Why we use 150 mm size cube for compressive strength testing

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Why we use 150mm size cube for compressive strength testing.
Hi all civil engineer,

when i was in collage i wonder that all constructions site have the cube size of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.

IS 516 do mention that we should use 150mm size cube or 100mm size cube as alternative when maximum size of aggregates do not exceed 20mm.

Max construction site have the cube testing machine of capacity 100 ton / 1000kn. and our compressive strength calculation is load / area i.e.- n/mm2

If the loading area increases the load for crushing or load at which it fails also increases.

if you are checking M30 concrete and you requires min. comp strength of 33n/mm2 and the size of cube is 150mm then the load required to get this much strength is 742.5 Kn. if you use cube of size 300mm the load require becomes 2970 kn, this is practically not possible as to crush the cube u require 3000kn/300 ton capacity machine. When the applied load is much more the additional safety factors need to be increase because when cube fails under such loads may hit anything in room with bullet speed.

Also casting of this size cube and handling is not easy.

for feasibility, safety and ease of work we use 150mm size cubes.

if you have a machine with less capacity and load to crush the cube is more than the capacity of machine you can reduce the size of cube further to 100mm.

This you can do when you go for high grade concretes M50 and above and your machine capacity is 100 ton.


150 mm is the ideal size for cube making. It is big enough to take coarse grains of 20 mm size and small enough to be handled easily.

If the cube is too big, handling will be difficult. Also, the load required to test will be much higher which is another problem.

If cube is too small, we won’t get true strength due to large coarse grain present in concrete which create anisotropy in concrete.

150 mm is roughly half foot, so it is good round number to use.

But we use other cube sizes for different specific purposes like we test 100 mm cubes for concrete made of 10 mm coarse grain material. Also, we test 400 mm size cubes for concrete used in airports.

Apart from cubes, we use cylinders too for concrete testing.
Why we use 150mm size cube for compressive strength testing.
Hi all civil engineer,

when i was in collage i wonder that all constructions site have the cube size of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.

IS 516 do mention that we should use 150mm size cube or 100mm size cube as alternative when maximum size of aggregates do not exceed 20mm.

Max construction site have the cube testing machine of capacity 100 ton / 1000kn. and our compressive strength calculation is load / area i.e.- n/mm2

If the loading area increases the load for crushing or load at which it fails also increases.

if you are checking M30 concrete and you requires min. comp strength of 33n/mm2 and the size of cube is 150mm then the load required to get this much strength is 742.5 Kn. if you use cube of size 300mm the load require becomes 2970 kn, this is practically not possible as to crush the cube u require 3000kn/300 ton capacity machine. When the applied load is much more the additional safety factors need to be increase because when cube fails under such loads may hit anything in room with bullet speed.

Also casting of this size cube and handling is not easy.

for feasibility, safety and ease of work we use 150mm size cubes.

if you have a machine with less capacity and load to crush the cube is more than the capacity of machine you can reduce the size of cube further to 100mm.

This you can do when you go for high grade concretes M50 and above and your machine capacity is 100 ton.
Very useful information


Junior Member
Is all this a
150 mm is the ideal size for cube making. It is big enough to take coarse grains of 20 mm size and small enough to be handled easily.

If the cube is too big, handling will be difficult. Also, the load required to test will be much higher which is another problem.

If cube is too small, we won’t get true strength due to large coarse grain present in concrete which create anisotropy in concrete.

150 mm is roughly half foot, so it is good round number to use.

But we use other cube sizes for different specific purposes like we test 100 mm cubes for concrete made of 10 mm coarse grain material. Also, we test 400 mm size cubes for concrete used in airports.

Apart from cubes, we use cylinders too for concrete testing.
Is all this crt?
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Junior Member
Nice information sir thank you

Why we use 150mm size cube for compressive strength testing.
Hi all civil engineer,

when i was in collage i wonder that all constructions site have the cube size of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.

IS 516 do mention that we should use 150mm size cube or 100mm size cube as alternative when maximum size of aggregates do not exceed 20mm.

Max construction site have the cube testing machine of capacity 100 ton / 1000kn. and our compressive strength calculation is load / area i.e.- n/mm2

If the loading area increases the load for crushing or load at which it fails also increases.

if you are checking M30 concrete and you requires min. comp strength of 33n/mm2 and the size of cube is 150mm then the load required to get this much strength is 742.5 Kn. if you use cube of size 300mm the load require becomes 2970 kn, this is practically not possible as to crush the cube u require 3000kn/300 ton capacity machine. When the applied load is much more the additional safety factors need to be increase because when cube fails under such loads may hit anything in room with bullet speed.

Also casting of this size cube and handling is not easy.

for feasibility, safety and ease of work we use 150mm size cubes.

if you have a machine with less capacity and load to crush the cube is more than the capacity of machine you can reduce the size of cube further to 100mm.

This you can do when you go for high grade concretes M50 and above and your machine capacity is 100 ton.
IS: 456-2000 specified that the acceptance cretaria of concrete strength shall be 28 days compressive strength of 150 mm cubes average value of 3 cubes, the variation strength of these 3 cubes shall not be more than +/- 15 percent of average strength. For further details please visit Google site and log in to Acceptance cretaria of concrete strength as per IS: 456-2000 by Er Kaushal Kishore and also Concrete cube testing and concrete mix design by Er Kaushal Kishore


Senior Member
Very well explained,
have a query w.r.t cube strength result for M30 after 28 Days we are obtained M45 result and Mix design is 270 Kg of cement and 110 Kg of GGBS / Per Cum for M30, can we reduce the cement content by 15 Kg to limit the over stengnth of cubes.
Please suggest
Why we use 150mm size cube for compressive strength testing.
Hi all civil engineer,

when i was in collage i wonder that all constructions site have the cube size of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.

IS 516 do mention that we should use 150mm size cube or 100mm size cube as alternative when maximum size of aggregates do not exceed 20mm.

Max construction site have the cube testing machine of capacity 100 ton / 1000kn. and our compressive strength calculation is load / area i.e.- n/mm2

If the loading area increases the load for crushing or load at which it fails also increases.

if you are checking M30 concrete and you requires min. comp strength of 33n/mm2 and the size of cube is 150mm then the load required to get this much strength is 742.5 Kn. if you use cube of size 300mm the load require becomes 2970 kn, this is practically not possible as to crush the cube u require 3000kn/300 ton capacity machine. When the applied load is much more the additional safety factors need to be increase because when cube fails under such loads may hit anything in room with bullet speed.

Also casting of this size cube and handling is not easy.

for feasibility, safety and ease of work we use 150mm size cubes.

if you have a machine with less capacity and load to crush the cube is more than the capacity of machine you can reduce the size of cube further to 100mm.

This you can do when you go for high grade concretes M50 and above and your machine capacity is 100 ton.
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Very well explained,
have a query w.r.t cube strength result for M30 after 28 Days we are obtained M45 result and Mix design is 270 Kg of cement and 110 Kg of GGBS / Per Cum for M30, can we reduce the cement content by 15 Kg to limit the over stengnth of cubes.
Please suggest

Dnyan Deshmukh

Staff member
Very well explained,
have a query w.r.t cube strength result for M30 after 28 Days we are obtained M45 result and Mix design is 270 Kg of cement and 110 Kg of GGBS / Per Cum for M30, can we reduce the cement content by 15 Kg to limit the over stengnth of cubes.
Please suggest

Yes, you can optimize mix further by reducing cement content provided you get desired results after conducting trials.

Karthick P

Senior Member
Why we use 150mm size cube for compressive strength testing.
Hi all civil engineer,

when i was in collage i wonder that all constructions site have the cube size of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.

IS 516 do mention that we should use 150mm size cube or 100mm size cube as alternative when maximum size of aggregates do not exceed 20mm.

Max construction site have the cube testing machine of capacity 100 ton / 1000kn. and our compressive strength calculation is load / area i.e.- n/mm2

If the loading area increases the load for crushing or load at which it fails also increases.

if you are checking M30 concrete and you requires min. comp strength of 33n/mm2 and the size of cube is 150mm then the load required to get this much strength is 742.5 Kn. if you use cube of size 300mm the load require becomes 2970 kn, this is practically not possible as to crush the cube u require 3000kn/300 ton capacity machine. When the applied load is much more the additional safety factors need to be increase because when cube fails under such loads may hit anything in room with bullet speed.

Also casting of this size cube and handling is not easy.

for feasibility, safety and ease of work we use 150mm size cubes.

if you have a machine with less capacity and load to crush the cube is more than the capacity of machine you can reduce the size of cube further to 100mm.

This you can do when you go for high grade concretes M50 and above and your machine capacity is 100 ton.

Refer IS code 516 (1959) Clauses 2.8


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