White patches and efflorescence on the wall

My bedrooms have showed up these white patches with efflorescents.
This is almost after 3months of painting the wall.we had a leakage in the washroom but that water was falling outer part of the building.
2months back we got it rectified.
Are these white patches coz of that leakage coz there is no other source of water other than this
Efflorescence on wall.jpg
Efflorescence on wall2.jpg
Never Paint Again


porous bricks let damp into the wall

How to spot, and cure exterior brick wall efflorescence

Efflorescence in external walls of buildings is often wrongly attributed to a decorative issue, however this is not always the case and not dealing with brick wall problems like efflorescence can have serious consequences.
Brick walls often suffer from what is known as “wall efflorescence” which is generally described as crystallised salt or mineral deposits which settle on the face or surface of the bricks outside and they can often be seen as little white spots or dots on the outside brick wall surface.

What is Efflorescence and what can be done to remedy the problem?
Efflorescence normally occurs on the surface of bricks and is caused by the sand used in construction of the home containing mineral salt deposits which may be present in the clay used to make the bricks.
It usually presents itself as spots or white patches on the brick walls as you can see from the photo above.

Why does efflorescence occur?
The sand used to bind the brick together (the mortar), if salt deposits are present, will also cause similar problems, although this is often on older houses and especially homes of a certain age built near to the British coastline.
This is where sand was sourced locally for building, i.e, from the nearest beach, or from a quarry where, millions of years ago, the quarry was under water.

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
it look like a rising dampness on wall from floor.

It mostly happens when the water gets accumulated below the flooring tiles and on top of waterproofing. the accumulated water do then travel by taking slope of floor and when there is no way to pass further, it starts rising on the wall.

The another case as told by you, can happen when there will be leakage in plumbing line on wall. sometimes it take long to show a dampness on wall when the leakage in line is very tiny.

What You can do in such case ?

Well first you inspect the all floor and wall tile joints for no gaps in it. if the joints are opened up or gaps observed in it, do re-grouting of those joint with epoxy grout of matching color to tiles by raking all joints.

This is the first source from where the water do enter below flooring.

While doing grouting at all wall to floor corners, also do get floor tile joints grouted.

Grout is of high quality stone powders are available in market at price of approx 100 rupees per Kg and the additive which boost the strength longevity comes as additional part could cost you extra. you need to mix those part without adding water in it.

Now the hopefully, you had blocked the source of the rising dampness.

when water comes down from the wall to floor tiles corner and from floor tile joints, it first travel through a floor tile bedding towards a slope in washroom area. which is towards the Floor Trap.
If there is no escape to fall into a floor trap the water starts to accumulate on floor and then rise on wall. Kindly do remove a floor trap jali and do check for is there any water way made in it at floor tile bedding level.

The another source of water travelling below floor tiles could also be found at floor trap, when you remove the floor trap cover / jali, do check for the opening does matches exactly to the floor trap walls below, if there is no straight alignment of floor trap walls with, trap cover hole, do check the surface on which water do fall from trap cover is not damaged or disintegrated. - if its showing disintegrations, kindly make that surface rough and refinish it with cement paste and washroom should not be used for at least one day.

For doing grouting you can also use cement (white / gray) or cement base grouts - in cement base grouts, you need to ensure curing to it is done by keeping it moist for minimum 3 days.

Mostly by doing grouting of tile joints, your problem will get solve.