how to calculate the shuttering and centring work prices

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Better ask to a shuttering foreman or a contractor on how he calculate his rate.

This will make sure, you get full work details which you kept hidden on you mind and give you a true example where you know what material is used by contractor, what rate you given to them and how he makes profit out of it.

There are wide variety of shuttering systems in market, wide variety of building heights, shape of structure and architectural aspect peoples do construct around the globe.

There are many factors which are considered while evaluating rates for any kind of work - this a contractor can well explain to you.

Shuttering type
Convention - plywood or MS plates - Quality of material old or new, rate at which it purchased or hired and what number of repetition you get, what are the client requirement like changing of material after how many repetition or at what condition of boards (if Carpenter screws you by bad de-shuttering and client ask to replace plyboards after using it twice)
Use of props or Bamboo
Engineered formwork such as Doka, Peri, Mivan etc.

There are many factors which affect the rates as every project is unique in its kind.

Someone might help you if you make a project report on clients requirement and type of structure to be build.

Base on it, anyone can tell you what rate it will arrive at.

In general rate for doing shuttering activity varies from as low as 80 to as high as 800 per sqft base on many factors here in Mumbai.