Dnyan Deshmukh
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  • sir please provide me Mix Design excel sheet formate for Self compacted concrete Grade M-30 to M-60 as soon
    possible as
    sir,how can i prepare the mix of cement flyash and silica tripple blend?there is only 2 option on your excel sheet
    Dear Dnyan, can you provide me your contact number. I am involved in manufacturing of products which requires ultra high strength concrete. I need to talk about it with you.
    Dear Dnyan sir,
    i am not unable to open your concrete mix design sheet because file is macro enabled so please help me to open the file.
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    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    You can click on enable micro upon opening the sheet in excel.
    Dear Dnyan Deshmukh
    Hope you are fine and doing well
    though my knowledge of creating a dashboard is absolutely zero so that I m facing a lot of problems can you pls guide me
    In the ground soil investigation both water and soil, chloride and Sulphate is encountered, so in this case the concrete mix design should be with SRC+GGBS+MS or OPC+GGBS+MS
    Can you please help to provide any good thesis report related to construction project management? This thesis should not be online otherwise it will be copy issue to me.

    If (ERP Software,P6 or any another software related to CPM SUBJECT) is used on the project then it will be really helpful to me.
    Dear Deshmukh,
    Can you please explain the GGBS manufacturing process, is it advisable to use GGBS for the columns/slabs in the commercial/residential buildings?
    Good evening sir,

    hope you are well and ok.

    can you please guide regarding how to take the SBC(of existing collapsed shed) and other analysis of the collapse shed of asbestos sheet rested over RCC column or any SOPs or codal provision regarding the same.
    Hello sir,
    Please clarify the below doubts
    1. Is that advisable to cast 2 diff mix design of concrete of same grade such as diff cem,diff agg,diff admix 4 same structure @ same time.
    2. Is that advisable to cast 2 diff grades of concrete for beam&slab separately but monolithically
    3.Wat r d plastering norms such as thickness&ratio for every locations i.e., External brick wall, inner wall, ceiling etc
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    1. Not advisable but in unavoidable condition pouring can be done in such a way that, identification of two concretes is possible in structure. this is required just in case when there is a failure observation in concrete cube compressive strength.

    2. Yes you can do that, first do cast beams and let the concrete of beam overflow into the slab and then cast the slab with concrete of slab grade.
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    ceiling - normally we should not do a plaster to ceiling but to makeup the undulation skin coat of up to 6mm is done to ceiling. higher thickness has chance of debonding and falling of the plaster.
    Walls - on internal face 12 to 15 mm and on external face too the range could be same or as per the condition at your site.
    Hello sir. I am Looking for a civil site engineer job in Bangalore.I have 7 months of experience in construction.
    what is the maximum height of 230mm fly ash brick wall without lintel??
    1.Per day is 1m height we are constructed but maximum height of the wall(230mm). In half brick work we have put Reinforcement in every 4 layer or 1m lintel bend provided.
    2. 230 mm brick wall height my site -3650mm & 4050mm its ok with out lintel/bend ?
    tausif khan
    tausif khan
    The maximum height for 230mm thick brick wall without lintel is 2.76m.
    tausif khan
    tausif khan
    No you should provide lintel at 2.76 m .
    Hi Deshmukh G , Very good morning

    I am facing the one little problem in the calculation , curing compound efficiency testing according to BS 7542:1992 given the formula in clause No 8 for efficiency , they are not simplify of Ec . I have searched lots of reference but cannt if you have any reference or idea please share to me . we are performing the test & taking Ec=Wc .
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    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Ec = Curing Compound Efficiency which is
    The efficiency of the curing compound in forming a membrane which reduces moisture loss is calculated from the measured loss in mass of the specimens, after correction for the loss of solvent from the coated specimen.
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    I do not have any idea about efficiency index formula as i never used it for calculating, but when you are making index by comparing efficiency with controlled sample, your index value will be 1.00+ or 100% + (your curing compound sample will always have less water evaporation than controlled sample)
    Pushpendra singh chouhan
    Pushpendra singh chouhan
    thanks for quick response..........ok
    Can you please suggest concrete mix that can act as slurry cum concrete of grade M40, as we wanted to avoid cost incurred due to slurry which is waste once concrete flow in and it will also save time majorly
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    you need to lubricate pipeline before start of the concrete so you can either use a slurry or ready made lubricant available in market which are also cheaper than producing slurry. Cost incurred due to slurry will be always negligible when comparing to make a concrete like slurry (SSC - self compacting)
    Can use
    Concrete Pump Slurry Pouch

    Its cost Effective compare to Cement Slurry
    whether this can be left in as part of concrete, as disposal of such lubricant is one more issue
    Dear Sir,

    One of our client asked the ratio for cylinder/cube is 0.8 in harden concrete after 28 days. But in is 456 cylinder/ cube ratio for core sample is 0.8.but as per ASTM, ACI for higher grade minimum cylinder strength should be Fck of the design. Is there any reference for ratio 0.8 or it is compulsory cylinder/ cube 0.8 is must?

    Kindly clarify

    Thanks & regards
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    Dnyan Deshmukh
    The carried load by a cube and cylinder varies for same grade due to height. you can make a concrete and cast few cubes and few cylinders and then do comparative testing for minimum 30 trials. You will arrive to something similar.
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