How to convert cubic meter block work to square foot

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
There are two kinds of measuring system in sqft or sft
1. The quantity of Brickwork is paid base on a floor built up area where your plan length and width dimensions are taken.
2. The quantity of brickwork is paid base on your elevation area where length and heights are taken.

Size of the brickwork never mention as 300 x 200 x 200 (without unit) with rate of 5000 per cum. though i consider your dimensions might be in mm.

When you are going to measure the whatever work you done using 2nd method, you just need to make a measurement sheet where you record length and heights of all wall built by you in specific period (monthly / fortnightly / weekly / Daily) depending on your works payment schedule.
This is the only method which suits into your conversion of the rate.

I am considering your wall is 200 mm wide.

so the 1 cum of the 200mm wide blockwork in height of 1 meter could go up to length of

Length x Width x Height = 1 cum

Length x 0.2 meter x 1 meter = 1 cum

Length = 1 cum / (0.2 meter x 1 meter)

Length = 5 Meter

So when you create a wall of 5 meter long and 1 meter in height, it stands for the volume of 1 cum.

Now its surface area / elevation = Length x Height = 5 x 1 = 5 Sqm

Conversion factor from sqm to sqft = 10.76 (1 sqm is 10.76 sqft)

so you are actually building = 5 x 10.76 = 53.8 Square Foots of wall for rupees 5000

So you are building wall at rate per sqft = 5000 / 53.8 = 92.93 rupees per sqft which you may round to 93 per sqft in case your mode of payment is sqft.

If you are trying to understand for subletting it to mason and calculate your profits, then first do ask mason what he means by sqft floor area or wall area.

Mostly everywhere when it comes to sqft, floor built up area is termed for measurement of works.