redosing of admixture and water in ready mix concrete after 3 to 4 hours is safe or not?

in one of my client site they are casted column by redosing of water in conrete after 3 to 4 hours , because of that any mark in column is easily possible by hammer after 14 days. how can i achieve strength in this kind of column.

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Any addition of water in concrete further to mixing of concrete leads to reduction in strength unless the aggregates are absorbing more water than calculated at the time of mixing.

after 3 to 4 hours normally water addition will lead to low strength only.

It is always better to break those columns and recast same than doing remedies on it.
If slab work is completed and pouring of concrete is balance, then do cast column first by breaking them and then do cast slab.
If slab is casted, you can still break the columns by supporting the slab but it is not advisable, so you shall seek the help from your structural consultant.

to understand about redosing, you may read following thread to understand it.