision)
44 IS 6189:1985 Specification for metal stationary cupboards (first revision)
45 IS 6632:1988 Specification for wooden folding chairs (first revision)
46 IS 7070:1988 Wooden shelving racks, adjustable and non-adjustable type - Specification (first revision)
47 IS 7076:1983 Specification for metal book ends (first revision)
48 IS 7259(Part 1):1988 Specification for wooden beds: Part 1 For use with mattresses
49 IS 7760:1985 Specification for steel glass-front cabinets (first revision)
50 IS 7761:1983 Specification for steel book cases (first revision)
51 IS 8126:1993 Specification for composite office tables (first revision)
52 IS 8467:1977 Specification for steel card-index cabinets
53 IS 8761:1978 Specification for steel folding cots
54 IS 9236:1993 Specification for metal letter-rests (first revision)
55 IS 9715:1981 Specification for steel visible indexing system cabinets
56 IS 11525:1986 Specification for wooden chairs for office purposes
57 IS 11679:1986 Specification for wooden tables for office use
58 IS 12674(Part 1):1989 Methods of test for strength and stability of settees and benches: Part 1 Strength
59 IS 12674(Part 2):1989 Methods of test for strength and stability of settees and benches; Part 2 Stability
60 IS 12680:1989 Wooden sofa-cum-bed - Specification
61 IS 13089:1991 Furniture - Storage units - Determination of stability
62 IS 13713:1993 Plastic chairs for general office purposes - Specification
63 IS 13896:1994 Machine operators table and visual display unit (VDU) table - Specification
1 IS 1641:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): General principles of fire grading and classification (second revision)
2 IS 1642:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Details of construction (second revision) (Superseding IS 1645)
3 IS 1643:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Exposure hazard (second revision)
4 IS 1644:2013 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Exit requirements and personal hazard (second revision)
5 IS 1646:1997 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Electrical installations (second revision)
6 IS 2726:1988 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Cotton ginning and pressing (including cotton seed delintering) factories (first revision)
7 IS 3034:1993 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Electrical generating and distributing stations (second revision)
8 IS 3058:1990 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Viscose rayon yarn and/or staple fibre plants (first revision)
9 IS 3079:1990 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Cotton textile mills(first revision)
10 IS 3594:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: General storage and warehousing including cold storages (first revision)
11 IS 3595:2002 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Coal pulverizers and associated equipments (second revision)
12 IS 3614(Part 1):1966 Specification for fire-check doors: Part 1 Plate metal covered and rolling type
13 IS 3614(Part 2):1992 Specification for metallic and non-metallic fire-check doors - Resistance test and performance criteria
14 IS 3808:1979 Method of test for non-combustibility of building materials
15 IS 3809:1979 Fire resistance test for structures (first revision)
16 IS 3836:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Jute mills (second revision)
17 IS 4226:1988 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Aluminium/Magnesium powder factories (first revision)
18 IS 4886:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings: Tea factories (first revision)
19 IS 6329:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Saw mills and wood works (first revision)
20 IS 8757:1999 Glossary of terms associated with fire safety (first revision)
21 IS 8758:2013 Recommendations for fire precautionary measures in the construction of temporary structures and pandals
22 IS 9109:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Paint and varnish factories (first revision)
23 IS 11457(Part 1):1985 Code of practice for fire safety of chemical industries: Part 1 Rubber and plastic
24 IS 11460:1985 Code of practice for fire safety of libraries and archives
25 IS 12349:1988 Fire protection-safety signs
26 IS 12407:1988 Graphic symbols for fire protection plans
27 IS 12456:2004 Code of practice for fire protection of electronic data processing installation (first revision)
28 IS 12458:1988 Method for fire resistance test of fire stops
29 IS 12459:1988 Code of practice for fire safety in cable runs
30 IS 12777:1989 Method for classification of flame spread of products
31 IS 13045:1991 Code of practice for fire safety of industrial buildings - Flour mills
32 IS 13694:1993 Code of practice for fire safety in iron and steel industries
33 IS 13716:1993 Code of practice for fire safety of hotels
34 IS 14435:2013 Fire safety in educational institutions्- Code of practice (first्revision)
35 IS 14689:1999 Code of practice for fire safety in industrial buildings (printing and publishing industry)
36 IS 14850:2000 Code of practice for fire safety of museums
37 IS 15381:2003 Specification for fire blanket
38 IS 15394:2003 Code of practice for fire safety in petroleum refineries and fertilizer plants
1 IS 875(Part 1):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake)for buildings and structures Part 1 Dead loads - Unit weights of building material and stored materials (second revision) (Incorporating IS:1911-1967)
2 IS 875(Part 2):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 2 Imposed loads (second revision)
3 IS 875(Part 3):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures: Part 3 Wind loads (second revision)
4 IS 875(Part 4):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures Part 4 Snow loads (second revision)
5 IS 875(Part 5):1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures Part 5 Special loads and load combinations (second revision)
6 SP 64(S&T): 2001 Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures: Part 3 Wind Loads [IS 875(Part 3):1987]
1 IS 2210:1988 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete shell structures and folded plates (first revision)
2 IS 3935:1966 Code of practice for composite construction
3 IS 4090:1967 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete arches
4 IS 4995(Part 1):1974 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery materials: Part 1 General requirements and assessment of bin loads (first revision)
5 IS 4995(Part 2):1974 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery materials: Part 2 Design criteria
6 IS 4998(Part 1):1992 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys: Part 1 Assessment of loads (second revision)
7 IS 11384:1985 Code of practice for composite construction in structural steel and concrete
8 IS 11504:1985 Criteria for structural design of reinforced concrete natural draught cooling towers
9 IS 11682:1985 Criteria for design of RCC staging for overhead water tanks
10 SP 43(S&T): 1987 Handbook on structures with reinforced concrete portal frames (without cranes)
1 IS 1893:1984 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures
2 IS 1893(Part 1):2002 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures: Part 1 General Provisions and buildings (fifth revision)
3 IS 1893(Part 4):2005 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures: Part 4 Industrial structures including stack-like structure
4 IS 4326:2013 Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings (third revision)
5 IS 4967:1968 Recommendations for seismic instrumentation for river valley projects
6 IS 4991:1968 Criteria for blast resistant design of structures for explosions above ground
7 IS 6922:1973 Criteria for safety and design of structures subject to underground blasts
8 IS 13827:1993 Improving earthquake resistance of earthen buildings -
9 IS 13828:1993 Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonry buildings - Guidelines
10 IS 13920:1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces- Code of practice
11 IS 13935:2009 Guidelines for evaluation, repair and seismic strengthening of masonry buildings (first revision)
12 IS 15988:2013 Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings - Guidelines.
1 IS 1322:1993 Specification for bitumen felts for water proofing and damp- proofing (fourth revision)
2 IS 1346:1991 Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen felts
3 IS 1580:1991 Specification for bituminous compounds for water-proofing and caulking purposes (second revision)
4 IS 1609:1991 Code of practice for damp-proofing treatment using bitumen felts (third revision)
5 IS 3036:1992 Code of practice for laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish (second revision)
6 IS 3037:1986 Specification for bitumen mastic for use in water-proofing of roofs (first revision)
7 IS 3067:1988 Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work for damp-proofing and water-proofing of buildings (first revision)
8 IS 3384:1986 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp-proofing (first revision)
9 IS 4365:1967 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for waterproofing of roofs
10 IS 4911:1986 Glossary of terms relating to bituminous waterproofing and damp-proofing of buildings (first revision)
11 IS 5871:1987 Specification for bitumen mastic for tanking and damp- proofing (first revision)
12 IS 6494:1988 Code of practice for water-proofing of underground water reservoirs and swimming pools (first revision)
13 IS 7193:1994 Glass fibre base bitumen felts - Specification (first revision)
14 IS 7198:1974 Code of practice for damp-proofing using bitumen mastic
15 IS 7290:1979 Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for water- proofing of roofs (first revision)
16 IS 9918:1981 Code of practice for in-situ waterproofing and damp-proofing treatment with glass fibre tissue reinforced bitumen
17 IS 12027:1987 Specification for silicone-based water repellents
18 IS 12054:1987 Code of practice for application of silicone based water repellents
19 IS 13182:1991 Waterproofing and damp-proofing of wet areas in building - Recommendations
20 IS 13435(Part 1):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofinng materials - Methods of test: Part 1 Determination of solid content
21 IS 13435(Part 2):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing materials - Methods of test: Part 2 Determination of coarse particles
22 IS 13435(Part 3):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing material - Methods of test Part 3 Determination of capillary water take-up
23 IS 13435(Part 4):1992 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing material - Methods of test Part 4 Determination of pH value
24 IS 13826(Part 1):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test: Part 1 Breaking strength
25 IS 13826(Part 2):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test Part 2 Pliability test
26 IS 13826(Part 3):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test; Part 3 Storage sticking
27 IS 13826(Part 4):1994 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test: Part 4 Pressure head test
28 IS 13826(Part 5):1994 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test; Part 5 Heat resistance
29 IS 13826(Part 6):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test; Part 6 Water absorption
30 IS 13826(Part 7):1993 Bitumen based felt - Methods of test: Part 7 Determination of binder content
31 IS 14695:1999 Glass fibre base coal tar pitch outer wrap - Specification
1 IS 1080:1985 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations in soils (other than raft, ring and shell)
2 IS 1498:1970 Classification and identification of soils for general engineering purposes (first revision)
3 IS 1888:1982 Method of load test on soils (second revision)
4 IS 1892:1979 Code of practice for subsurface investigation for foundations
5 IS 1904:1986 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations in soils: General requirements (third revision)
6 IS 2131:1981 Method of standard penetration test for soils (first revision)
7 IS 2132:1986 Code of practice for thin walled tube sampling of soils
8 IS 2720(Part 1):1983 Methods of test for soils: Part 1 Preparation of dry soil samples for various tests (second revision)
9 IS 2720(Part 2):1973 Methods of test for soils: Part 2 Determination of water content
10 IS 2720(Part 3/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 3 Determination of specific 1):1980 gravity, Section 1 Fine grained soils (first revision)
11 IS 2720(Part 3/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 3 Determination of specific 2):1980 gravity, Section 2 Fine, medium and coarse grained soils
12 IS 2720(Part 4):1985 Methods of test for soils: Part 4 Grain size analysis
13 IS 2720(Part 5):1985 Methods of test for soils: Part 5 Determination of liquid and plastic limit (second revision)
14 IS 2720(Part 6):1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 6 Determination of shrinkage factors (first revision)
15 IS 2720(Part 7):1980 Methods of test for soils: Part 7 Determination of water content- dry density relation using light compaction (second revision)
16 IS 2720(Part 8):1983 Methods of test for soils: Part 8 Determination of water content- dry density relation using heavy compaction (second revision)
17 IS 2720(Part 9):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 9 Determination of dry density- moisture content relation by constant mass of soil method
18 IS 2720(Part 10):1991 Methods of test for soils: Part 10 Determination of unconfined compressive strength (second revision)
19 IS 2720(Part 11):1993 Methods of test for soils: Part 11 Determination of the shear strength parameters of a specimen tested in unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression without the measurement of pore water pressure (first revision)
20 IS 2720(Part 12):1981 Methods of test for soils: Part 12 Determination of shear strength parameters of soil from consolidated undrained triaxial compression test with measurement of pore water pressure (first revision)
21 IS 2720(Part 13):1986 Methods of test for soils: Part 13 Direct shear test
22 IS 2720(Part 14):1983 Methods of test for soils: Part 14 Determination of density index (relative density) of cohesionless soils (first revision)
23 IS 2720(Part 15):1986 Methods of test for soils: Part 15 Determination of consolidation properties (first revision)
24 IS 2720(Part 16):1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 16 Laboratory determination of CBR (second revision)
25 IS 2720(Part 17):1986 Methods of test for soils: Part 17 Laboratory determination of permeability (first revision)
26 IS 2720(Part 18):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 18 Determination of field moisture equivalent (first revision)
27 IS 2720(Part 19):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 19 Determination of centrifuge moisture equivalent (first revision)
28 IS 2720(Part 20):1992 Methods of test for soils: Part 20 Determination of linear shrinkage (first revision)
29 IS 2720(Part 21):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 21 Determination of total soluble solids (first revision)
30 IS 2720(Part 22):1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 22 Determination of organic matter (first revision)
31 IS 2720(Part 23):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 23 Determination of calcium carbonate (first revision)
32 IS 2720(Part 24):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 24 Determination of cation exchange capacity (first revision)
33 IS 2720(Part 25):1982 Methods of test for soils: Part 25 Determination of silica sesquioxide ratio (first revision)
34 IS 2720(Part 26):1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 26 Determination of pH value
35 IS 2720(Part 27):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 27 Determination of total soluble sulphates (first revision)
36 IS 2720(Part 28):1974 Methods of test for soils: Part 28 Determination of dry density of soils, in-place, by the sand replacement method (first revision)
37 IS 2720(Part 29):1975 Methods of test for soils: Part 29 Determination of dry density of soils in-place, by the core-cutter method (first revision)
38 IS 2720(Part 30):1980 Methods of test for soils: Part 30 Laboratory vane shear test
39 IS 2720(Part 31):1990 Methods of test for soils: Part 31 Field determination of California bearing ratio (first revision)
40 IS 2720(Part 33):1971 Methods of test for soils: Part 33 Determination of the density in place by the ring and water replacement method
41 IS 2720(Part 34):1972 Methods of test for soils: Part 34 Determination of density of soil in place by rubber balloon method
42 IS 2720(Part 35):1974 Methods of test for soils: Part 35 Measurement of negative pore water pressure
43 IS 2720(Part 36):1987 Methods of test for soils: Part 36 Laboratory determination of permeability of granular soils (constant head) (first revision)
44 IS 2720(Part 37):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 37 Determination of sand equivalent value of soils and fine aggregates
45 IS 2720(Part 38):1976 Methods of test for soils: Part 38 Compaction control test (Hilf method)
46 IS 2720(Part 39/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 39 Direct shear test for soils 1):1977 containing gravel, Section 1 Laboratory test
47 IS 2720(Part 39/Sec Methods of test for soils: Part 39 Direct shear test for soils 2):1979 containing gravel, Section 2 In-situ shear test
48 IS 2720(Part 40):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 40 Determination of free swell index of soils
49 IS 2720(Part 41):1977 Methods of test for soils: Part 41 Measurement of swelling pressure of soils
50 IS 2809:1972 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soil engineering
51 IS 2810:1979 Glossary of terms relating to soil dynamics (first revision)
52 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice:1):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 1 Driven cast in-situ concrete piles (second revision)
53 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice: 2):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 2 Bored cast-in-situ concrete piles (second revision)
54 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice:3):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 3 Driven precast concrete piles (second revision)
55 IS 2911(Part 1/Sec Design and construction of pile foundations- Code of practice:4):2010 Part 1 Concrete piles, Section 4 Precast concrete piles in prebored holes (first revision)
56 IS 2911(Part 2):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations: Part 2 Timber piles (first revision)
57 IS 2911(Part 3):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations: Part 3 Under reamed piles (first revision)
58 IS 2911(Part 4):2013 Design and construction of pile foundations - Code of practice: Part 4 Load test on piles (second revision)
59 IS 2950(Part 1):1981 Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations: Part 1 Design (second revision)
60 IS 2974(Part 1):1982 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 1 Foundations for reciprocating type machines (second revision)
61 IS 2974(Part 2):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 2 Foundations for impact type machines (hammer foundations) (first revision)
62 IS 2974(Part 3):1992 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 3 Foundations for rotary type machines (medium and high frequency) (second revision)
63 IS 2974(Part 4):1979 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 4 Foundations for rotary type machines of low frequency (first revision)
64 IS 2974(Part 5):1987 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 5 Foundations for impact machines other than hammer (forging and stamping press, pig breaker, drop crusher and jolter) (first revision)
65 IS 4091:1979 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations for transmission line towers and poles (first revision)
66 IS 4332(Part 1):1967 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 1 Method of sampling and preparation of stabilized soils for testing
67 IS 4332(Part 2):1967 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 2 Determination of moisture content of stabilized soil mixtures
68 IS 4332(Part 3):1967 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 3 Test for determination of moisture content-dry density relation for stablized soil mixtures
69 IS 4332(Part 4):1968 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 4 Wetting and drying and freezing and thawing tests for compacted soil-cement mixtures
70 IS 4332(Part 5):1970 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 5 Determination of unconfined compressive strength of stabilized soils
71 IS 4332(Part 6):1972 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 6 Flexural strength of soil - cement using simple beam with third-point loading
72 IS 4332(Part 7):1973 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 7 Determination of cement content of cement stabilized soils
73 IS 4332(Part 8):1969 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 8 Determination of lime content of lime stabilized soils
74 IS 4332(Part 9):1970 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 9 Determination of the bituminous stabilizer content of bitumen and tar stabilized
75 IS 4332(Part 10):1969 Methods of test for stabilized soils: Part 10 Test for soil/bituminous mixtures
76 IS 4434:1978 Code of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils (first revision)
77 IS 4968(Part 1):1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils: Part 1 Dynamic method using 50 mm cone without bentonite slurry (first revision)
78 IS 4968(Part 2):1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils: Part 2 Dynamic method using cone and bentonite slurry (first revision)
79 IS 4968(Part 3):1976 Method for subsurface sounding for soils: Part 3 Static cone penetration test (first revision)
80 IS 5249:1992 Determination of dynamic properties of soil - Method of test (second revision)
81 IS 6403:1981 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundations (first revision)
82 IS 8009(Part 1):1976 Code of practice for calculation of settlements of foundations: Part 1 Shallow foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads
83 IS 8009(Part 2):1980 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations: Part 2 Deep foundations subjected to symmetrical static
84 IS 8763:1978 Guide for undisturbed sampling of sands
85 IS 9198:1979 Specification for compaction rammer for soil testing
86 IS 9214:1979 Method for determination of modulus of sub-grade reaction (k-value) of soils in field
87 IS 9259:1979 Specification for liquid limit apparatus for soils
88 IS 9456:1980 Code of practice for design and construction of conical and hyperbolic paraboloidal types of shell foundations
89 IS 9556:1980 Code of practice for design and construction of diaphragm walls
90 IS 9640:1980 Specification for split spoon sampler
91 IS 9669:1980 Specification for CBR moulds and its accessories
92 IS 9716:1981 Guide for lateral dynamic load test on piles
93 IS 9759:1981 Guidelines for dewatering during construction
94 IS 10042:1981 Code of practice for site investigations for foundation in gravel boulder deposit
95 IS 10074:1982 Specification for compaction mould assembly for light and heavy compaction test for soils
96 IS 10077:1982 Specification for equipment for determination of shrinkage
97 IS 10108:1982 Code of practice for sampling of soils by thin wall sampler with stationary piston
98 IS 10270:1982 Guidelines for design and construction of prestressed rock anchors
99 IS 10379:1982 Code of practice for field control of moisture and compaction of soils of embankment and subgrade
100 IS 10442:1983 Specification for earth augers (spiral type)
101 IS 10589:1983 Specification for equipment for subsurface sounding of soils
102 IS 10837:1984 Specification for moulds and accessories for determination of density index (relative density) of cohesionless soils
103 IS 11089:1984 Code of practice for design and construction of ring foundation
104 IS 11196:1985 Specification for equipment for determination of liquid limit of soils cone penetration method
105 IS 11209:1985 Specification for mould assembly for determination of permeability of soils
106 IS 11229:1985 Specification for shear box for testing of soils
107 IS 11233:1985 Code of practice for design and construction of radar antenna, microwave and TV tower foundations
108 IS 11550:1985 Code of practice for field instrumentation of swelling pressure in expansive soils
109 IS 11593:1986 Specification for shear box (large) for testing of soils
110 IS 11594:1985 Specification for mild steel thin walled sampling tubes and sampler heads
111 IS 11629:1986 Code of practice for installation and operation of single point hydraulic over-flow setting gauge
112 IS 12023:1987 Code of practice for field monitoring of movement of structures using tape extensometer
113 IS 12070:1987 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on rock
114 IS 12175:1987 Specification for rapid moisture meter for rapid determination of water content for soil
115 IS 12208:1987 Method for measurement of earth pressure by hydraulic pressure cell
116 IS 12287:1988 Specification for consolidometer for determination of consolidation properties
117 IS 12979:1990 Mould for determination of linear shrinkage - Specification
118 IS 13094:1992 Selection of ground improvement techniques for foundation in weak soils - Guidelines
119 IS 13301:1992 Vibration isolation for machine foundations - Guidelines
120 IS 13468:1992 Apparatus for determination of dry density of soil by core cutter method - Specification
121 IS 14593:1998 Design and construction of bored cast-in-situ piles founded on rocks - Guidelines
122 IS 14893:2001 Non-destructive integrity testing of piles (NDT) - Guidelines
123 IS 15284(Part 1):2003 Design and construction for ground improvement - Guidelines: Part 1 Stone columns
124 IS 15284(Part 2):2004 Design and construction for ground improvement - Guidelines: Part 2 Preconsolidation using vertical drains
125 SP 36(Part 1): 1987 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 1 Laboratory testing of soils for civil engineering purposes
126 SP 36(Part 2): 1988 Compendium of Indian standards on soil engineering: Part 2 Field testing of soils for civil engineering purposes
1 IS 1200(Part 1):1992 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 1 Earthwork (fourth revision)
2 IS 1200(Part 2):1974 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 2 Concrete works (third revision)
3 IS 1200(Part 3):1976 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering
works: Part 3 Brickwork(third revision)
4 IS 1200(Part 4):1976 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 4 Stone masonry (third revision)
5 IS 1200(Part 5):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: part 5 Form work (fourth revision)
6 IS 1200(Part 6):1974 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 6 Refractory work (second revision)
7 IS 1200(Part 7):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 7 Hardware (third revision)
8 IS 1200(Part 8):1993 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 8 Steel work and iron work (fourth revision)
9 IS 1200(Part 9):1973 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 9 Roof covering (including cladding) (second revision)
10 IS 1200(Part 10):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: part 10 Ceiling and linings (third revision)
11 IS 1200(Part 11):2013 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 11 Paving, floor finishes, dado and skirting (fourth revision)
12 IS 1200(Part 12):1976 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 12 plastering and pointing (third revision)
13 IS 1200(Part 13):1994 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 13 Whitewashing, colour washing, distempering and painting of building surfaces (fifth revision)
14 IS 1200(Part 14):1984 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 14 Glazing (third revision)
15 IS 1200(Part 15):1987 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 15 painting, polishing, varnishing etc (fourth revision)
16 IS 1200(Part 16):1979 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 16 Laying of water and sewer lines including appurtenant items (third revision)
17 IS 1200(Part 18):1974 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 18 Demolition and dismantling (third revision)
18 IS 1200(Part 19):1981 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Parts 19 Water supply, plumbing and drains (third revision)
19 IS 1200(Part 20):1981 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 20 Laying of gas and oil pipelines (third revision)
20 IS 1200(Part 21):1973 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 21 Wood-work and joinery (second revision)
21 IS 1200(Part 22):1982 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 22 Materials
22 IS 1200(Part 23):1988 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 23 Piling (fourth revision)
23 IS 1200(Part 24):1983 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 24 Well foundations (third revision)
24 IS 1200(Part 25):1971 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 25 Tunneling (second revision)
25 IS 1200(Part 26):1987 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 26 Acid resistant lining
26 IS 1200(Part 27):2013 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 27 Earth work done by mechanical appliances
27 IS 1200(Part 28):1992 Methods of measurement of building and civil engineering works: Part 28 Sound insulation work
28 IS 3861:2002 Method of measurement of plinth, carpet and rentable areas of buildings (second revision)
29 SP 27: 1987 Handbook on method of measurement of buildings works (first revision)
1 SP 7: 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 0 Integrated Approach - Prerequisite for applying provisions of the Code
2 SP 7(Part 1): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 1 Definitions
3 SP 7(Part 2): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 2 Administration
4 SP 7(Part 3): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 3 Development control rules and general building requirements
5 SP 7(Part 4): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 4 Fire and life safety
6 SP 7(Part 5): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 5 Building materials
7 SP 7(Part 6): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 6 Structural design
Section 1 Loads, forces and effects
Section 2 Soils and foundations
Section 3 Timber and bamboo
3A Timber
3B Bamboo
Section 4 Masonry
Section 5 Concrete
5A Plain and reinforced concrete
5B Prestressed concrete
Section 6 Steel
Section 7 Prefabrication, systems building and mixed/composite construction
7A Prefabricated concrete
7B Systems buildings and mixed/composite construction
8 SP 7(Part 7): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 7 Constructional practices and safety
9 SP 7(Part 8): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 8 Building services
Section 1 Lighting and ventilation
Section 2 Electrical and allied installations
Section 3 Air conditioning, heating and mechanical ventilation
Section 4 Acoustics, sound insulations and noise control
Section 5 Installation of lifts and escalators
10 SP 7(Part 9): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 9 Plumbing services
Section 1 Water supply, drainage and sanitation (including solid waste management)
Section 2 Gas Supply
11 SP 7(Part 10): 2005 National Building Code of India 2005: Part 10 Landscaping, signs and outdoor display structures
Section 1 Landscape planning and Design
Section 2 Signs and outdoor display structures
1 IS 4651(Part 1):1974 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 1 Site investigation (first revision)
2 IS 4651(Part 2):1989 Ports and harbours - Planning and design - Code of practice: Part 2 Earth pressure (first revision)
3 IS 4651(Part 3):1974 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 3 Loading_(first revision)
4 IS 4651(Part 4):1989 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 4 General design consideration (second revision)
5 IS 4651(Part 5):1980 Code of practice for planning and design of ports and harbours: Part 5 Layout and functional requirements
6 IS 7314:1974 Glossary of terms relating to port and harbour engineering
7 IS 9527(Part 1):1981 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbour structures: Part 1 Concrete monoliths
8 IS 9527(Part 3):1983 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbour structures: Part 3 Sheet pile walls
9 IS 9527(Part 4):1980 Code of practice for design and construction of port and harbour structures: Part 4 Cellular sheet pile structures
10 IS 9527(Part 6):1989 Code of practice for design and construction port and harbour structures Part 6 Block work
11 IS 10020(Part 4):1981 Recommendations for design and construction of port and harbour components: Part 4 Slipways
1 IS 7317:1993 Code of practice for uniaxial jacking test for deformation modulus of rock (first revision)
2 IS 7746:1991 Code of practice for in-situ shear test on rock (first revision)
3 IS 8764:1998 Method of determination of point load strength index of rocks
4 IS 9143:1979 Method for the determination of unconfined compressive strength of rock materials
5 IS 9179:1979 Method for the preparation of rock specimen for laboratory
6 IS 9221:1979 Method for the determination of modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of rock materials in uniaxial compression
7 IS 10050:1981 Method for determination of slake durability index of rocks
8 IS 10082:1981 Method of test for the determination of tensile strength by indirect tests on rock specimens
9 IS 10782:1983 Method for laboratory determination of dynamic modulus of rock core specimens
10 IS 11309:1985 Method of conducting pull-out test on anchor bars and rock bolts
11 IS 11315(Part 1):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 1 Orientation
12 IS 11315(Part 2):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 2 Spacing
13 IS 11315(Part 3):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 3 Persistence
14 IS 11315(Part 4):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 4 Roughness
15 IS 11315(Part 5):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 5 Wall strength
16 IS 11315(Part 6):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 6 Aperture
17 IS 11315(Part 7):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 7 Filling
18 IS 11315(Part 8):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 8 Seepage
19 IS 11315(Part 9):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: part 9 Number of sets
20 IS 11315(Part 10):1987 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass : Part 10 Block size
21 IS 11315(Part 11):1985 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass: Part 11 Core recovery and rock quality
22 IS 11315(Part 12):1992 Method for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock mass:: Part12 Drill core study
23 IS 11358:1987 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to rock mechanics
24 IS 12608:1989 Methods of test for hardness of rock
25 IS 12634:1989 Method of determination for direct shear strength of rock joints
26 IS 12955(Part 1):1990 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock mass deformability using a flexible dilatometer Part 1 Volume
27 IS 12955(Part 2):1990 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock mass deformability using a flexible dilatometer Part 2 Radial displacement
28 IS 13030:1991 Method of test for laboratory determination of water content, porosity, density and related properties of rock material
29 IS 13047:1991 Method for determination of strength of rock materials in triaxial compression
30 IS 13063:1991 Code of practice for structural safety of buildings on shallow foundations on rocks
31 IS 13365(Part 1):1998 Quantitative classification system of rock mass - Guidelines : Part 1 RMR for predicting of engineering properties
32 IS 13365(Part 2):1992 Quantitative classification systems of rock mass-Guidelines Part 2 Rock mass quality for prediction of support pressure in underground openings
33 IS 13365(Part 3):1997 Quantitative classification system of rock mass - Guidelines Part 3 Determination of slope mass rating (SMR)
34् IS 13365(Part 4):2014् Quantitative Classification Systems of Rock Mass - Guidelines Part 4 Geological Strength Index (GSI)
35 IS 13372(Part 1):1992 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass: Part 1 within a borehole
36 IS 13372(Part 2):1992 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass: Part 2 Between the borehole
37 IS 13414:1992 Guidelines for monitoring of rock movement and multi-point borehole extensometers
38 IS 13946(Part 1):1994 Code of practice for in-situ determination of rock stress Part 1 Using hydraulic fracturing technique
39 IS 13946(Part 2):1994 Code of practice for determination of rock stress Part 2 Using USBM type drill hole deformation gauge
40 IS 13946(Part 3):1994 Code of practice for determination of rock stress Part 3 Using a CSIR or CSIRO type cell with 9 or 12 strain gauges
41 IS 13946(Part 4):1994 Determination of rock stress-Code of practice Part 4 Using flat jack technique
42 IS 14243(Part 1):1995 Guidelines for selection and development of site for building Jul 2010 in hill areas Part 1 Microzonation of urban centres
43 IS 14243(Part 2):1995 Guidelines for selection and development of site for building in hill areas Part 2 Selection and development
44 IS 14395:1996 Guidelines for monitoring of rock movements using probe inclinometer
45 IS 14396(Part 1):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous swelling rocks Part 1 Methods of sampling storage and preparation of test
46 IS 14396(Part 2):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous swelling rocks Part 2 Determination of maximum axial swelling stress
47 IS 14396(Part 3):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous rocks Part 3 Determination of axial and radial free swelling strain
48 IS 14396(Part 4):1996 Methods for laboratory testing of argillaceous swelling rock Part 4 Determining axial swelling stress as a function of axial swelling strain
49 IS 14436:1997 Method of test for laboratory determination of resistivity of rock specimen
50 IS 14448:1997 Code of practice for reinforcement of rock slopes with plane wedge failure
51 IS 14881:2001 Method for blast vibration monitoring - Guidelines
52 IS 15026:2002 Guidelines for tunnelling methods in rock masses
53 IS 15180:2002 Guidelines for use in the prediction of subsidence and associated parameters in coal mines having nearly horizontal single seam workings
1 IS 4984:1995 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies (fourth revision)
2 IS 4985:2000 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies (third revision)
3 IS 7634(Part 1):1975 Code of practice for plastic pipes work for potable water supplies: Part 1 Choice of materials and general
4 IS 7634(Part 2):2012 Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies: Part 2 Laying and jointing of polyethylene (PE) pipes
5 IS 7634(Part 3):2003 Plastic pipes selection, handling, storage and installation for potable water supplies - Code of practice Part 3 Laying and jointing of UPVC pipes (first revision)
6 IS 7834(Part 1):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 1 General requirements (first revision)
7 IS 7834(Part 2):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 2 Specific requirements for 45 degrees elbows (first revision)
8 IS 7834(Part 3):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 3 Specific requirements for 90 degree elbows (first revision)
9 IS 7834(Part 4):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 4 Specific requirements for 90 degree tees (first revision)
10 IS 7834(Part 5):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings for solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 5 Specific requirements for 45 degree tees (first revision)
11 IS 7834(Part 6):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 6 Specific requirements for sockets (first revision)
12 IS 7834(Part 7):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 7 Specific requirements for unions (first revision)
13 IS 7834(Part 8):1987 Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with solvent cement joints for water supplies: Part 8 Specific requirements for caps (first revision)
14 IS 8008(Part 1):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 1 General requirements for fitting (first revision)
15 IS 8008(Part 2):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification Part 2 Specific requirements for 90 degree bend (first revision)
16 IS 8008(Part 3):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 3 Specific requirements for 90 degree tees (first revision)
17 IS 8008(Part 4):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification : Part 4 Specific requirements for reducers (first revision)
18 IS 8008(Part 5):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification Part 5 Specific requirements for ferrule reducers (first revision)
19 IS 8008(Part 6):2003 Injection moulded /machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 6 Specific requirements for pipe ends (first revision)
20 IS 8008(Part 7):2003 Injection moulded /machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification : Part 7 Specific requirements for sandwich flanges (first revision)
21 IS 8008(Part 8):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part 8 Specific requirements for reducing tees (first revision)
22 IS 8008(Part 9):2003 Injection moulded/machined high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies - Specification Part 9 Specific requirements for ends caps (first revision)
23 IS 8360(Part 1):1977 Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies: Part 1 General requirements
24 IS 8360(Part 2):1977 Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies, Part 2 Specific requirements for 90 degree tees
25 IS 8360(Part 3):1977 Specification for fabricated high density polyethylene (HDPE) fittings for potable water supplies, Part 3 Specific requirements for 90 degree bends
26 IS 9271:2004 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride UPVC single wall corrugated pipes for drainage - Specification (First Revision)
27 IS 10124(Part 1):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part I General requirements (second revision)
28 IS 10124(Part 2):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 2 Specific requirements for sockets (second revision)
29 IS 10124(Part 3):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 3 Specific requirements for straight reducers
30 IS 10124(Part 4):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 4 Specific requirements for caps (second revision)
31 IS 10124(Part 5):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 5 Specific requirements for equal tees (second revision)
32 IS 10124(Part 6):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 6 Specific requirements for flanged tail piece with metallic flanges (second revision)
33 IS 10124(Part 7):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 7 Specific requirements for threaded adaptors (second revision)
34 IS 10124(Part 8):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 8 Specific requirements for 90 degree bends (second revision)
35 IS 10124(Part 9):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 9 Specific requirements for 60 degree bends (second revision)
36 IS 10124(Part 10):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 10 Specific requirements for 45 degree bends (second revision)
37 IS 10124(Part 11):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 11 Specific requirements for 30 degree bends (second revision)
38 IS 10124(Part 12):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 12 Specific requirements for 22 1/2 degree bends (second revision)
39 IS 10124(Part 13):2009 Fabricated PVC-U fittings for potable water supplies - Specification: Part 13 Specific requirements for 11 1/4 degree bends (second revision)
40 IS 12231:1987 Specification for unplasticized PVC pipes for use in suction and delivery lines of agricultural pump sets
41 IS 12235(Part 1):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 1 Measurement of dimensions
42 IS 12235(Part 2):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 2 Determination of vicat softening temperature
43 IS 12235(Part 3):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 3 Test for opacity
44 IS 12235(Part 4):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 4 Determining the detrimental effect on the composition of water
45 IS 12235(Part 5/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 5 1):2004 Longitudinal reversion Section 1 Determination methods
46 IS 12235(Part 5/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 5 2):2004
47 IS 12235(Part 6):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 6 Stress relief test
48 IS 12235(Part 7):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 7 Resistance of sulphuric acid
49 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 8 1):2004 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 1 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure at constant internal
50 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: 2):2004 Part 8 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 2 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type socket joints under positive internal pressure and with angular deflection
51 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: 3):2004 Part 8 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 3 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type socket joints under negative internal pressure and with angular deflection
52 IS 12235(Part 8/Sec Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: 4):2004 Part 8 Resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure Section 4 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing ring type socket joints under positive internal pressure without angular deflection
53 IS 12235(Part 9):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 9 Resistance to external blows (Impact resistance) at 0° C (Round-the-clock method)
54 IS 12235(Part 10):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 10 Determination of organotin as tin aqueous solution
55 IS 12235(Part 11):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test: Part 11 Resistance to dichloromethane at specified temperature
56 IS 12235(Part 12):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 12 Determination of titanium dioxide content
57 IS 12235(Part 13):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 13 Determination of tensile strength and elongation
58 IS 12235(Part 14):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 14 Determination of density/relative density (specific
59 IS 12235(Part 15):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 15 Determination of vinyl chloride monomer content
60 IS 12235(Part 16):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 16 High temperature test
61 IS 12235(Part 17):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 17 Determination of ash content and sulphated ash content
62 IS 12235(Part 18):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 18 Determination of ring stiffness
63 IS 12235(Part 19):2004 Thermoplastic pipes and fittings - Methods of test Part 19 Flattening test
64 IS 12709:1994 Specification for glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes joints and fittings for use for potable water supply (first revision)
65 IS 12818:2010 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) screen and casing pipes for bore/tubewells - Specification (Second Revision)
66 IS 13592:2013 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for soil and waste discharge system for inside and््outside buildings including ventilation and rain water system - Specification
67 IS 13593:1992 Specification for UPVC pipe fittings to be used with the UPVC pipes in the suction and delivery lines of agricultural pumps
68 IS 13916:1994 Code of practice for installation of glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) piping system
69 IS 14333:1996 High density polyethylene pipes for sewerage - Specification
70 IS 14402:1996 Specification for GRP pipes, joints and fittings for use for sewerage, industrial waste and water (other than potable)
71 IS 14735:1999 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) injection moulded fittings for soil and waste discharge system for inside and outside buildings including ventilation and rain water system - Specification.
72 IS 14787:2000 Unplasticized PVC pipes (ducts) and fittings for underground telecommunications cable installation - Specification
73 IS 14885:2001 Specification for polyethylene pipe for supply of gaseous fuel
74 IS 15265:2003 Flexible PVC pipes polymer reinforced thermoplastic hoses for suction and delivery lines of agricultural pumps - Specification
75 IS 15328:2003 Unplasticized non-pressure polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for use in underground drainage and sewerage system - Specification
76 IS 15450:2004 Specification for polyethylene/aluminium/polyethylene composite pressure pipes for hot and cold water supplies
77 IS 15778:2007 Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes for potable hot and cold water distribution supplies - Specification
78 IS 15801:2008 Polypropylene-random copolymer pipes for hot and cold water supplies - Specification
79 IS 15927(Part 1):2012 Specification for polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels: Part 1 Fittings for sockets using heated tools
80 IS 15927(Part 2):2012 Specification for polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels: Part 2 Spigot fittings for butt fusion jointing or socket fusion using heated tools, spigot fittings for use with electro-fusion fittings
81 IS 15927(Part 3):2011 Specification for polyethylene fittings for use with polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels: Part 3 Electro-fusion fittings
82 IS 16098(Part 1):2013 Structured - Wall Plastics Piping Systems for Non- Pressure Drainage and Sewerage - Specification Part 1: Pipes and Fittings with Smooth External Surface, Type A
83 IS 16098(Part 2):2013 Structured - Wall Plastics Piping Systems for Non- Pressure Drainage and Sewerage - Specification Part 2: Pipes and Fittings with Non-Smooth External Surface, Type B
84् IS 16130:2014 Thermoplastics Materials for Pipes and Fittings for Pressure Applications – Classification and Designation – Overall Service (Design) Coefficient (Adoption of ISO 12162)
85 SP 57: 1993 Handbook for pipes and fittings for drinking water supply
1 IS 962:1989 Code of practice for architectural and building drawings
2 IS 1553:1989 Design of library buildings - Recommendations relating to its primary elements (second revision)
3 IS 2661:1978 Specification for mobile library van (first revision)
4 IS 2662:1978 Specification for packages for use of libraries (first revision)
5 IS 2663:1989 Design of buildings for archives - Recommendations relating to its primary elements (second revision)
6 IS 3201:1988 Criteria for design and construction of precast-trusses and purlins (first revision)
7 IS 4878:1986 Byelaws for construction of cinema buildings (first revision)
8 IS 4919:1981 Glossary of terms applicable to landscape and horticulture work
9 IS 4993:1983 Glossary of terms relating to modular co-ordination
10 IS 5197:1987 Recommendations for layout and planning of drawings offices
11 IS 6072:1971 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete wall slabs
12 IS 6073:2006 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete floor and roof slabs (first revision)
13 IS 6408(Part 1):1990 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Tolerances Part 1 Glossary of terms (first revision)
14 IS 6408(Part 2):1992 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Tolerances Part 2 Principles and applications
15 IS 6820:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Applications (first revision)
16 IS 7564(Part 1):1974 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 1 Functional group 1 - Structures
17 IS 7564(Part 2):1974 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of buildings components and assemblies Part 2 Functional group 2 - External envelope
18 IS 7564(Part 3):1974 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 3 Functional group 3 Internal subdivision
19 IS 7564(Part 4):1975 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 4 Functional group 4 Services and drainage
20 IS 7564(Part 5):1975 Recommendations for co-ordination of dimensions in buildings-Arrangements of building components and assemblies: Part 5 Functional group 5 Fixtures, furniture and equipment
21 IS 7921:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry : Horizontal co-ordination (first revision)
22 IS 7922:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Vertical co-ordination (first revision)
23 IS 7973:1976 Code of practice for architectural and building working
24 IS 8338:1976 Recommendations relating to primary elements in the design of school library buildings
25 IS 8888(Part 1):1993 Guide for requirements of low income housing: Part 1 Urban area (first revision)
26 IS 10297:1982 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs using precast reinforced/prestressed concrete ribbed or cored slab unit
27 IS 10316:1986 Recommendations for modular co-ordination - basic module and sub-modular increments (Equivalent to ISO 1006:1973 and
28 IS 10505:1983 Code of practice for construction of floors and roofs using precast concrete waffle units
29 IS 10600:1983 Recommendations for modular co-ordination - principles and rules
30 IS 11447:1985 Code of practice for construction with large panel prefabricates
31 IS 11775:1986 Recommendations for modular co-ordination: notations and symbols for modular drawings
32 IS 12073:1987 Recommendations for modular co-ordination: Co-ordinating sizes for door-sets and window-sets
33 IS 13612(Part 1):1993 Modular co-ordination for normal brickwork - Recommendation: Part 1 Burnt clay bricks
34 IS 13613:1992 Recommendations for modular co-ordination in building industry: Location of structural walls and floor slabs
35 IS 13727:1993 Guide for requirements of cluster planning for housing
36 IS 13990:1994 Specification for precast reinforced concrete planks and joists for flooring and roofing
37 IS 13994:1994 Code of practice for design and construction of floor and roof with precast reinforced concrete planks and RC joist
38 IS 14142:1994 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs with prefabricated brick panel
39 IS 14143:1994 Specification for prefabricated brick panel and partially precast concrete joist for flooring and roofing
40 IS 14201:1994 Specification for precast reinforced concrete channel unit for construction of floors and roofs
41 IS 14213:1994 Code or practice for construction of walls using precast concrete stone masonry blocks
42 IS 14215:1994 Code of practice for design and construction of floors and roofs with precast reinforced concrete channel units
43 IS 14241:1995 Specification for precast reinforced concrete L-panel for roofing
44 IS 14242:1995 Code of practice for design and construction of roof with L- Panel units
45 IS 15916:2010 Building design and erection using prefabricated concrete - Code of practice
46 IS 15917:2010 Building design and erection using mixed/composite construction - Code of practice
1 IS 458:2003 Precast concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) - Specification (fourth revision)
2 IS 459:1992 Specification for unreinforced corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets (third revision)
3 IS 783:1985 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes (first revision)
4 IS 784:2001 Specification for prestressed concrete pipes (including specials)
5 IS 785:1998 Specification for reinforced concrete poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines (second revision)
6 IS 1332:1986 Specification for precast reinforced concrete street lighting poles (first revision)
7 IS 1592:2003 Specification for asbestos cement pressure pipes and joints
8 IS 1626(Part 1):1994 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings Part 1 Pipe and pipe fittings (second revision)
9 IS 1626(Part 2):1994 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings Part 2 Gutter and gutter fittings (second revision))
10 IS 1626(Part 3):1994 Specification for asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings and roofing fittings: Part 3 Roofing fitting
11 IS 1678:1998 Specification for prestressed concrete poles for overhead power, traction and telecommunication lines (second revision)
12 IS 1916:1989 Specification for steel cylinder pipe with concrete lining and coating (first revision)
13 IS 2096:1992 Specification for asbestos cement flat sheets (first revision)
14 IS 2098:1997 Specification for asbestos cement building boards (first revision)
15 IS 2174:1962 Specification for reinforced concrete dust bins
16 IS 2185(Part 1):2005 Specification for concrete masonry units: Part 1 Hollow and solid concrete blocks (third revision)
17 IS 2185(Part 2):1983 Specification for concrete masonry units: Part 2 Hollow and solid light weight concrete blocks (first revision) (superseding IS 3590)
18 IS 2185(Part 3):1984 Specification for concrete masonry units Part 3 Autoclaved cellular Aerated concrete blocks (first revision) (Superseding IS 5482)
19 IS 2185(Part 4):2008 Concrete masonry units - Specification: Cellular concrete blocks using preformed foam
20 IS 2193:1986 Specification for precast prestressed concrete street lighting poles (first revision)
21 IS 2572:2005 Code of practice for construction of hollow and solid concrete block masonry (first revision)
22 IS 2905:1989 Methods of test for concrete poles for overhead power and telecommunication lines (first revision)
23 IS 3007(Part 1):1999 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: Part 1 Corrugated sheets(first revision)
24 IS 3007(Part 2):1999 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: Part 2 Semi-corrugated sheets (first revision)
25 IS 3597:1998 Methods of test for concrete pipes (second revision)
26 IS 3632:1969 Method of test for determination of wet volume of asbestos
27 IS 4350:1967 Specification for concrete porous pipes for under-drainage
28 IS 4844:1968 Method of sampling and preparation of asbestos fibre for laboratory test purposes
29 IS 4996:1984 Specification for reinforced concrete fence posts (first revision)
30 IS 5328:1969 Method of test for determination of chemical composition of asbestos fibre
31 IS 5748:1969 Methods of test for tensile strength of asbestos fibre
32 IS 5751:1984 Specification for precast concrete coping blocks (first revision)
33 IS 5758:1984 Specification for precast concrete kerbs channels, edgings, quadrants and gutter aprons (first revision)
34 IS 5820:1970 Specification for precast concrete cable cover
35 IS 5913:2003 Methods of test for asbestos cement products (second revision)
36 IS 6041:1985 Code of practice for construction of autoclaved cellular concrete block masonry (first revision)
37 IS 6042:1969 Code of practice for construction of lightweight concrete block masonry
38 IS 6441(Part 1):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 1 Determination of unit weight or bulk density and moisture
39 IS 6441(Part 2):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 2 Determination of drying shrinkage
40 IS 6441(Part 4):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 4 Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in autoclaved cellular concrete
4 IS 6441(Part 5):1972 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 5 Determination of compressive strength
42 IS 6441(Part 6):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 6 Strength, deformation and cracking of flexural members subjects to bending, short duration loading test
43 IS 6441(Part 7):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 7 Strength, deformation and cracking of flexural members subject to bending sustained loading test
44 IS 6441(Part 8):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 8 Loading tests for flexural members in diagonal tension
45 IS 6441(Part 9):1973 Methods of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products: Part 9 Jointing of autoclaved cellular concrete elements
46 IS 6523:1983 Specification for precast reinforced concrete door and window frames (first revision)
47 IS 6530:1972 Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes
48 IS 6908:1991 Specification for asbestos cement pipes and fittings for sewerage and drainage(first revision)
49 IS 7319:1974 Specification for perforated concrete pipes
50 IS 7321:1974 Code of practice for selection, handling and erection of concrete poles for overhead power and telecommunication
51 IS 7322:1985 Specification for specials for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes (first revision)
52 IS 7639:1975 Methods of sampling of asbestos cement products
53 IS 8870:1978 Specification for asbestos cement cable conduits and troughs
54 IS 9375:1979 Specification for precast reinforced concrete plant guards
55 IS 9627:1980 Specification for asbestos cement pressure pipes (light duty)
56 IS 9690:1980 Method of test for determination of openness or fibrization of chrysotile asbestos fibre by air permeability method using Dyckerhoff apparatus
57 IS 9691:1980 Method of test for length distribution (wet classification of fibrelength) of chrysotile asbestos fibre using Bauer Mcnett classifier
58 IS 9745:1981 Method for determining strength giving properties of asbestos
59 IS 9872:1981 Specification for precast concrete septic tanks
60 IS 9893:1981 Specification for precast concrete lintels and sills
61 IS 11267:1985 Method of test for length distribution (wet classification of fibre length) of chrysotile asbestos fibre using Turner and Newall classifier
62 IS 11275:1985 Method of test for determination of crudiness and grit content of asbestos fibre
63 IS 11276:1985 Method of test for determination of openness or fiberization of chrysotile asbestos fibre by air permeability method using rapid surface area apparatus
64 IS 11450:2006 Method for determination of airborne asbestos fibre concentration in work environment by light microscopy (membrane filter method) (first revision)
65 IS 11451:1986 Recommendations for safety and health requirements relating to occupational exposure to asbestos
66 IS 11707:1986 Glossary of terms relating to asbestos
67 IS 11767:2005 Recommendations for cleaning of premises and plants using asbestos fibres (first revision)
68 IS 11768:1986 Recommendations for disposal of asbestos waste material
69 IS 11769(Part 1):1987 Guidelines for safe use of products containing asbestos: Part 1 Asbestos cement products
70 IS 11769(Part 2):2005 Guidelines for safe use of products containing asbestos: Part 2 Friction materials (first revision)
71 IS 11769(Part 3):1986 Guidelines for safe use of products containing asbestos: Part 3 Non-cement asbestos products other than friction materials
72 IS 11770(Part 1):1987 Recommendations for control of emission of asbestos dust in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos: Part 1 Asbestos cement products
73 IS 11770(Part 2):2006 Recommendations for control of emission of asbestos dust in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos: Part 2 Friction materials (first revision)
74 IS 11770(Part 3):1987 Recommendations for control of emission of asbestos dust in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos: Part 3 Non-cement asbestos products other than friction materials
75 IS 12078:1987 Recommendations for personal protection of workers engaged in handling asbestos
76 IS 12079:1987 Recommendations for packaging, transport and storage of asbestos
77 IS 12080:1987 Recommendations for local exhaust ventilation systems in premises manufacturing products containing asbestos
78 IS 12081(Part 1):1987 Recommendations for pictorial warning signs and precautionary notices for asbestos and products containing asbestos: Part 1 Workplaces
79 IS 12081(Part 2):1987 Recommendations for pictorial warning signs and precautionary notices for asbestos and products containing asbestos: Part 2 Asbestos and its products
80 IS 12082(Part 1):2006 Recommendations for control of asbestos emission: Part 1 Mining of asbestos ore (first revision)
81 IS 12082(Part 2):2006 Recommendations for control of asbestos emission: Part 2 Miling of asbestos ore (first revision)
82 IS 12440:1988 Specification for precast concrete stone masonry blocks
83 IS 12592:2002 Specification for precast concrete manhole covers and frames
84 IS 13000:1990 Specification for silica asbestos cement flat sheets
85 IS 13008:1990 Specification for shallow corrugated asbestos cement sheets
86 IS 13158:1991 Specification for prestressed concrete circular spun poles for overhead power, traction and telecommunication lines
87 IS 13356:1992 Specification for precast ferrocement water tanks (Up to 10000 litres capacity)
88 IS 14862:2000 Specification for fibre cement flat sheets
89 IS 14871:2000 Specification for products in fibre reinforced cement - long corrugated or asymmetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and cladding
90 IS 15155:2002 Specification for bar/wire wrapped steel cylinder pipes with mortar lining and coating (including specials)
1 IS 432(Part 1):1982 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars (third revision)
2 IS 432(Part 2):1982 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 2 Hard- drawn steel wire (third revision)
3 IS 1566:1982 Specification for hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement (second revision)
4 IS 1785(Part 1):1983 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete: Part 1 Cold-drawn stress relieved wire (second revision)
5 IS 1785(Part 2):1983 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete: Part 2 As drawn wire (first revision)
6 IS 1786:2008 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement - Specification (fourth revision) (superseding IS 1139:1966)
7 IS 2090:1983 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete (first revision)
8 IS 6003:2010 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete (second revision)
9 IS 6006:1983 Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for prestressed concrete (first revision)
10 IS 9417:1989 Welding - cold-worked steel bars for reinforced concrete construction recommendations for welding (First Revision)
11 IS 10790(Part 1):1984 Methods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete: Part 1 Prestressing steel
12 IS 10790(Part 2):1984 Methods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete: Part 2 Reinforcing steel
13 IS 13620:1993 Fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcing bars - Specification
14 IS 14268:1995 Uncoated stress relieved low relaxation seven ply strand for prestressed concrete - Specification
1 IS 460(Part 1):1985 Specification for test sieves: Part I Wire cloth test sieves
2 IS 460(Part 2):1985 Specification for test sieves: Part II Perforated plate test sieves
3 IS 460(Part 3):1985 Specification for test sieves: Part III Methods of examination of apertures of test sieves (third revision)
4 IS 1568:1970 Specification for wire cloth for general purposes (first revision)
5 IS 1607:2013 Methods for test sieving (second revision)
6 IS 2405(Part 1):1980 Specification for industrial sieves: Part 1 Wire cloth sieves
7 IS 2405(Part 2):1980 Specification for industrial sieves: Part 2 Perforated plates
8 IS 3150:1982 Specification for hexagonal wire netting for general purposes
9 IS 4124:1981 Glossary of terms relating to powders (first revision)
10 IS 4879:1968 Method of sub-division of gross sample of powder used for determination of particle size
11 IS 4961:1968 Determination of particle size of powders by air elutriatioin
12 IS 5257:1969 Specification for eyepiece and screen graticule for determination of particle size of powders
13 IS 5258:1969 Determination of particle size of powders by optical microscope method
14 IS 5282:1969 Liquid sedimentation methods for determination of particle size of powders
15 IS 5421:2013 Glossary of terms relating to test sieves and test sieving
16 IS 5742(Part 1):1970 Terms and symbols for sieve bottoms: Part 1 Woven and welded wire screens
17 IS 5742(Part 2):1970 Terms and symbols for sieve bottoms: Part 2 Perforated plates
18 IS 10483:1983 Code for designating perforations of industrial plate sieves
1 IS 14458(Part 1):1998 Retaining wall for hill area - Guidelines: Part 1 Selection of type of wall
2 IS 14458(Part 2):1997 Retaining wall for hill area - Guidelines: Part 2 Design of retaining/breast walls
3 IS 14458(Part 3):1998 Retaining wall for hill area - Guidelines: Part 3 Construction of dry stone walls
4 IS 14496(Part 2):1998 Preparation of landslide hazard zonation maps in mountainous terrains - Guidelines: Part 2 Macro-zonation
5 IS 14680:1999 Landslide control - Guidelines
6 IS 14804:2000 Siting design and selection of materials for residential buildings in hilly areas - Guidelines
7 IS 14961:2001 Rainwater harvesting in hilly areas by roof water collection system – Guidelines
1 IS 15498:2004 Guidelines for improving the cyclonic resistance of low rise houses and other buildings/structures
2 IS 15499:2004 Guidelines for survey of housing and building typology in cyclone prone areas for assessment of vulnerability of regions and post cyclone damage estimation