Difference b/w under reinforced and over reinforced beams??

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Your question is very general with less details, so here is answer for you in most general way.

Under Reinforced - you were expecting concrete to fail first and then reinforcement.

Over Reinforced - You expect steel to fail first and then concrete.

Under reinforced are better design - concrete is a brittle material, and when it fails the loads goes to steel and then steel start to expand.

This gives enough time to people to get escaped from structure and shows the symptoms in terms of cracking in concrete and sagging of structure.

The time from cracking, sagging to failure of structure might be longer say a month or a year, depending on the overall properties.

Over Reinforced - It is made to kill you (just for satisfaction of structural designer, he assure in case of failure, all life forms inside the build dies) as a concrete is brittle and failure in Rebar happen first. structure will collapse like how the building of cards collapse.

Hope it clears your concept in more general manner like your question.
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When the Total Volume of Steel increases More than 2% of Total Volume of Concrete , The Structure become Over Reinforced.
Failure Due to Over Reinforced structures are brittle in nature. there is high possibility that structure may not give the Warning (like Cracks etc.) before failure.
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